# This file is part of OpenDrift.
# OpenDrift is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, version 2
# OpenDrift is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with OpenDrift. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
# This reader supports native SCHISM output netcdf files and will
# handle interpolation of current velocities and other variables
# in 2D and 3D.
# The interpolation is done using a cKDtree-approach defined
# form the 2D or 3D mesh nodes
# Author: Simon Weppe. MetOcean Solution, MetService New Zealand
# This version aims to be more consistent with the new Opendrift release,
# and re-uses some of the methods in unstructured.py, and better follow
# the new logics
# Note the interpolation approach is closer to what is done in
# structured.py with cached reader "blocks" that are re-used for
# successive interpolation between two model time steps.
# unstructured.py instead of reading data at each interpolation cycle
import logging
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
import numpy as np
from datetime import datetime
from netCDF4 import num2date
from scipy.interpolate import LinearNDInterpolator
from scipy.spatial import cKDTree #cython-based KDtree for quick nearest-neighbor search
import pyproj
from opendrift.readers.basereader import BaseReader, UnstructuredReader
from opendrift.readers.basereader.consts import *
import xarray as xr
class Reader(BaseReader,UnstructuredReader):
A reader for unstructured (irregularily gridded) `SCHISM` files.
:param filename: a single SCHISM netcdf output file, or a pattern of files.
The netCDF file can also be an URL to an OPeNDAP server.
:type filename: string, required.
:param name: Name of reader
:type name: string, optional
:param proj4: PROJ.4 string describing projection of data.
:type proj4: string, optional
:param use_3d: switch to use 3d flows (if available)
:type use_3d: boolean, optional
.. seealso::
def __init__(self, filename=None, name=None, proj4=None, use_3d = None):
if filename is None:
raise ValueError('Need filename as argument to constructor')
filestr = str(filename)
if name is None:
self.name = filestr
self.name = name
# Default interpolation method, see function interpolate_block()
self.interpolation = 'linearNDFast'
self.convolve = None # Convolution kernel or kernel size
# [name_used_in_schism : equivalent_CF_name used in opendrift]
schism_mapping = {
'dahv': 'x_sea_water_velocity',
'dahv': 'y_sea_water_velocity',
'hvel': 'x_sea_water_velocity',
'hvel': 'y_sea_water_velocity',
'depth': 'sea_floor_depth_below_sea_level',
'elev' : 'sea_surface_height',
'temp' : 'sea_water_temperature',
'salt' : 'sea_water_salinity',
'zcor' : 'vertical_levels', # time-varying vertical coordinates
'sigma': 'ocean_s_coordinate',
'vertical_velocity' : 'upward_sea_water_velocity'}
# diffusivity
# viscosity
self.return_block = True
# Open file, check that everything is ok
logger.info('Opening dataset: ' + filestr)
if ('*' in filestr) or ('?' in filestr) or ('[' in filestr):
logger.info('Opening files with MFdataset')
# self.dataset = MFdataset(filename)
self.dataset = xr.open_mfdataset(filename,chunks={'time': 1}, decode_times=False)
logger.info('Opening file with dataset')
# self.dataset = dataset(filename, 'r')
self.dataset = xr.open_dataset(filename,chunks={'time': 1}, decode_times=False)
except Exception as e:
raise ValueError(e)
# Define projection of input data
if proj4 is not None: # user has provided a projection apriori
self.proj4 = proj4
else: # no input assumes latlon
logger.debug('Lon and lat are 1D arrays, assuming latlong projection: proj4 = ''+proj=latlong''')
self.proj4 = '+proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +no_defs' #'+proj=latlong'
# check if 3d data is available and if we should use it
self.use_3d = use_3d
if self.use_3d is None : # not specified, use 3d data by default (if available)
if 'hvel' in self.dataset.variables:
self.use_3d = True
self.use_3d = False
if self.use_3d and 'hvel' not in self.dataset.variables:
logger.debug('No 3D velocity data in file - cannot find variable ''hvel'' ')
elif self.use_3d and 'hvel' in self.dataset.variables:
if 'zcor' in self.dataset.variables: # both hvel and zcor in files - all good
self.nb_levels = self.dataset.variables['hvel'].shape[2] #hvel dimensions : [time,node,lev,2]
logger.debug('No vertical level information present in file ''zcor'' ... stopping')
raise ValueError('variable ''zcor'' must be present in netcdf file to be able to use 3D currents')
logger.debug('Finding coordinate variables.')
