from datetime import timedelta
import numpy as np
import pyproj
from bisect import bisect_left
from abc import abstractmethod
import logging
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
from opendrift.timer import Timeable
from opendrift.errors import OutsideSpatialCoverageError, OutsideTemporalCoverageError, VariableNotCoveredError
from .consts import standard_names, vector_pairs_xy
class ReaderDomain(Timeable):
Projection, spatial and temporal domain of reader.
name = None
proj4 = None
proj = None
lon = None
lat = None
xmin = None
xmax = None
ymin = None
ymax = None
zmin = -np.inf
zmax = np.inf
delta_x = None
delta_y = None
shape = None
## Temporal
start_time = None
end_time = None
time_step = None
times = None
"""Setting this to `True` overrides temporal and spatial bounds checks.
Also useful for readers that are constant and do not have a temporal
always_valid = False
def center(self):
Returns center of reader (in lon, lat)
if any(xx is None for xx in [self.xmin, self.xmax, self.ymin, self.ymax]):
return None, None
x = self.xmin + (self.xmax - self.xmin) / 2
y = self.ymin + (self.ymax - self.ymin) / 2
lo, la = self.xy2lonlat(x, y)
return(lo[0], la[0])
def rotate_vectors(self, reader_x, reader_y, u_component, v_component,
proj_from, proj_to):
if isinstance(u_component, list): # Looping recursively over ensemble members
uout = []
vout = []
for ucomp, vcomp in zip(u_component, v_component):
ucomprot, vcomprot = self.rotate_vectors(
reader_x, reader_y, ucomp, vcomp, proj_from, proj_to)
return uout, vout
"""Rotate vectors from one crs to another."""
if type(proj_from) is str:
proj_from = pyproj.Proj(proj_from)
if type(proj_from) is not pyproj.Proj:
proj_from = pyproj.Proj('+proj=latlong +R=6370997.0 +ellps=WGS84')
reader_x, reader_y = self.xy2lonlat(reader_x, reader_y)
if type(proj_to) is str:
proj_to = pyproj.Proj(proj_to)
delta_y = .1 # 0.1 degree northwards
delta_y = 10 # 10 m along y-axis
transformer = pyproj.Transformer.from_proj(proj_from, proj_to)
x2, y2 = transformer.transform(reader_x, reader_y)
x2_delta, y2_delta = transformer.transform(reader_x,
reader_y + delta_y)
geod = pyproj.Geod(ellps='WGS84')
rot_angle_vectors_rad = np.radians(
geod.inv(x2, y2, x2_delta, y2_delta)[0])
rot_angle_vectors_rad = np.arctan2(x2_delta - x2, y2_delta - y2)
logger.debug('Rotating vectors between %s and %s degrees.' %
rot_angle_rad = -rot_angle_vectors_rad
u_rot = (u_component * np.cos(rot_angle_rad) -
v_component * np.sin(rot_angle_rad))
v_rot = (u_component * np.sin(rot_angle_rad) +
v_component * np.cos(rot_angle_rad))
return u_rot, v_rot
def xy2lonlat(self, x, y):
"""Calculate x,y in own projection from given lon,lat (scalars/arrays).
x = np.atleast_1d(x)
y = np.atleast_1d(y)
if 'ob_tran' in str(self.proj4):
logger.debug('NB: Converting degrees to radians ' +
'due to ob_tran srs')
x = np.radians(np.array(x))
y = np.radians(np.array(y))
return self.proj(x, y, inverse=True)
return x, y
return self.proj(x, y, inverse=True)
def lonlat2xy(self, lon, lat):
Calculate lon,lat from given x,y (scalars/arrays) in own projection.
lon = np.atleast_1d(lon)
lat = np.atleast_1d(lat)
if 'ob_tran' in str(self.proj4):
x, y = self.proj(lon, lat, inverse=False)
return np.degrees(x), np.degrees(y)
return lon, lat
x, y = self.proj(lon, lat, inverse=False)
return x, y
def y_azimuth(self, lon, lat):
"""Calculate azimuth orientation of the y-axis of the reader CRS."""
