Source code for opendrift.models.openoil.openoil

# This file is part of OpenDrift.
# OpenDrift is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, version 2
# OpenDrift is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with OpenDrift.  If not, see <>.
# Copyright 2015, Knut-Frode Dagestad, MET Norway
# Copyright 2021, Gaute Hope, MET Norway
OpenOil is a 3D oil drift module bundled within the OpenDrift framework.

The oil weathering calculations is based on the NOAA-ERR-ERD OilLibrary
package, which is installed as a dependency. The code for evaporation and
emulsification in OpenOil is borrowed from the NOAA PyGnome code, and adapted
to the OpenDrift architecture.

Example of ship leaking oil along the coast of Northern Norway

.. image::

Simulation of Deepwater Horizon (Macondo) accident, initiated from satellite images

.. image::

Satellite images provided by Prof. Chuanmin Hu, and ocean model output provided by Prof. Vassiliki Kourafalou

Example oil budget for a simulation

.. image::

Oil properties affecting the drift
The vertical (and thus indirectly also the horizontal) motion of oil (droplets) is affected by oil density and droplet diameters.

When using the NOAA oil weathering model (``o = OpenOil(weathering_model='noaa')``), which is the default, the density is obtained from the NOAA database according to the oiltype selected when seeding. This value can not be overridden by the user, and it will also change during the simulation due to oil weathering processes (evaporation and emulsification).

The droplet diameter may be given explicitly when seeding, e.g.:

.. testcode::

    o = OpenOil()
    o.set_config('environment:constant:x_wind', 0)
    o.set_config('environment:constant:y_wind', 0)
    o.set_config('environment:constant:x_sea_water_velocity', 0)
    o.set_config('environment:constant:y_sea_water_velocity', 0)
    o.seed_elements(4, 60, number=100,, diameter=1e-5)

In this case, the diameter will not change during the simulation, which is useful e.g. for sensitivity tests. The same diameter will be used for all elements for this example, but an array of the same length as the number of elements may also be provided.

If a constant droplet diameter is not given by the user, it will be chosen randomly within given config limits for a subsea spill ('blowout'), and modified after any later wave breaking event. Oil droplets seeded under sea surface (z<0) will be assigned initial diameters between the following limits, typical for a subsea blowout (Johansen, 2000)::

.. code::

    o.set_config('seed:droplet_diameter_min_subsea', 0.0005)  # 0.5 mm
    o.set_config('seed:droplet_diameter_max_subsea', 0.005)   # 5 mm

Alternatively, the user can specify normal or lognormal initial subsea droplet size distributions, which are later modified by wave breaking events. In these cases the user must specify the mean and standard deviation of the distribution::

.. code::

    o.set_config('seed:droplet_diameter_mu',0.001)  # 1 mm
    o.set_config('seed:droplet_diameter_sigma',0.0008) # 0.8 mm

Note that these config settings must be adjusted before the seeding call.
After each wave breaking event, a new droplet diameter will be chosen based on the config setting for droplet size distribution.

from io import open
from importlib_resources import files
import numpy as np
from datetime import datetime
import pyproj
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import logging
import json

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

from opendrift.models.oceandrift import OceanDrift, Lagrangian3DArray
from . import noaa_oil_weathering as noaa
from . import adios
from adios_db.computation.physical_properties import KinematicViscosity, Density
from adios_db.computation import gnome_oil