# Find x, y and z coordinates
for var_name in self.dataset.variables:
if var_name in ['SCHISM_hgrid_face_x','SCHISM_hgrid_face_y','SCHISM_hgrid_edge_x','SCHISM_hgrid_edge_y']:
# all these variables have the same standard name projection_x_coordinate,projection_y_coordinate
# we need to only use :
# SCHISM_hgrid_node_x as projection_x_coordinate
# SCHISM_hgrid_node_y as projection_y_coordinate
# which are the nodes (also called vertices)
var = self.dataset.variables[var_name]
attributes = var.attrs
att_dict = var.attrs
standard_name = ''
long_name = ''
axis = ''
units = ''
CoordinateAxisType = ''
if 'standard_name' in attributes:
standard_name = att_dict['standard_name']
if 'long_name' in attributes:
long_name = att_dict['long_name']
if 'axis' in attributes:
axis = att_dict['axis']
if 'units' in attributes:
units = att_dict['units']
if '_CoordinateAxisType' in attributes:
CoordinateAxisType = att_dict['_CoordinateAxisType']
if standard_name == 'longitude' or \
long_name == 'longitude' or \
var_name == 'longitude' or \
axis == 'X' or \
CoordinateAxisType == 'Lon' or \
standard_name == 'projection_x_coordinate':
self.xname = var_name
if var.ndim == 2:
# When datasets are concatenated by mfdataset(), coordinates vector (1D) may
# be tiled to a 2D array of size (time,node), keep only one vector for x,y
var = var[0,:]
# Fix for units; should ideally use udunits package
if units == 'km':
unitfactor = 1000
unitfactor = 1
var_data = var.values
x = var_data*unitfactor
self.unitfactor = unitfactor
self.numx = var.shape[0]
if standard_name == 'latitude' or \
long_name == 'latitude' or \
var_name == 'latitude' or \
axis == 'Y' or \
CoordinateAxisType == 'Lat' or \
standard_name == 'projection_y_coordinate':
self.yname = var_name
if var.ndim == 2:
var = var[0,:]
# Fix for units; should ideally use udunits package
if units == 'km':
unitfactor = 1000
unitfactor = 1
var_data = var.values
y = var_data*unitfactor
self.numy = var.shape[0]
if standard_name == 'depth' or axis == 'Z':
var_data = var.values
if 'positive' not in var.attrs or \
var.attrs['positive'] == 'up':
self.z = var_data
self.z = -var_data
if standard_name == 'time' or axis == 'T' or var_name == 'time':
var_data = var.values
# Read and store time coverage (of this particular file)
time = var_data
time_units = units
if 'calendar' in var.attrs:
calendar = var.attrs['calendar']
calendar = 'standard'
self.times = num2date(time, time_units, calendar=calendar)
self.start_time = self.times[0]
self.end_time = self.times[-1]
if len(self.times) > 1:
self.time_step = self.times[1] - self.times[0]
self.time_step = None
if 'x' not in locals():
raise ValueError('Did not find x-coordinate variable')
if 'y' not in locals():
raise ValueError('Did not find y-coordinate variable')
self.x = x
self.y = y
if not (self.x>360.).any() and self.use_3d :
logger.debug('Native (x,y) coordinates are lon/lat - cannot use 3D data, setting use_3d = False')
self.use_3d = False
import pdb;pdb.set_trace()
# the 3D interpolation currently doesnt work if the x,y coordinates in native netcdf files
# are not cartesian but geographic. If that is the case, when doing 3D interpolation and tree search,
# the vertical distance unit is meter, while the horizontal distance unit is degrees, which will return
# erroneous "closest" nodes in ReaderBlockUnstruct,interpolate()
# Run constructor of parent Reader class
super(Reader, self).__init__()
# compute CKDtree of (static) 2D nodes using _build_ckdtree_() from unstructured.py
logger.debug('Building CKDtree of static 2D nodes for nearest-neighbor search')
self.reader_KDtree = self._build_ckdtree_(self.x,self.y)
# build convex hull of points for particle-in-mesh checks using _build_boundary_polygon_() from unstructured.py
logger.debug('Building convex hull of nodes for particle''s in-mesh checks')
self.boundary = self._build_boundary_polygon_(self.x,self.y)
# Find all variables having standard_name
self.variable_mapping = {}
for var_name in self.dataset.variables:
if var_name in [self.xname, self.yname]: #'depth'
continue # Skip coordinate variables
var = self.dataset.variables[var_name]
attributes = var.attrs
att_dict = var.attrs
if var_name in schism_mapping:
# current velocity variables ['dahv','hvel'] need special treatment because
# [u,v] components are saved in the same variable i.e.
# u = nc.variables['hvel'][0,:,:]
# v = nc.variables['hvel'][1,:,:]
# this means both x_sea_water_velocity and y_sea_water_velocity
# will be mapped to same name. Correct data will be then extracted
# in get_variables()
if var_name == 'hvel' and self.use_3d : # then use 3d data
self.variable_mapping['x_sea_water_velocity'] = str(var_name)
self.variable_mapping['y_sea_water_velocity'] = str(var_name)
elif var_name == 'hvel' and not self.use_3d: # skip
elif var_name == 'dahv' and self.use_3d : # skip
elif var_name == 'dahv' and not self.use_3d: # then use depth-averaged data
self.variable_mapping['x_sea_water_velocity'] = str(var_name)
self.variable_mapping['y_sea_water_velocity'] = str(var_name)
else: # standard mapping
self.variable_mapping[schism_mapping[var_name]] = \
self.variables = list(self.variable_mapping.keys())
self.xmin = self.x.min()
self.xmax = self.x.max()
self.ymin = self.y.min()
self.ymax = self.y.max()
# Dictionaries to store blocks of data for reuse (buffering)
self.var_block_before = {} # Data for last timestep before present
self.var_block_after = {} # Data for first timestep after present
def get_variables(self, requested_variables, time=None,
x=None, y=None, z=None, block=False):
""" The function extracts 'requested_variables' from the native SCHISM files
which will then be used in _get_variables_interpolated_() to initialise the ReaderBlockUnstruct objects
used to interpolate data in space and time
For now the function will extract the entire slice of data of 'requested_variables' at given 'time'
There is an option to extract only a subset of data around particles clouds to have less data but
it means we need to recompute the KDtree of the subset nodes every time in ReaderBlockUnstruct.
(Speed gain to be tested)
requested_variables, time, x, y, z, outside = \
self.check_arguments(requested_variables, time, x, y, z)
nearestTime, dummy1, dummy2, indxTime, dummy3, dummy4 = \
x = np.atleast_1d(x)
y = np.atleast_1d(y)
variables = {'x': self.x, 'y': self.y, 'z': 0.*self.y,
'time': nearestTime}
# extracts the full slices of requested_variables at time indxTime
for par in requested_variables:
if par not in ['x_sea_water_velocity','y_sea_water_velocity'] :
# standard case - for all variables except current velocities
var = self.dataset.variables[self.variable_mapping[par]]
if var.ndim == 1:
data = var[:] # e.g. depth
logger.debug('reading constant data from unstructured reader %s' % (par))
elif var.ndim == 2:
data = var[indxTime,:] # e.g. 2D temperature
logger.debug('reading 2D data from unstructured reader %s' % (par))
elif var.ndim == 3:
data = var[indxTime,:,:] # e.g. 3D salt [time,node,lev]
logger.debug('reading 3D data from unstructured reader %s' % (par))
# convert 3D data matrix to one column array and define corresponding data coordinates [x,y,z]
# (+ update variables dictionary with 3d coords if needed)
data,variables = self.convert_3d_to_array(indxTime,data,variables)
raise ValueError('Wrong dimension of %s: %i' %
(self.variable_mapping[par], var.ndim))
else :
# requested variables are current velocities
# In SCHISM netcdf filesboth [u,v] components are saved
# as two different dimensions of the same variable.
var = self.dataset.variables[self.variable_mapping[par]]
if var.ndim == 3: # depth-averaged current data 'dahv' defined at each node and time [time,node,2]
if par == 'x_sea_water_velocity':
data = var[indxTime,:,0]
elif par == 'y_sea_water_velocity':
data = var[indxTime,:,1]
logger.debug('reading 2D velocity data from unstructured reader %s' % (par))
elif var.ndim == 4: # #3D current data 'hvel' defined at each node, level, and time [time,node,zcor,2]
if par == 'x_sea_water_velocity':
data = var[indxTime,:,:,0] #hvel dimensions : [time,node,lev,2]
elif par == 'y_sea_water_velocity':
data = var[indxTime,:,:,1] #hvel dimensions : [time,node,lev,2]
logger.debug('reading 3D velocity data from unstructured reader %s' % (par))
# convert 3D data matrix to one column array and define corresponding data coordinates [x,y,z]
# (+ update variables dictionary with 3d coords if needed)
data,variables = self.convert_3d_to_array(indxTime,data,variables)
variables[par] = data # save all data slice to dictionary with key 'par'
variables[par] = np.asarray(variables[par])
return variables
def convert_3d_to_array(self,id_time,data,variable_dict):
The function reshapes a data matrix of dimensions = [node,vertical_levels] (i.e. data at vertical levels, at given time step)
into a one-column array and works out corresponding 3d coordinates [lon,lat,z] using the time-varying
'zcor' variable in SCHISM files (i.e. vertical level positions).
These 3D coordinates will be used to build the 3D KDtree for data interpolation and will be added to the 'variable_dict'
which is eventually passed to get_variables_interpolated().
out :
-flattened 'data' array
-addition of ['x_3d','y_3d','z_3d'] items to variable_dict if needed.