x0, y0 = self.lonlat2xy(lon, lat)
distance = 1000.0 # Create points 1 km away to determine azimuth
lon_2, lat_2 = self.xy2lonlat(x0, y0 + distance)
geod = pyproj.Geod(ellps='WGS84') # Define an ellipsoid
y_az = geod.inv(lon_2, lat_2, lon, lat, radians=False)
return y_az[0]
def pixel_size(self):
# Find typical pixel size (e.g. for calculating size of buffer)
if self.delta_x is not None:
pixelsize = self.delta_x
if is True or \
('ob_tran' in self.proj4) or \
('longlat' in self.proj4) or \
('latlon' in self.proj4):
pixelsize = pixelsize * 111000 # deg to meters
pixelsize = None # Pixel size not defined
return pixelsize
def _coverage_unit_(self):
return "degrees"
def __repr__(self):
"""String representation of the current reader."""
outStr = '===========================\n'
outStr += 'Reader: ' + + '\n'
outStr += 'Projection: \n ' + self.proj4 + '\n'
outStr += 'Coverage: [%s]\n' % self._coverage_unit_()
shape = self.shape
if shape is None:
outStr += ' xmin: %f xmax: %f\n' % (self.xmin, self.xmax)
outStr += ' ymin: %f ymax: %f\n' % (self.ymin, self.ymax)
outStr += ' xmin: %f xmax: %f step: %g numx: %i\n' % \
(self.xmin, self.xmax, self.delta_x or 0, shape[0])
outStr += ' ymin: %f ymax: %f step: %g numy: %i\n' % \
(self.ymin, self.ymax, self.delta_y or 0, shape[1])
corners = self.xy2lonlat([self.xmin, self.xmin, self.xmax, self.xmax],
[self.ymax, self.ymin, self.ymax, self.ymin])
outStr += ' Corners (lon, lat):\n'
outStr += ' (%6.2f, %6.2f) (%6.2f, %6.2f)\n' % \
outStr += ' (%6.2f, %6.2f) (%6.2f, %6.2f)\n' % \
if hasattr(self, 'z'):
outStr += 'Vertical levels [m]: \n ' + str(self.z) + '\n'
elif hasattr(self, 'sigma'):
outStr += 'Vertical levels [sigma]: \n ' + str(self.sigma) + '\n'
outStr += 'Vertical levels [m]: \n Not specified\n'
outStr += 'Available time range:\n'
outStr += ' start: ' + str(self.start_time) + \
' end: ' + str(self.end_time) + \
' step: ' + str(self.time_step) + '\n'
if self.start_time is not None and self.time_step is not None:
outStr += ' %i times (%i missing)\n' % (
self.expected_time_steps, self.missing_time_steps)
if hasattr(self, 'realizations') and self.realizations is not None:
outStr += 'Variables (%i ensemble members):\n' % len(
outStr += 'Variables:\n'
for variable in self.variables:
if variable in self.derived_variables:
outStr += ' ' + variable + ' - derived from ' + \
str(self.derived_variables[variable]) + '\n'
outStr += ' ' + variable + '\n'
outStr += '===========================\n'
outStr += self.performance()
return outStr
def covers_positions_xy(self, x, y, z=0):
Return indices of input points covered by reader.