from opendrift.models.physics_methods import oil_wave_entrainment_rate_li2017

# Defining the oil element properties
[docs] class Oil(Lagrangian3DArray): """Extending LagrangianArray with variables relevant for oil particles.""" variables = Lagrangian3DArray.add_variables([ ('mass_oil', { 'dtype': np.float32, 'units': 'kg', 'seed': False, 'default': 1 }), ( 'viscosity', { 'dtype': np.float32, 'units': 'm2/s', 'seed': False, # Taken from NOAA database 'description': 'Kinematic viscosity of oil (emulsion)', 'default': 0.005 }), ( 'density', { 'dtype': np.float32, 'units': 'kg/m^3', 'seed': False, # Taken from NOAA database 'default': 880 }), ( 'wind_drift_factor', { 'dtype': np.float32, # TODO: inherit from 'units': '%', # OceanDrift 'description': 'Elements at the ocean surface are moved by ' 'this fraction of the wind vector, in addition to ' 'currents and Stokes drift', 'default': 0.03 }), ('bulltime', { 'dtype': np.float32, 'units': 's', 'seed': False, 'default': 0 }), ('interfacial_area', { 'dtype': np.float32, 'units': 'm2', 'seed': False, 'default': 0 }), ('mass_dispersed', { 'dtype': np.float32, 'units': 'kg', 'seed': False, 'default': 0 }), ('mass_evaporated', { 'dtype': np.float32, 'units': 'kg', 'seed': False, 'default': 0 }), ('mass_biodegraded', { 'dtype': np.float32, 'units': 'kg', 'seed': False, 'default': 0 }), ('biodegradation_half_time_droplet', # Note: if unit is "days", Xarray tries to decode as datetime with error {'dtype': np.float32, 'units': 'Days', 'seed': False, 'default': 1, 'description': 'Biodegradation half time in days for submerged oil droplets'}), ('biodegradation_half_time_slick', {'dtype': np.float32, 'units': 'Days', 'seed': False, 'default': 3, 'description': 'Biodegradation half time in days for surface oil slick'}), ('fraction_evaporated', { 'dtype': np.float32, 'units': '%', # TODO: should be fraction and not percent 'seed': False, 'default': 0 }), ('water_fraction', { 'dtype': np.float32, 'units': '%', 'seed': False, 'default': 0 }), ('oil_film_thickness', { 'dtype': np.float32, 'units': 'm', 'default': 0.001 }), ( 'diameter', { 'dtype': np.float32, # Particle diameter 'units': 'm', 'seed': False, 'default': 0. }) ])
[docs] class OpenOil(OceanDrift): """Open source oil trajectory model based on the OpenDrift framework. Developed at MET Norway based on oil weathering parameterisations found in open/published litterature. Under construction. """ ElementType = Oil required_variables = { 'x_sea_water_velocity': { 'fallback': None }, 'y_sea_water_velocity': { 'fallback': None }, 'x_wind': { 'fallback': None }, 'y_wind': { 'fallback': None }, 'sea_surface_height': {'fallback': 0}, 'upward_sea_water_velocity': { 'fallback': 0, 'important': False }, 'sea_surface_wave_significant_height': { 'fallback': 0, 'important': False }, 'sea_surface_wave_stokes_drift_x_velocity': { 'fallback': 0, 'important': False }, 'sea_surface_wave_stokes_drift_y_velocity': { 'fallback': 0, 'important': False }, 'sea_surface_wave_period_at_variance_spectral_density_maximum': { 'fallback': 0, 'important': False }, 'sea_surface_wave_mean_period_from_variance_spectral_density_second_frequency_moment': { 'fallback': 0, 'important': False }, 'sea_ice_area_fraction': { 'fallback': 0, 'important': False }, 'sea_ice_x_velocity': { 'fallback': 0, 'important': False }, 'sea_ice_y_velocity': { 'fallback': 0, 'important': False }, 'sea_water_temperature': { 'fallback': 10, 'profiles': True }, 'sea_water_salinity': { 'fallback': 34, 'profiles': True }, 'sea_floor_depth_below_sea_level': { 'fallback': 10000 }, 'ocean_vertical_diffusivity': { 'fallback': 0.02, 'important': False, 'profiles': True }, 'land_binary_mask': { 'fallback': None }, 'ocean_mixed_layer_thickness': { 'fallback': 50, 'important': False }, } # Default colors for plotting status_colors = { 'initial': 'green', 'active': 