vertical_levels = self.dataset.variables['zcor'][id_time,:,:]
# depth are negative down consistent with convention used in OpenDrift
# if using the netCDF4 library, vertical_levels is masked array where "masked" levels are those below seabed (= 9.9692100e+36)
# if using the xarray library, vertical_levels is nan for levels are those below seabed
# convert to masked array to be consistent with what netCDF4 lib returns
vertical_levels = np.ma.array(vertical_levels, mask = np.isnan(vertical_levels.data))
data = np.asarray(data)
# vertical_levels.mask = np.isnan(vertical_levels.data) # masked using nan's when using xarray
logger.debug('no vertical level information present in file ''zcor'' ... stopping')
raise ValueError('variable ''zcor'' must be present in netcdf file to be able to use 3D currents')
# flatten 3D data
data = np.ravel(data[~vertical_levels.mask])
# add corresponding 3D coordinates to the 'variable_dict' which is eventually passed to get_variables_interpolated()
# Note: these 3d coordinates will be the same for all 3d data (current,salt/temp etc..), and will change at each reader time step
# They are saved as ['x_3d','y_3d','z_3d'] rather than ['x','y','z'] as it would break things when both 2d and 3d data are requested.
if 'z_3d' not in variable_dict.keys():
# now make a long 3-column array [lon,lat,z] [n_nodes x 3] at which 'data' is defined
# tile lon/lat data so that array shape match vertical_levels shape
x_tiled = np.tile(self.x,(self.nb_levels,1)).T # dimensions [node,vertical_levels]
y_tiled = np.tile(self.y,(self.nb_levels,1)).T
# lon_tiled = np.tile(self.lon,(self.nb_levels,1)).T # dimensions [node,vertical_levels]
# lat_tiled = np.tile(self.lat,(self.nb_levels,1)).T
# arrays are tiled so that lon_tiled[0,:] = return same value i.e. same lon/lat for all z levels
if x_tiled.shape != vertical_levels.shape:
import pdb;pdb.set_trace()
# convert to masked array consistent with vertical_levels
x_tiled_ma = np.ma.array(x_tiled, mask = vertical_levels.mask)
y_tiled_ma = np.ma.array(y_tiled, mask = vertical_levels.mask)
# flatten arrays and add to dictionary
variable_dict['x_3d'] = np.ravel(x_tiled_ma[~vertical_levels.mask])
variable_dict['y_3d'] = np.ravel(y_tiled_ma[~vertical_levels.mask])
variable_dict['z_3d'] = np.ravel(vertical_levels[~vertical_levels.mask])
return data,variable_dict
def _get_variables_interpolated_(self, variables, profiles,
profiles_depth, time,
reader_x, reader_y, z):
This method _must_ be implemented by every reader. Usually by
subclassing one of the reader types (e.g.
Arguments are in _native projection_ of reader.
.. seealso:
* :meth:`get_variables_interpolated_xy`.
* :meth:`get_variables_interpolated`.
Here, this function overloads the _get_variables_interpolated_() methods
available in unstructured.py. (which currently doesnt make use of blocks)
The _get_variables_interpolated_() from structured.py uses regularly gridded
data "ReaderBlock" extracted from the netcdf files (which may possibly be "cached"
for speed improvements - see code for more detail).
This function follows a similar approach but is instead using the native
high-resolution SCHISM data stored in "ReaderBlockUnstruct" which are used to
interpolate data in space and time.
The function returns environment data 'env' interpolated at particle positions [x,y]
# Find reader time_before/time_after
time_nearest, time_before, time_after, i1, i2, i3 = \
logger.debug('Reader time:\n\t\t%s (before)\n\t\t%s (after)' %
(time_before, time_after))
# For variables which are not time dependent, we do not care about time
static_variables = ['sea_floor_depth_below_sea_level', 'land_binary_mask']
if time == time_before or all(v in static_variables for v in variables):
time_after = None
if profiles is not None:
# If profiles are requested for any parameters, we
# add two fake points at the end of array to make sure that the
# requested block has the depth range required for profiles
mx = np.append(reader_x, [reader_x[-1], reader_x[-1]])
my = np.append(reader_y, [reader_y[-1], reader_y[-1]])
mz = np.append(z, [profiles_depth[0], profiles_depth[1]])
mx = reader_x
my = reader_y
mz = z
# start interpolation procedure
# general idea is to create a new "ReaderBlockUnstruct" class that will be called instead of
# the regular "ReaderBlock" as in basereader.py
# This allows re-using almost the same code as structured.py for the block_before/block_after
block_before = block_after = None
blockvariables_before = variables
blockvars_before = str(variables)
blockvariables_after = variables
blockvars_after = str(variables)
for blockvars in self.var_block_before:
if all(v in blockvars for v in variables):
block_before = self.var_block_before[blockvars]
blockvariables_before = block_before.data_dict.keys()
blockvars_before = blockvars
blockvariables_before = variables
blockvars_before = str(variables)
for blockvars in self.var_block_after:
if all(v in blockvars for v in variables):
block_after = self.var_block_after[blockvars]
blockvariables_after = block_after.data_dict.keys()
blockvars_after = blockvars
# Swap before- and after-blocks if matching times
if block_before is not None and block_after is not None:
if block_before.time != time_before:
if block_after.time == time_before:
block_before = block_after
self.var_block_before[blockvars_before] = block_before
if block_after.time != time_after:
if block_before.time == time_before:
block_after = block_before
self.var_block_after[blockvars_after] = block_after
# Fetch data, if no buffer is available
if block_before is None or \
block_before.time != time_before:
reader_data_dict = \
self.get_variables(blockvariables_before, time_before,
mx, my, mz))
# now use reader_data_dict to initialize
# a ReaderBlockUnstruct
logger.debug('initialize ReaderBlockUnstruct var_block_before')
self.var_block_before[blockvars_before] = \
KDtree = self.reader_KDtree,
len_z = len(self.var_block_before[blockvars_before].z)
len_z = 1
logger.debug(('Fetched env-block (size %ix%ix%i) ' +
'for time before (%s)') %
len_z, time_before))
block_before = self.var_block_before[blockvars_before]
if block_after is None or block_after.time != time_after:
if time_after is None:
self.var_block_after[blockvars_after] = \
reader_data_dict = self.__convolve_block__(
self.get_variables(blockvariables_after, time_after, mx,
my, mz))
logger.debug('initialize ReaderBlockUnstruct var_block_after')
self.var_block_after[blockvars_after] = \
KDtree = self.reader_KDtree,
len_z = len(self.var_block_after[blockvars_after].z)
len_z = 1
logger.debug(('Fetched env-block (size %ix%ix%i) ' +
'for time after (%s)') %
len_z, time_after))
block_after = self.var_block_after[blockvars_after]
if (block_before is not None and block_before.covers_positions(
reader_x, reader_y) is False) or (\
block_after is not None and block_after.covers_positions(
reader_x, reader_y) is False):
import pdb;pdb.set_trace()
logger.warning('Data block from %s not large enough to '
'cover element positions within timestep. '
'Buffer size (%s) must be increased.' %
(self.name, str(self.buffer)))
# Interpolate before/after blocks onto particles in space
logger.debug('Interpolating before (%s) in space (%s)' %
(block_before.time, self.interpolation))
env_before, env_profiles_before = block_before.interpolate(
reader_x, reader_y, z, variables,
profiles, profiles_depth)
if (time_after is not None) and (time_before != time):
logger.debug('Interpolating after (%s) in space (%s)' %
(block_after.time, self.interpolation))
env_after, env_profiles_after = block_after.interpolate(
reader_x, reader_y, z, variables,
profiles, profiles_depth)
# Time interpolation
env_profiles = None
if (time_after is not None) and (time_before != time) and self.return_block is True:
weight_after = ((time - time_before).total_seconds() /
(time_after - time_before).total_seconds())
logger.debug(('Interpolating before (%s, weight %.2f) and'
'\n\t\t after (%s, weight %.2f) in time') %
(block_before.time, 1 - weight_after,
block_after.time, weight_after))
env = {}
for var in variables:
# Weighting together, and masking invalid entries
env[var] = np.ma.masked_invalid((env_before[var] *
(1 - weight_after) +
env_after[var] * weight_after))
if var in standard_names.keys():
invalid = np.where((env[var] < standard_names[var]['valid_min'])
| (env[var] > standard_names[var]['valid_max']))[0]
if len(invalid) > 0:
logger.warning('Invalid values found for ' + var)
logger.warning('(allowed range: [%s, %s])' %
logger.warning('Replacing with NaN')
env[var][invalid] = np.nan
# Interpolating vertical profiles in time
if profiles is not None:
env_profiles = {}
logger.info('Interpolating profiles in time')
# Truncating layers not present both before and after
numlayers = np.minimum(len(env_profiles_before['z']),
env_profiles['z'] = env_profiles_before['z'][0:numlayers+1]
for var in env_profiles_before.keys():
if var == 'z':
env_profiles[var] = (
env_profiles_before[var][0:numlayers, :] *
(1 - weight_after) +
env_profiles_after[var][0:numlayers, :]*weight_after)
env_profiles = None
logger.debug('No time interpolation needed - right on time.')
env = env_before
if profiles is not None:
if 'env_profiles_before' in locals():
env_profiles = env_profiles_before
# Copying data from environment to vertical profiles
env_profiles = {'z': profiles_depth}
for var in profiles:
env_profiles[var] = np.ma.array([env[var], env[var]])
# the masking, rotation etc.. is done in variables.py get_variables_interpolated_xy()
return env, env_profiles
# copied from StructuredReader
def set_convolution_kernel(self, convolve):
"""Set a convolution kernel or kernel size (of array of ones) used by `get_variables` on read variables."""
self.convolve = convolve
def __convolve_block__(self, env):
Convolve arrays with a kernel, if reader.convolve is set
if self.convolve is not None:
from scipy import ndimage
N = self.convolve
if isinstance(N, (int, np.integer)):
kernel = np.ones((N, N))
kernel = kernel / kernel.sum()
kernel = N
logger.debug('Convolving variables with kernel: %s' % kernel)
for variable in env:
if variable in ['x', 'y', 'z', 'time']:
if env[variable].ndim == 2:
env[variable] = ndimage.convolve(env[variable],
elif env[variable].ndim == 3:
env[variable] = ndimage.convolve(env[variable],
kernel[:, :, None],
return env
def covers_positions_xy(self, x, y, z=0):
Check which points are within boundary of mesh.