Arguments in native projection of reader.
x = np.atleast_1d(x)
y = np.atleast_1d(y)
z = np.atleast_1d(z)
if self.global_coverage():
# We need only check north-south and z coverage
indices = np.where((y >= self.ymin) & (y <= self.ymax)
& (z >= self.zmin) & (z <= self.zmax))[0]
xx = x
xx = self.modulate_longitude(x)
indices = np.where((xx >= self.xmin) & (xx <= self.xmax)
& (y >= self.ymin) & (y <= self.ymax)
& (z >= self.zmin) & (z <= self.zmax))[0]
return indices, x[indices], y[indices]
except Exception as ex:
return indices, x, y
def modulate_longitude(self, lons):
Modulate the input longitude to the domain supported by the reader.
yy = np.array([self.ymin, self.ymax, self.ymax, self.ymin])
xx = np.array([self.xmin, self.xmin, self.xmax, self.xmax])
exlons, _lats = self.xy2lonlat(xx, yy)
if np.min(exlons) < 0:
# Reader domain is from -180 to 180 or somewhere in between.
assert np.max(exlons) <= 180.1
lons = np.mod(lons+180, 360) - 180
# Reader domain is from 0 to 360 or somewhere in between.
assert np.max(exlons) <= 360.1
lons = np.mod(lons, 360)
return lons
def covers_positions(self, lon, lat, z=0):
"""Return indices of input points covered by reader."""
x, y = self.lonlat2xy(lon, lat)
return self.covers_positions_xy(x, y, z)
def global_coverage(self):
"""Return True if global coverage east-west"""
dx = self.delta_x if self.delta_x is not None else 0
if is True:
if (self.xmin - 2*dx <= 0) and (self.xmax + 2*dx >=
return True # Global 0 to 360
if (self.xmin - 2*dx <= -180) and (self.xmax + 2*dx
>= 180):
return True # Global -180 to 180
return False
def domain_grid(self, npoints=1000):
"""Return arrays of lon,lat points spread evenly over reader domain."""
numx = np.floor(np.sqrt(npoints))
numy = np.floor(np.sqrt(npoints))
x = np.linspace(self.xmin, self.xmax - self.delta_x, numx)
y = np.linspace(self.ymin, self.ymax - self.delta_y, numy)
x, y = np.meshgrid(x, y)
lons, lats = self.xy2lonlat(x, y)
return lons, lats
def coverage_string(self):
"""Coverage of reader to be reported as string for debug output"""
corners = self.xy2lonlat([self.xmin, self.xmin, self.xmax, self.xmax],
[self.ymax, self.ymin, self.ymax, self.ymin])
return '%.2f-%.2fE, %.2f-%.2fN' % (np.min(
corners[0]), np.max(corners[0]), np.min(
corners[1]), np.max(corners[1]))
def check_arguments(self, variables, time, x, y, z):
"""Check validity of arguments input to method get_variables.
Checks that requested positions and time are within coverage of
this reader, and that it can provide the requested variable(s).
Returns the input arguments, possibly modified/corrected (below)
See function get_variables for definition.
variables: same as input, but converted to list if given as string.
time: same as input, or start_time of reader if given as None.
x, y, z: same as input, but converted to ndarrays
if given as scalars.
outside: boolean array which is True for any particles outside
the spatial domain covered by this reader.
- if requested time is outside coverage of reader.
- if all requested positions are outside coverage of reader.
# Check time
if time is None:
time = self.start_time # Use first timestep, if not given
# Convert variables to list and x,y to ndarrays
if isinstance(variables, str):
variables = [variables]
x = np.atleast_1d(x)
y = np.atleast_1d(y)
if z is not None:
z = np.asarray(z)
for variable in variables:
if variable not in self.variables:
raise VariableNotCoveredError('Variable not available: ' + variable +
'\nAvailable parameters are: ' +
if (self.start_time is not None
and time < self.start_time) and self.always_valid is False:
raise OutsideTemporalCoverageError('Requested time (%s) is before first available '
'time (%s) of %s' % (time, self.start_time,
if (self.end_time is not None
and time > self.end_time) and self.always_valid is False:
raise OutsideTemporalCoverageError('Requested time (%s) is after last available '
'time (%s) of %s' % (time, self.end_time,
if self.global_coverage():
outside = np.where(~np.isfinite(x + y) | (y < self.ymin)
| (y > self.ymax))[0]
outside = np.where(~np.isfinite(x + y) | (x < self.xmin)
| (x > self.xmax) | (y < self.ymin)
| (y > self.ymax))[0]
if np.size(outside) == np.size(x):
lon, lat = self.xy2lonlat(x, y)
raise OutsideSpatialCoverageError(('Argcheck: all %s particles (%.2f-%.2fE, ' +
'%.2f-%.2fN) are outside domain of %s (%s)') %
(len(lon), lon.min(), lon.max(), lat.min(),
lat.max(),, self.coverage_string()))
return variables, time, x, y, z, outside
def covers_time(self, time):
if self.always_valid is True:
return True
if self.start_time is None:
return True # No time limitations of reader
if (time < self.start_time) or (time > self.end_time):
return False
return True
def nearest_time(self, time):
"""Return nearest times before and after the requested time.