'blue', 'missing_data': 'gray', 'stranded': 'red', 'evaporated': 'yellow', 'dispersed': 'magenta' } duplicate_oils = ['ALVHEIM BLEND, STATOIL', 'DRAUGEN, STATOIL', 'EKOFISK BLEND, STATOIL', 'EKOFISK, CITGO', 'EKOFISK, EXXON', 'EKOFISK, PHILLIPS', 'EKOFISK, STATOIL', 'ELDFISK', 'ELDFISK B', 'GLITNE, STATOIL', 'GOLIAT BLEND, STATOIL', 'GRANE BLEND, STATOIL', 'GUDRUN BLEND, STATOIL', 'GULLFAKS A, STATOIL', 'GULLFAKS C, STATOIL', 'GULLFAKS, SHELL OIL', 'GULLFAKS SOR', 'GULLFAKS, STATOIL', 'HEIDRUN, STATOIL', 'NJORD, STATOIL', 'NORNE, STATOIL', 'OSEBERG BLEND, STATOIL', 'OSEBERG EXXON', 'OSEBERG, PHILLIPS', 'OSEBERG, SHELL OIL', 'SLEIPNER CONDENSATE, STATOIL', 'STATFJORD BLEND, STATOIL', 'VARG, STATOIL'] def __init__(self, weathering_model='noaa', *args, **kwargs): self.oil_weathering_model = weathering_model if self.oil_weathering_model == 'noaa': # Currently the only option self.oiltypes = adios.get_oil_names( location=kwargs.get('location', None)) # Sort alphabetically, but put GENERIC oils first generic_oiltypes = [o for o in self.oiltypes if o[0:7] == 'GENERIC'] other_oiltypes = [o for o in self.oiltypes if o[0:7] != 'GENERIC'] self.oiltypes = sorted([o for o in generic_oiltypes]) + sorted([o for o in other_oiltypes]) self.oiltypes = [ot for ot in self.oiltypes if ot not in self.duplicate_oils] # For Norwegian oils, max water fraction from Sintef is overriding NOAA value self.max_water_fraction = None else: raise ValueError('Weathering model unknown: ' + weathering_model) kwargs.pop('location', None) # Calling general constructor of parent class super(OpenOil, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self._add_config({ 'seed:m3_per_hour': { 'type': 'float', 'default': 1, 'min': 0, 'max': 1e10, 'units': 'm3 per hour', 'description': 'The amount (volume) of oil released per hour (or total amount if release is instantaneous)', 'level': CONFIG_LEVEL_ESSENTIAL }, 'seed:droplet_size_distribution': { 'type': 'enum', 'enum': ['uniform', 'normal', 'lognormal'], 'default': 'uniform', 'level': CONFIG_LEVEL_ADVANCED, 'description': 'Droplet size distribution used for subsea release.' }, 'seed:droplet_diameter_mu': { 'type': 'float', 'default': 0.001, 'min': 1e-8, 'max': 1, 'units': 'meters', 'description': 'The mean diameter of oil droplet for a subsea release, used in normal/lognormal distributions.', 'level': CONFIG_LEVEL_BASIC }, 'seed:droplet_diameter_sigma': { 'type': 'float', 'default': 0.0005, 'min': 1e-8, 'max': 1, 'units': 'meters', 'description': 'The standard deviation in diameter of oil droplet for a subsea release, used in normal/lognormal distributions.', 'level': CONFIG_LEVEL_BASIC }, 'seed:droplet_diameter_min_subsea': { 'type': 'float', 'default': 0.0005, 'min': 1e-8, 'max': 1, 'units': 'meters', 'description': 'The minimum diameter of oil droplet for a subsea release, used in unifrom distribution.', 'level': CONFIG_LEVEL_BASIC }, 'seed:droplet_diameter_max_subsea': { 'type': 'float', 'default': 0.005, 'min': 1e-8, 'max': 1, 'units': 'meters', 'description': 'The maximum diameter of oil droplet for a subsea release, used in uniform distribution.', 'level': CONFIG_LEVEL_BASIC }, 'processes:dispersion': { 'type': 'bool', 'default': True, 'description': 'Oil is removed from simulation (dispersed), if entrained as very small droplets.', 'level': CONFIG_LEVEL_BASIC }, 'processes:evaporation': { 'type': 'bool', 'default': True, 'description': 'Surface oil is evaporated.', 'level': CONFIG_LEVEL_BASIC }, 'processes:emulsification': { 'type': 'bool', 'default': True, 'description': 'Surface oil is emulsified, i.e. water droplets are mixed into oil due to wave mixing, with resulting increas of viscosity.', 'level': CONFIG_LEVEL_BASIC }, 'processes:biodegradation': { 'type': 'bool', 'default': False, 'description': 'Oil mass is biodegraded (eaten by bacteria).', 'level': CONFIG_LEVEL_BASIC }, 'biodegradation:method': { 'type': 'enum', 'enum': ['Adcroft', 'half_time'], 'default': 'Adcroft', 'level': CONFIG_LEVEL_ADVANCED, 'description': 'Alogorithm to be used for biodegradation of oil' }, 'processes:update_oilfilm_thickness': { 'type': 'bool', 'default': False, 'description': 'Oil film thickness is calculated at each time step. The alternative is that oil film thickness is kept constant with value provided at seeding.', 'level': CONFIG_LEVEL_ADVANCED }, 'wave_entrainment:droplet_size_distribution': { 'type': 'enum', 'enum': ['Johansen et al. (2015)', 'Li et al. (2017)'], 'default': 'Johansen et al. (2015)', 'level': CONFIG_LEVEL_ADVANCED, 'description': 'Algorithm to be used for calculating oil droplet size spectrum after entrainment by breaking waves.' }, 'wave_entrainment:entrainment_rate': { 'type': 'enum', 'enum': ['Li et al. (2017)'], 'default': 'Li et al. (2017)', 'level': CONFIG_LEVEL_ADVANCED, 'description': 'Algorithm to be used for calculating the entrainment rate of oil due to wave breaking.' }, 'seed:oil_type': { 'type': 'enum', 'enum': self.oiltypes, 'default': self.oiltypes[0], 'level': CONFIG_LEVEL_ESSENTIAL, 'description': 'Oil type to be used for the simulation, from the NOAA ADIOS database.' }, }) self._set_config_default('drift:vertical_advection', False) self._set_config_default('drift:vertical_mixing', True) self._set_config_default('drift:current_uncertainty', 0.05) self._set_config_default('drift:wind_uncertainty', 0.5) self._set_config_default('drift:max_speed', 1.3)
[docs] def update_surface_oilfilm_thickness(self): '''The mass of oil is summed within a grid of 100x100 cells covering the oil at a given time. Each oil particle within each cell is given a film thickness as the amount of oil divided by the cell area. ''' from scipy.stats import binned_statistic_2d surface = np.where(self.elements.z == 0)[0] if len(surface) == 0: logger.debug('No oil at surface, no film thickness to update') return logger.debug( 'Updating oil film thickness for %s of %s elements at surface' % (len(surface), self.num_elements_active())) meanlon = self.elements.lon[surface].mean() meanlat =[surface].mean() # Using stereographic coordinates to get regular X and Y psproj = pyproj.Proj('+proj=stere +lat_0=%s +lat_ts=%s +lon_0=%s' % (meanlat, meanlat, meanlon)) X, Y = psproj(self.elements.lon[surface],[surface]) mass_bin, x_edge, y_edge, binnumber = binned_statistic_2d( X, Y, self.elements.mass_oil[surface], expand_binnumbers=True, statistic='sum', bins=100) bin_area = (x_edge[1] - x_edge[0]) * (y_edge[1] - y_edge[0]) oil_density = 1000 # ok approximation here film_thickness = (mass_bin / oil_density) / bin_area # Postulating min and max film thickness max_thickness = 0.01 # 1 cm min_thickness = 1e-9 # 1 nanometer if film_thickness.max() > max_thickness: logger.debug( 'Warning: decreasing thickness to %sm for %s of %s bins' % (max_thickness, np.sum(film_thickness > max_thickness), film_thickness.size)) film_thickness[film_thickness > max_thickness] = max_thickness num_too_thin = np.sum((film_thickness < min_thickness) & (film_thickness > 0)) if num_too_thin > 0: logger.debug( 'Warning: increasing thickness to %sm for %s of %s bins' % (min_thickness, num_too_thin, film_thickness.size)) film_thickness[film_thickness < min_thickness] = min_thickness # binnumber = binnumber - 1 bx = binnumber[0, :] by = binnumber[1, :] # Update thickness self.elements.oil_film_thickness[ surface] = self.elements.oil_film_thickness[surface] * np.nan self.elements.oil_film_thickness[surface] = \ film_thickness[bx, by]
[docs] def biodegradation(self): if self.get_config('processes:biodegradation') is True: method = self.get_config('biodegradation:method') logger.debug(f'Calculating: biodegradation ({method})') if method == 'Adcroft': self.biodegradation_adcroft() elif method == 'half_time': self.biodegradation_half_time()