Wrapper function of covers_positions() from unstructured.py which is called in
get_variables_interpolated_xy() function from variables.py
It returns indices of in-mesh points, and in-mesh point coordinates rather than a boolean array (inside/outside)
Within get_variables_interpolated_xy() from variables.py, data is queried for these in-mesh points only and the
full array (incl. out of mesh positions) is re-generated with correct masking
ind_covered = np.where(self.covers_positions(x, y))[0]
return ind_covered ,x[ind_covered], y[ind_covered]
def plot_mesh(self, variable=None, vmin=None, vmax=None,
filename=None, title=None, buffer=1, lscale='auto',plot_time = None):
"""Plot geographical coverage of reader."""
# In Dev - plot unstructured mesh
# To do
# - plot a given timestep, and levels for flows
# - incorporate that to animation as in basemodel.py etc...
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.patches import Polygon
import cartopy.crs as ccrs
import cartopy.feature as cfeature
from opendrift_landmask_data import Landmask
import matplotlib.tri as mtri
fig = plt.figure()
if plot_time is None :
plot_time = self.start_time
corners = self.xy2lonlat([self.xmin, self.xmin, self.xmax, self.xmax],
[self.ymax, self.ymin, self.ymax, self.ymin])
lonmin = np.min(corners[0]) - buffer*2
lonmax = np.max(corners[0]) + buffer*2
latmin = np.min(corners[1]) - buffer
latmax = np.max(corners[1]) + buffer
latspan = latmax - latmin
# Initialise map
if latspan < 90:
# Stereographic projection centred on domain, if small domain
x0 = (self.xmin + self.xmax) / 2
y0 = (self.ymin + self.ymax) / 2
lon0, lat0 = self.xy2lonlat(x0, y0)
sp = ccrs.Stereographic(central_longitude=lon0, central_latitude=lat0)
ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1, projection=sp)
corners_stere = sp.transform_points(ccrs.PlateCarree(), np.array(corners[0]), np.array(corners[1]))
# Global map if reader domain is large
sp = ccrs.Mercator()
ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1, projection=sp)
#map = Basemap(np.array(corners[0]).min(), -89,
# np.array(corners[0]).max(), 89,
# resolution='c', projection='cyl')
# GSHHS coastlines
f = cfeature.GSHHSFeature(scale=lscale, levels=[1,5,6],
f.intersecting_geometries([lonmin, lonmax, latmin, latmax]),
gl = ax.gridlines(ccrs.PlateCarree())
gl.xlabels_top = False
# Get boundary
npoints = 10 # points per side
x = np.array([])
y = np.array([])
x = np.concatenate((x, np.linspace(self.xmin, self.xmax, npoints)))
y = np.concatenate((y, [self.ymin]*npoints))
x = np.concatenate((x, [self.xmax]*npoints))
y = np.concatenate((y, np.linspace(self.ymin, self.ymax, npoints)))
x = np.concatenate((x, np.linspace(self.xmax, self.xmin, npoints)))
y = np.concatenate((y, [self.ymax]*npoints))
x = np.concatenate((x, [self.xmin]*npoints))
y = np.concatenate((y, np.linspace(self.ymax, self.ymin, npoints)))
# from x/y vectors create a Patch to be added to map
lon, lat = self.xy2lonlat(x, y)
lat[lat>89] = 89.
lat[lat<-89] = -89.