nearest_time: datetime
time_before: datetime
time_after: datetime
indx_nearest: int
indx_before: int
indx_after: int
if self.start_time == self.end_time:
return self.start_time, self.start_time, None, 0, 0, 0
if self.start_time is None:
return None, None, None, None, None, None
if self.times is not None: # Time as array, possibly with holes
indx_before = np.max((0, bisect_left(self.times, time) - 1))
if len(self.times) > 1 and self.times[indx_before + 1] == time:
# Correction needed when requested time exists in times
indx_before = indx_before + 1
time_before = self.times[indx_before]
indx_after = np.minimum(indx_before + 1,
len(self.times) - 1) # At the end
time_after = self.times[indx_after]
if (time - time_before) < (time_after - time):
indx_nearest = indx_before
indx_nearest = indx_after
nearest_time = self.times[indx_nearest]
else: # Time step is constant (no holes)
if self.time_step is None:
return None, None, None, None, None, None
indx = float((time - self.start_time).total_seconds()) / \
indx_nearest = int(round(indx))
nearest_time = self.start_time + indx_nearest * self.time_step
indx_before = int(np.floor(indx))
time_before = self.start_time + indx_before * self.time_step
indx_after = int(np.ceil(indx))
time_after = self.start_time + indx_after * self.time_step
return nearest_time, time_before, time_after,\
indx_nearest, indx_before, indx_after
# Methods to derive environment variables from others available
def land_binary_mask_from_ocean_depth(env,in_name=None,out_name=None):
env['land_binary_mask'] = np.float32(env['sea_floor_depth_below_sea_level'] <= 0)
def wind_from_speed_and_direction(env, in_name, out_name):
if 'wind_from_direction' in env:
wfd = env['wind_from_direction']
wfd = -env['wind_to_direction']
north_wind = -env['wind_speed']*np.cos(np.radians(wfd))
east_wind = -env['wind_speed']*np.sin(np.radians(wfd))
env['x_wind'] = east_wind
env['y_wind'] = north_wind
# Rotating might be necessary generally
#x,y = np.meshgrid(env['x'], env['y'])
#env['x_wind'], env['y_wind'] = self.rotate_vectors(
# x, y,
# east_wind, north_wind,
# None, self.proj)
def vector_from_speed_and_direction(env, in_name, out_name):
# TODO: assuming here lonlat or Mercator projection !!NB!!
wfd = env[in_name[1]]
env[out_name[0]] = env[in_name[0]]*np.cos(np.radians(wfd))
env[out_name[1]] = env[in_name[0]]*np.sin(np.radians(wfd))
def reverse_direction(env, in_name, out_name):
env[out_name[0]] = env[in_name[0]]
def magnitude_from_components(env, in_name, out_name):
env[out_name[0]] = np.sqrt(
env[in_name[0]]**2 + env[in_name[1]]**2)
class Variables(ReaderDomain):
Handles reading and interpolation of variables.