[docs] def biodegradation_half_time(self): '''Oil biodegradation with exponential decay''' surface = np.where(self.elements.z == 0)[0] # of active elements age0 = self.time_step.total_seconds()/(3600*24) # days half_time = self.elements.biodegradation_half_time_droplet.copy() half_time[surface] = self.elements.biodegradation_half_time_slick[surface] fraction_biodegraded = (1 - np.exp(-age0 / half_time)) biodegraded_now = self.elements.mass_oil * fraction_biodegraded self.elements.mass_biodegraded = \ self.elements.mass_biodegraded + biodegraded_now self.elements.mass_oil = \ self.elements.mass_oil - biodegraded_now if self.oil_weathering_model == 'noaa': self.noaa_mass_balance['mass_components'][self.elements.ID, :] = \ self.noaa_mass_balance['mass_components'][self.elements.ID, :]*(1-fraction_biodegraded[:, np.newaxis])
[docs] def biodegradation_adcroft(self): ''' Oil biodegradation function based on the article: Adcroft et al. (2010), Simulations of underwater plumes of dissolved oil in the Gulf of Mexico. ''' swt = self.environment.sea_water_temperature.copy() swt[swt > 100] -= 273.15 # K to C age0 = self.time_step.total_seconds() / (3600 * 24) # Decay rate in days (temperature in Celsius) tau = (12) * (3**((20 - swt) / 10)) fraction_biodegraded = (1 - np.exp(-age0 / tau)) biodegraded_now = self.elements.mass_oil * fraction_biodegraded self.elements.mass_biodegraded = \ self.elements.mass_biodegraded + biodegraded_now self.elements.mass_oil = \ self.elements.mass_oil - biodegraded_now if self.oil_weathering_model == 'noaa': self.noaa_mass_balance['mass_components'][self.elements.ID, :] = \ self.noaa_mass_balance['mass_components'][self.elements.ID, :]*(1-fraction_biodegraded[:, np.newaxis])
[docs] def disperse(self): if self.get_config('processes:dispersion') is True: logger.debug(' Calculating: dispersion') windspeed = np.sqrt(self.environment.x_wind**2 + self.environment.y_wind**2) # From NOAA PyGnome model: # v_entrain = 3.9E-8 sea_water_density = 1028 fraction_breaking_waves = 0.02 wave_significant_height = \ self.significant_wave_height() wave_significant_height[wave_significant_height == 0] = \ 0.0246*windspeed[wave_significant_height == 0]**2 dissipation_wave_energy = \ (0.0034*sea_water_density*9.81*wave_significant_height**2) c_disp = np.power(dissipation_wave_energy, 0.57) * \ fraction_breaking_waves # Roy's constant C_Roy = 2400.0 * np.exp(-73.682 * np.sqrt( self.elements.viscosity / self.elements.density)) q_disp = C_Roy * c_disp * v_entrain / self.elements.density oil_mass_loss = (q_disp * self.time_step.total_seconds() * self.elements.density) * self.elements.mass_oil self.elements.mass_oil -= oil_mass_loss self.elements.mass_dispersed += oil_mass_loss
#self.elements.z = \ # self.environment.sea_surface_wave_significant_height ## Marks R. (1987), Marine aerosols and whitecaps in the ## North Atlantic and Greenland sea regions ## Deutsche Hydrografische Zeitschrift, Vol 40, Issue 2 , pp 71-79 #whitecap_coverage = (2.54E-4)*np.power(windspeed, 3.58) ## Martinsen et al. (1994), The operational ## oil drift system at DNMI ## DNMI Technical report No 125, 51 #wave_period = 3.85*np.sqrt( # self.environment.sea_surface_wave_significant_height) # sec #time_between_breaking_events = 3.85/whitecap_coverage # TBC #rho_w = 1025 # kg/m3 #wave_period[wave_period == 0] = 5 # NB: temporal fix for no waves #dissipation_energy = 0.0034*rho_w*9.81*(wave_period**2) #dsize_coeff = 2100 # Wettre et al., Appendix A #c_oil = dsize_coeff*np.power(self.elements.viscosity, -0.4) ## Random numbers between 0 and 1: #p = np.random.rand(self.num_elements_active(), ) #oil_per_unit_surface = 1 #droplet_size = np.power((p*oil_per_unit_surface)/(c_oil * # np.power(dissipation_energy, 0.57)), # 1/1.17) #self.deactivate_elements(droplet_size < 5E-7, reason='dispersed')