p = sp.transform_points(ccrs.PlateCarree(), lon, lat)
xsp = p[:, 0]
ysp = p[:, 1]
if variable is None: # generic plot to check extents
boundary = Polygon(list(zip(xsp, ysp)), alpha=0.5, ec='k', fc='b',
# add nodes
rx = np.array([self.xmin, self.xmax])
ry = np.array([self.ymin, self.ymax])
data = self.get_variables('sea_floor_depth_below_sea_level', plot_time,rx, ry, block=True)
rlon, rlat = self.xy2lonlat(data['x'], data['y']) # node coordinates
ax.plot(rlon,rlat, '.',transform=ccrs.PlateCarree())
# set extents
buf = (xsp.max()-xsp.min())*.1 # Some whitespace around polygon
buf = 0
ax.set_extent([xsp.min()-buf, xsp.max()+buf, ysp.min()-buf, ysp.max()+buf], crs=sp)
if title is None:
plt.xlabel('Time coverage: %s to %s' %
(self.start_time, self.end_time))
if variable is not None:
if len(variable) == 1: # simple scalar variable
variable = variable[0]
rx = np.array([self.xmin, self.xmax])
ry = np.array([self.ymin, self.ymax])
data = self.get_variables(variable, plot_time,rx, ry, block=True)
rlon, rlat = self.xy2lonlat(data['x'], data['y']) # node coordinates
data[variable] = np.ma.masked_invalid(data[variable])
# ax.plot(rlon,rlat, '.',transform=ccrs.PlateCarree())
# build triangulation
triang =mtri.Triangulation(rlon,rlat, triangles=face, mask=None)
# plot the variable
ax.tricontourf(triang, data[variable],vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, transform=ccrs.PlateCarree())
# add the triangular mesh - too slow
# ax.triplot(triang, transform=ccrs.PlateCarree())
elif len(variable)>1 and all('water' in var for var in variable): # vector field variable = ['x_sea_water_velocity','y_sea_water_velocity']
pass # not implemented yet
ax.set_extent([xsp.min()-.5, xsp.max()+.5, ysp.min()-.5, ysp.max()+.5], crs=sp)
try: # Activate figure zooming
mng = plt.get_current_fig_manager()
if filename is not None:
import pdb;pdb.set_trace()
# ReaderBlockUnstruct class
# horizontal_interpolation_methods = {
# 'nearest': Nearest2DInterpolator,
# 'ndimage': NDImage2DInterpolator,
# 'linearND': LinearND2DInterpolator,
# 'linearNDFast': Linear2DInterpolator}
# vertical_interpolation_methods = {
# 'nearest': Nearest1DInterpolator,
# 'linear': Linear1DInterpolator}
class ReaderBlockUnstruct():
"""Class to store and interpolate the data from an *unstructured* reader.
This is the equivalent of ReaderBlock (regular grid) for *unstructured* grids.
arguments: (in addition to ReaderBlock)
KDtree : for nearest-neighbor search (initialized using SCHISM nodes in reader's _init_() )
This is read from reader object, so that it is not recomputed every time
def __init__(self, data_dict,
KDtree = None,
# Make pointers to data values, for convenience
self.x = data_dict['x']
self.y = data_dict['y']
self.time = data_dict['time']
self.data_dict = data_dict
del self.data_dict['x']
del self.data_dict['y']
del self.data_dict['time']
self.z = data_dict['z']
# probably not valid ..since z are different for each point in SCHISM..rather than fixed
# This is used for the profile interpolation that is not yet functional
del self.data_dict['z']
self.z = None
# if some 3d data is provided, save additional dict entries
if 'z_3d' in data_dict.keys():
self.x_3d = data_dict['x_3d']
self.y_3d = data_dict['y_3d']
self.z_3d = data_dict['z_3d']
del self.data_dict['x_3d']
del self.data_dict['y_3d']
del self.data_dict['z_3d']
# Initialize KDtree(s)
# > save the 2D one by default (initizalied during reader __init__()
# > compute and save the time-varying 3D KDtree if relevant
logger.debug('saving reader''s 2D (horizontal) KDtree to ReaderBlockUnstruct')
self.block_KDtree = KDtree # KDtree input to function = one computed during reader's __init__()
# If we eventually use subset of nodes rather than full mesh, we'll need to re-compute the 2D KDtree
# as well, instead of re-using the "full" one available from reader's init
# logger.debug('Compute time-varying KDtree for 2D nearest-neighbor search')
# self.block_KDtree = cKDTree(np.vstack((self.x,self.y)).T) # KDtree input to function = one computed during reader's __init__()
if hasattr(self,'z_3d'):
# we need to compute a new KDtree for that time step using vertical coordinates at that time step
logger.debug('Compute time-varying KDtree for 3D nearest-neighbor search (i.e using ''zcor'') ')
# clean arrays if needed, especially z_3d (get rid of nan's) - keep only non-nan
# check for nan's
# if (self.z_3d != self.z_3d).any(): # not required
# self.x_3d = self.x_3d[np.where(self.z_3d == self.z_3d)]
# self.y_3d = self.y_3d[np.where(self.z_3d == self.z_3d)]
# self.z_3d = self.z_3d[np.where(self.z_3d == self.z_3d)]
# check for infinite values
if np.isinf(self.z_3d).any() :
self.z_3d[np.where(np.isinf(self.z_3d))] = 15.0 #limit to +15.0m i.e. above msl
self.block_KDtree_3d = cKDTree(np.vstack((self.x_3d,self.y_3d,self.z_3d)).T)
# do we need copy_data=True ..probably not since "data" [self.x_3d,self.y_3d,self.z_3d]
# will not change without the KDtree being recomputedplt
# Mask any extremely large values, e.g. if missing netCDF _Fill_value
filled_variables = set()
for var in self.data_dict:
if isinstance(self.data_dict[var], np.ma.core.MaskedArray):
self.data_dict[var] = np.ma.masked_outside(
np.ma.masked_invalid(self.data_dict[var]), -1E+9, 1E+9)
# Convert masked arrays to numpy arrays
self.data_dict[var] = np.ma.filled(self.data_dict[var],
# Fill missing data towards seafloor if 3D
if isinstance(self.data_dict[var], (list,)):
logger.warning('Ensemble data currently not extrapolated towards seafloor')
elif self.data_dict[var].ndim == 3:
filled = fill_NaN_towards_seafloor(self.data_dict[var])
if filled is True:
if len(filled_variables) > 0:
logger.debug('Filled NaN-values toward seafloor for :'
+ str(list(filled_variables)))
if 'land_binary_mask' in self.data_dict.keys() and \
interpolation_horizontal != 'nearest':
logger.debug('Nearest interpolation will be used '
'for landmask, and %s for other variables'
% interpolation_horizontal)
def _initialize_interpolator(self, x, y, z=None):
logger.debug('Initialising interpolator.')