variables = None
derived_variables = None
name = None
buffer = 0
def __init__(self):
if self.derived_variables is None:
self.derived_variables = {}
if self.variables is None:
self.variables = []
# Deriving environment variables from other available variables
self.environment_mappings = {
#'wind_from_speed_and_direction': {
# 'input': ['wind_speed', 'wind_from_direction'],
# 'output': ['x_wind', 'y_wind'],
# 'method': wind_from_speed_and_direction,
# #lambda reader, env: reader.wind_from_speed_and_direction(env)},
# 'active': True},
#'wind_from_speed_and_direction_to': {
# 'input': ['wind_speed', 'wind_to_direction'],
# 'output': ['x_wind', 'y_wind'],
# 'method': wind_from_speed_and_direction,
# #lambda reader, env: reader.wind_from_speed_and_direction(env)},
# 'active': True},
'land_binary_mask_from_ocean_depth': {
'input': ['sea_floor_depth_below_sea_level'],
'output': ['land_binary_mask'],
'method': land_binary_mask_from_ocean_depth,
'active': False}
# Add automatically mappings from xcomp,ycomp <-> magnitude,direction
for vector_pair in vector_pairs_xy:
#if len(vector_pair) > 4:
# TODO: temporarily disabling this test, as one test is failing,
# as direction_to is automatically calculated from direction_from
#self.environment_mappings[vector_pair[3]] = {
# 'input': [vector_pair[4]],
# 'output': [vector_pair[3]],
# 'method': reverse_direction,
# 'active': True
# }
#self.environment_mappings[vector_pair[4]] = {
# 'input': [vector_pair[3]],
# 'output': [vector_pair[4]],
# 'method': reverse_direction,
# 'active': True
# }
if len(vector_pair) >= 4:
self.environment_mappings[str(vector_pair[0:2])] = {
'input': [vector_pair[2], vector_pair[3]],
'output': [vector_pair[0], vector_pair[1]],
'method': vector_from_speed_and_direction,
'active': True
if len(vector_pair) > 2:
self.environment_mappings[vector_pair[2]] = {
'input': [vector_pair[0], vector_pair[1]],
'output': [vector_pair[2]],
'method': magnitude_from_components,
'active': True
def prepare(self, extent, start_time, end_time, max_speed):
"""Prepare reader for given simulation coverage in time and space."""
logger.debug('Nothing more to prepare for ' +
pass # to be overriden by specific readers
def activate_environment_mapping(self, mapping_name):
if mapping_name not in self.environment_mappings:
raise ValueError('Available environment mappings: ' + str(self.environment_mappings))
em = self.environment_mappings[mapping_name]
em['active'] = True
if not all(item in em['output'] for item in self.variables) and \
all(item in self.variables for item in em['input']):
for v in em['output']:
if v not in self.variables:
logger.debug('Adding variable mapping: %s -> %s' % (em['input'], v))
self.derived_variables[v] = em['input']
def __calculate_derived_environment_variables__(self, env):
for m in self.environment_mappings:
em = self.environment_mappings[m]
if em['active'] is False:
if not all(item in em['output'] for item in self.variables) and \
all(item in env for item in em['input']):
for v in em['output']:
logger.debug('Calculating variable mapping: %s -> %s' % (em['input'], v))
em['method'](env, em['input'], em['output'])
def set_buffer_size(self, max_speed, time_coverage=None):
Adjust buffer to minimise data block size needed to cover elements.
The buffer size is calculated from the maximum anticpated speed.