[docs] def oil_weathering(self): if self.time_step.days < 0: logger.debug('Skipping oil weathering for backwards run') return self.timer_start('main loop:updating elements:oil weathering') if self.oil_weathering_model == 'noaa': self.oil_weathering_noaa() self.timer_end('main loop:updating elements:oil weathering')
[docs] def prepare_run(self): if self.oil_weathering_model == 'noaa': self.noaa_mass_balance = {} # Populate with seeded mass spread on oiltype.mass_fraction mass_oil = np.atleast_1d(self.elements_scheduled.mass_oil) if len(mass_oil) == 1: mass_oil = mass_oil * np.ones(self.num_elements_total()) self.noaa_mass_balance['mass_components'] = \ np.asarray(self.oiltype.mass_fraction)*(mass_oil.reshape( (self.num_elements_total(), -1))) self.noaa_mass_balance['mass_evaporated'] = \ self.noaa_mass_balance['mass_components']*0 self.oil_water_interfacial_tension = \ self.oiltype.oil_water_surface_tension()'Oil-water surface tension is %f Nm' % self.oil_water_interfacial_tension) try: with open(files('opendrift.models.openoil.adios').joinpath('max_water_fraction.json')) as f: max_water_fractions = json.loads( if self.oil_name in max_water_fractions: self.max_water_fraction = max_water_fractions[self.oil_name] T = self.max_water_fraction['temperatures'] wf = self.max_water_fraction['max_water_fraction']'Using max water fractions {wf} for temperatures {T} for oiltype {self.oil_name}')'Corresponding max water fraction from GNOME is ' f'{self.oiltype.gnome_oil["emulsion_water_fraction_max"]}') else:'Max water fraction not available for {self.oil_name}, using default') except Exception as e: logger.warning('Could not load max water content file') print(e) super(OpenOil, self).prepare_run()
[docs] def oil_weathering_noaa(self): '''Oil weathering scheme adopted from NOAA PyGNOME model: ''' logger.debug('NOAA oil weathering') # C to K self.environment.sea_water_temperature[ self.environment.sea_water_temperature < 100] += 273.15 ######################################################### # Update density and viscosity according to temperature ######################################################### self.timer_start( 'main loop:updating elements:oil weathering:updating viscosities') oil_viscosity = self.KinematicViscosity.at_temp( self.environment.sea_water_temperature) self.timer_end( 'main loop:updating elements:oil weathering:updating viscosities') self.timer_start( 'main loop:updating elements:oil weathering:updating densities') oil_density = self.Density.at_temp(self.environment.sea_water_temperature) self.timer_end( 'main loop:updating elements:oil weathering:updating densities') # Calculate emulsion density self.elements.density = ( self.elements.water_fraction * self.sea_water_density() + (1 - self.elements.water_fraction) * oil_density) # Calculate emulsion viscosity visc_f_ref = 0.84 # From PyGNOME visc_curvfit_param = 1.5e3 # units are sec^0.5 / m fw_d_fref = self.elements.water_fraction / visc_f_ref kv1 = np.sqrt(oil_viscosity) * visc_curvfit_param kv1[kv1 < 1] = 1 kv1[kv1 > 10] = 10 # NB: neglecting dispersed and biodegraded in calculation of fraction_evaporated self.elements.fraction_evaporated = self.elements.mass_evaporated / ( self.elements.mass_oil + self.elements.mass_evaporated) self.elements.viscosity = ( oil_viscosity * np.exp(kv1 * self.elements.fraction_evaporated) * (1 + (fw_d_fref / (1.187 - fw_d_fref)))**2.49) if self.get_config('processes:evaporation') is True: self.timer_start( 'main loop:updating elements:oil weathering:evaporation') self.evaporation_noaa() self.timer_end( 'main loop:updating elements:oil weathering:evaporation') if self.get_config('processes:emulsification') is True: self.timer_start( 'main loop:updating elements:oil weathering:emulsification') self.emulsification_noaa() self.timer_end( 'main loop:updating elements:oil weathering:emulsification') if self.get_config('processes:dispersion') is True: self.timer_start( 'main loop:updating elements:oil weathering:dispersion') self.disperse_noaa() self.timer_end( 'main loop:updating elements:oil weathering:dispersion') if self.get_config('processes:biodegradation') is True: self.timer_start( 'main loop:updating elements:oil weathering:biodegradation') self.biodegradation() self.timer_end( 'main loop:updating elements:oil weathering:biodegradation') if self.elements.mass_oil.min() < 0: # Should not happen logger.warning('NEGATIVE OIL MASS!')