self.interpolator2d = self.Interpolator2DClass(self.x, self.y, x, y)
if self.z is not None and len(np.atleast_1d(self.z)) > 1:
self.interpolator1d = self.Interpolator1DClass(self.z, z)
def interpolate(self, x, y, z=None, variables=None,
profiles=[], profiles_depth=None):
# Use the KDtree to interpolate data to [x,y,z] particle positions
# self._initialize_interpolator(x, y, z)
env_dict = {}
if profiles is not []:
profiles_dict = {'z': self.z} # probably not valid...
for varname, data in self.data_dict.items():
nearest = False
# land mask
if varname == 'land_binary_mask':
nearest = True
self.interpolator2d_nearest = Nearest2DInterpolator(self.x, self.y, x, y)
# ensemble data
if type(data) is list:
num_ensembles = len(data)
logger.debug('Interpolating %i ensembles for %s' % (num_ensembles, varname))
if data[0].ndim == 2:
horizontal = np.zeros(x.shape)*np.nan
horizontal = np.zeros((len(self.z), len(x)))*np.nan
ensemble_number = np.remainder(range(len(x)), num_ensembles)
for en in range(num_ensembles):
elnum = ensemble_number == en
int_full = self._interpolate_horizontal_layers(data[en], nearest=nearest)
if int_full.ndim == 1:
horizontal[elnum] = int_full[elnum]
horizontal[:, elnum] = int_full[:, elnum]
# standard data 2D or 3D
# use KDtree to find nearest neighbours and interpolate based on distance, on 2D or 3D
# https://docs.scipy.org/doc/scipy/reference/generated/scipy.spatial.cKDTree.query.html#scipy.spatial.cKDTree.query
# print(varname)
nb_closest_nodes = 3
if data.shape[0] == self.x.shape[0] : # 2D data- full slice
#2D KDtree
dist,i=self.block_KDtree.query(np.vstack((x,y)).T,nb_closest_nodes, workers=-1) #quick nearest-neighbor lookup
# dist = distance to nodes / i = index of nodes
elif hasattr(self,'z_3d') and (data.shape[0] == self.x_3d.shape[0]) : #3D data
#3D KDtree
dist,i=self.block_KDtree_3d.query(np.vstack((x,y,z)).T,nb_closest_nodes, workers=-1) #quick nearest-neighbor lookup
# dist = distance to nodes / i = index of nodes
if False:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d')
ax.scatter(self.x_3d[i[0]].data.tolist(),self.y_3d[i[0]].data.tolist(),self.z_3d[i[0]].data.tolist(),c='r', marker='o')
ax.scatter(x[0:1],y[0:1],z[0:1],c='g', marker='o')
data_interpolated = (fac*data.take(i)).sum(-1)/fac.sum(-1)
# horizontal = self._interpolate_horizontal_layers(data, nearest=nearest)
if profiles is not None and varname in profiles:
# not functional yet...
# need to lookup what actually is expected here
profiles_dict[varname] = data_interpolated # horizontal
env_dict[varname] = data_interpolated #horizontal
if 'z' in profiles_dict:
profiles_dict['z'] = np.atleast_1d(profiles_dict['z'])
return env_dict, profiles_dict
def _interpolate_horizontal_layers(self, data, nearest=False):
'''Interpolate all layers of 3d (or 2d) array.'''
if nearest is True:
interpolator2d = self.interpolator2d_nearest
interpolator2d = self.interpolator2d
if data.ndim == 2:
return interpolator2d(data)
if data.ndim == 3:
num_layers = data.shape[0]
# Allocate output array
result = np.ma.empty((num_layers, len(interpolator2d.x)))
for layer in range(num_layers):
result[layer, :] = self.interpolator2d(data[layer, :, :])
return result
def covers_positions(self, x, y, z=None):
'''Check if given positions are covered by this reader block.'''
indices = np.where((x >= self.x.min()) & (x <= self.x.max()) &
(y >= self.y.min()) & (y <= self.y.max()))[0]
if len(indices) != len(x):
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
box = np.array([(self.x.min(),self.y.min()),\
plt.title('Increase buffer distance around particle cloud')
import pdb;pdb.set_trace()
if len(indices) == len(x):
return True
return False