Seeding over a large area or over longer time can easily cause
particles to be located outside the block. This is not critical, but
causes interpolation to be one-sided in time for the relevant
max_speed (m/s): the maximum speed anticipated for particles.
time_coverage (timedelta): the time span to cover
self.buffer = 0
pixelsize = self.pixel_size()
if pixelsize is not None:
if self.time_step is not None:
time_step_seconds = self.time_step.total_seconds()
if time_coverage is None:
logger.warning('Assuming time step of 1 hour for ' +
time_step_seconds = 3600 # 1 hour if not given
time_step_seconds = time_coverage.total_seconds()
time_step_seconds = abs(time_step_seconds)
self.buffer = int(
np.ceil(max_speed * time_step_seconds / pixelsize)) + 2
logger.debug('Setting buffer size %i for reader %s, assuming '
'a maximum average speed of %g m/s and time span of %s' %
(self.buffer,, max_speed,timedelta(seconds=time_step_seconds)))
def __check_env_coordinates__(self, env):
Make sure x and y are floats (and not e.g. int64)
if 'x' in env.keys():
env['x'] = np.array(env['x'], dtype=np.float32)
env['y'] = np.array(env['y'], dtype=np.float32)
def __check_variable_array__(name, variable):
Ensure arrays are not masked arrays and that values are within valid ranges.
# Convert any masked arrays to NumPy arrays
if isinstance(variable,
variable = variable.astype(np.float32)
variable = variable.filled(np.nan)
# Mask values outside valid_min, valid_max (self.standard_names)
if name in standard_names.keys():
logger.debug("Checking %s for invalid values" % name)
if isinstance(variable, list):
'Min-max checking for ensemble data (%i members)' %
# Recursive
return [
Variables.__check_variable_array__(name, v)
for v in variable
# with np.errstate(invalid='ignore'):
invalid_indices = np.logical_and(
np.logical_or(variable < standard_names[name]['valid_min'],
variable > standard_names[name]['valid_max']))
if np.sum(invalid_indices) > 0:
invalid_values = variable[invalid_indices]
'Invalid values (%s to %s) found for %s, replacing with NaN'
% (invalid_values.min(), invalid_values.max(), name))
logger.warning('(allowed range: [%s, %s])' %
variable[invalid_indices] = np.nan
return variable
def __check_env_arrays__(self, env):
Ensure arrays are not masked arrays and that values are within valid
.. seealso::
Disabled in `StructuredReader` because variables are valided before
entered into interpolator:
variables = [
var for var in env.keys() if var not in ['x', 'y', 'time']
for variable in variables:
env[variable] = self.__check_variable_array__(
variable, env[variable])
return env
def _get_variables_interpolated_(self, variables, profiles, profiles_depth,
time, reader_x, reader_y, z):
This method _must_ be implemented by every reader. Usually by
subclassing one of the reader types (e.g.
Arguments are in _native projection_ of reader.
.. seealso:
* :meth:`get_variables_interpolated_xy`.
* :meth:`get_variables_interpolated`.
def get_variables_interpolated_xy(self,
Get variables in native projection of reader.
.. seealso::
* :meth:`get_variables_interpolated`.
* :meth:`_get_variables_interpolated_`.
variables = variables.copy() # Avoid list to be mutated
# Raise error if time not not within coverage of reader
if not self.covers_time(time):
raise OutsideTemporalCoverageError('%s is outside time coverage (%s - %s) of %s' %
(time, self.start_time, self.end_time,
x = np.atleast_1d(x)
numx = len(x) # To check later if all points were covered
y = np.atleast_1d(y)
z = np.atleast_1d(z) if z is not None else np.zeros((1, ))
assert numx == len(y), "x, y, and z must have the same length"
assert len(z) == 1 or numx == len(
z), "x, y, and z must have the same length"
ind_covered, xx, yy = self.covers_positions_xy(x, y, z)
if len(ind_covered) == 0:
lon, lat = self.xy2lonlat(x, y)
raise OutsideSpatialCoverageError(
('All %s particles (%.2f-%.2fE, %.2f-%.2fN) ' +
'are outside domain of %s (%s)') %
(len(x), lon.min(), lon.max(), lat.min(),
lat.max(),, self.coverage_string()))
x = xx
y = yy
# Make copy of z to avoid modifying original array
if len(z) == 1 and len(x) > 1:
z = z.copy() * np.ones(x.shape)
z = z.copy()[ind_covered]
logger.debug(f'Fetching variables from {} covering {len(ind_covered)} elements')
# Filter derived variables
derived = []
derived_input = []
for var in variables:
if var in self.derived_variables:
logger.debug("Scheduling %s to be derived from %s" %
(var, self.derived_variables[var]))
for v in derived:
env, env_profiles = self._get_variables_interpolated_(
variables, profiles, profiles_depth, time, x, y, z)
# Calculate derived variables
if len(derived) > 0:
for e in [env, env_profiles]:
if e is not None:
# Rotating vectors fields
if rotate_to_proj is not None:
if and 'ob_tran' not in self.proj4:
logger.debug('Reader projection is latlon - '
'rotation of vectors is not needed.')
vector_pairs = []
for var in variables:
for vector_pair in vector_pairs_xy:
if var in vector_pair[0:2]:
counterpart = list(set(vector_pair[0:2]) -
if counterpart in variables:
'Missing component of vector pair, cannot rotate:'
+ counterpart)
# Extract unique vector pairs
vector_pairs = [
list(x) for x in set(tuple(x) for x in vector_pairs)
if len(vector_pairs) > 0:
self.timer_start('rotating vectors')
for vector_pair in vector_pairs:
env[vector_pair[0]], env[vector_pair[1]] = \
self.rotate_vectors(x, y,
self.proj, rotate_to_proj)
if profiles is not None and vector_pair[0] in profiles:
env_profiles[vector_pair[0]], env_profiles[vector_pair[1]] = \
self.rotate_vectors (x, y,
self.timer_end('rotating vectors')
# Masking non-covered pixels
if len(ind_covered) != numx:
logger.debug('Masking %i elements outside coverage' %
(numx - len(ind_covered)))
for var in variables:
tmp = np.nan * np.ones(numx)
tmp[ind_covered] = env[var].copy()
env[var] =
# Filling also in missing columns
# for env_profiles outside coverage
if env_profiles is not None and var in env_profiles.keys():
tmp = np.nan * np.ones((env_profiles[var].shape[0], numx))
tmp[:, ind_covered] = env_profiles[var].copy()
env_profiles[var] =
return env, env_profiles
def get_variables_interpolated(self,
`get_variables_interpolated` is the main interface to
:class:`opendrift.basemodel.OpenDriftSimulation`, and is responsible
for returning variables at the correct positions.
Readers should implement :meth:`_get_variables_interpolated_`.
variables: string, or list of strings (standard_name) of
requested variables. These must be provided by reader.
profiles: List of variable names that should be returned for the range in `profiles_depth`.
profiles_depth: Profiles variables will be retrieved from surface and down to this depth. The exact z-depth are given by the reader and returned as `z` variable in `env_profiles`.
time: datetime or None, time at which data are requested.
Can be None (default) if reader/variable has no time
dimension (e.g. climatology or landmask).
lon: longitude, 1d array.
lat: latitude, 1d array, same length as lon.
z: float or ndarray; vertical position (in meters, positive up)
of requested points. either scalar or same length as lon, lat.
default: 0 m (unless otherwise documented by reader)
block: bool, see return below
rotate_to_proj: N/A
(env, env_profiles)
Interpolated variables at x, y and z. `env` contains values at a fixed depth (`z`), while `env_profiles` contains depth-profiles in the range `profile_depth` for the variables listed in `profiles` for each element (in `x`, `y`). The exact depth is determined by the reader and specified in
`env_profiles['z']`. Thus variables in `env_profiles` are not interpolated in z-direction.
.. seealso::
assert set(variables).issubset(self.variables), f"{variables} is not subset of {self.variables}"
lon = self.modulate_longitude(lon)
x, y = self.lonlat2xy(lon, lat)
env, env_profiles = self.get_variables_interpolated_xy(
variables, profiles, profiles_depth, time, x, y, z, rotate_to_proj)
return env, env_profiles