[docs] def disperse_noaa(self): logger.debug(' Calculating: dispersion - NOAA') # From NOAA PyGnome model: # c_disp = np.power(self.wave_energy_dissipation(), 0.57) * \ self.sea_surface_wave_breaking_fraction() # Roy's constant C_Roy = 2400.0 * np.exp( -73.682 * np.sqrt(self.elements.viscosity / self.elements.density)) v_entrain = 3.9E-8 q_disp = C_Roy * c_disp * v_entrain / self.elements.density fraction_dispersed = (q_disp * self.time_step.total_seconds() * self.elements.density) if fraction_dispersed.max() >= 1: logger.warning( 'Dispersion fraction larger than 1 -> setting to 0.99') fraction_dispersed[fraction_dispersed >= 1] = .99 oil_mass_loss = fraction_dispersed * self.elements.mass_oil self.noaa_mass_balance['mass_components'][self.elements.ID, :] = \ self.noaa_mass_balance['mass_components'][self.elements.ID, :]*(1-fraction_dispersed[:, np.newaxis]) self.elements.mass_oil -= oil_mass_loss self.elements.mass_dispersed += oil_mass_loss
[docs] def plot_droplet_spectrum(self): '''Plotting distribution of droplet radii, for debugging''' plt.hist(self.elements.diameter / 2.0)
[docs] def evaporation_noaa(self): ############################################# # Evaporation, for elements at surface only ############################################# logger.debug(' Calculating evaporation - NOAA') surface = np.where(self.elements.z == 0)[0] # of active elements if len(surface) == 0: logger.debug('All elements submerged, no evaporation') return if self.elements.age_seconds[surface].min() > 3600 * 24: logger.debug('All surface oil elements older than 24 hours, ' + 'skipping further evaporation.') return surfaceID = self.elements.ID[surface] # of any elements # Area for each element, repeated for each component volume = (self.elements.mass_oil[surface] / self.elements.density[surface]) area = volume / self.elements.oil_film_thickness[surface] evap_decay_constant = noaa.evap_decay_constant( self.oiltype, self.wind_speed()[surface], self.environment.sea_water_temperature[surface], area, self.noaa_mass_balance['mass_components'][surfaceID, :]) mass_remain = \ (self.noaa_mass_balance['mass_components'][surfaceID, :] * np.exp(evap_decay_constant*self.time_step.total_seconds())) self.elements.mass_evaporated[surface] += \ np.sum(self.noaa_mass_balance[ 'mass_components'][surfaceID, :] - mass_remain, 1) self.noaa_mass_balance['mass_components'][surfaceID, :] = \ mass_remain self.elements.mass_oil[surface] = np.sum(mass_remain, 1)
[docs] def emulsification_noaa(self): ############################################# # Emulsification (surface only) ############################################# logger.debug(' Calculating emulsification - NOAA') emul_time = self.oiltype.bulltime emul_constant = self.oiltype.bullwinkle # Emulsify... # f ((le_age >= emul_time && emul_time >= 0.) || frac_evap[i] >= emul_C && emul_C > 0.) start_emulsion = np.where(( (self.elements.age_seconds >= emul_time) & (emul_time >= 0)) | ((self.elements.fraction_evaporated >= emul_constant) & (emul_constant > 0)))[0] if len(start_emulsion) == 0: logger.debug(' Emulsification not yet started') return # max water content fraction - get from database Y_max = np.atleast_1d(self.oiltype.emulsion_water_fraction_max) if self.max_water_fraction is not None: wf = self.max_water_fraction['max_water_fraction'] wft = self.max_water_fraction['temperatures'] if len(wf) == 1: wf = [wf, wf] wft = [wft, wft] swt = self.environment.sea_water_temperature[start_emulsion] - 273.15 # to Celcius weights = (wft[1] - swt) / (wft[1] - wft[0]) weights[swt>wft[1]] = 0 weights[swt<=wft[0]] = 1 max_water_fraction_sintef = weights*wf[0] + (1-weights)*wf[1] if (Y_max - max_water_fraction_sintef).min() > 0: logger.debug( f'Overriding max water fraction {Y_max} with linear fit to SINTEF max values:' f' T: {wft}, Fraction: {wf}') Y_max = np.array(np.minimum(Y_max, max_water_fraction_sintef)) # emulsion if Y_max.max() <= 0: logger.debug('Oil does not emulsify, returning.') return # Constants for droplets drop_min = 1.0e-6 drop_max = 1.0e-5 S_max = (6. / drop_min) * (Y_max / (1.0 - Y_max)) S_min = (6. / drop_max) * (Y_max / (1.0 - Y_max)) if self.oiltype.bulltime > 0: # User has set value start_time = self.oiltype.bulltime * np.ones(len(start_emulsion)) else: start_time = self.elements.age_seconds[start_emulsion] # TODO: it should be possible to specify oil age at seeding start_time[self.elements.age_seconds[start_emulsion] >= 0] = self.elements.bulltime[start_emulsion] # Update droplet interfacial area k_emul = noaa.water_uptake_coefficient(self.oiltype, self.wind_speed()[start_emulsion]) self.elements.interfacial_area[start_emulsion] = \ self.elements.interfacial_area[start_emulsion] + \ (k_emul*self.time_step.total_seconds()* np.exp((-k_emul/S_max)*( self.elements.age_seconds[start_emulsion] - start_time))) self.elements.interfacial_area[start_emulsion] = np.minimum(self.elements.interfacial_area[start_emulsion], S_max) # Update water fraction self.elements.water_fraction[start_emulsion] = ( self.elements.interfacial_area[start_emulsion] * drop_max / (6.0 + (self.elements.interfacial_area[start_emulsion] * drop_max))) self.elements.water_fraction[start_emulsion] = np.minimum(self.elements.water_fraction[start_emulsion], Y_max)
[docs] def update_terminal_velocity(self, Tprofiles=None, Sprofiles=None, z_index=None): """Calculate terminal velocity for oil droplets according to: * Tkalich et al. (2002): Vertical mixing of oil droplets by breaking waves * Marine Pollution Bulletin 44, 1219-1229 If profiles of temperature and salt are passed into this function, they will be interpolated from the profiles. if not, T,S will be fetched from reader. """ g = 9.81 # ms-2 r = self.elements.diameter # NB: r is diameter, not radius # Prepare interpolation of temp, salt if not (Tprofiles is None and Sprofiles is None): if z_index is None: z_i = range(Tprofiles.shape[0]) # evtl. move out of loop # evtl. move out of loop z_index = interp1d(-self.environment_profiles['z'], z_i, bounds_error=False) zi = z_index(-self.elements.z) upper = np.maximum(np.floor(zi).astype(np.uint8), 0) lower = np.minimum(upper + 1, Tprofiles.shape[0] - 1) weight_upper = 1 - (zi - upper) # Do interpolation of temp, salt if profiles were passed into # this function, if not, use reader by calling self.environment if Tprofiles is None: T0 = self.environment.sea_water_temperature else: T0 = Tprofiles[upper, range(Tprofiles.shape[1])] * \ weight_upper + \ Tprofiles[lower, range(Tprofiles.shape[1])] * \ (1-weight_upper) if Sprofiles is None: S0 = self.environment.sea_water_salinity else: S0 = Sprofiles[upper, range(Sprofiles.shape[1])] * \ weight_upper + \ Sprofiles[lower, range(Sprofiles.shape[1])] * \ (1-weight_upper) T0 = T0 - 273.15 # convert to Celcius - needed for the calcs in this method rho_oil = self.elements.density rho_water = self.sea_water_density(T=T0, S=S0) # dynamic water viscosity my_w = 0.001 * (1.7915 - 0.0538 * T0 + 0.007 * (T0**(2.0)) - 0.0023 * S0) # ~0.0014 kg m-1 s-1 # kinemativ water viscosity ny_w = my_w / rho_water rhopr = rho_oil / rho_water # terminal velocity for low Reynolds numbers kw = 2 * g * (1 - rhopr) / (9 * ny_w) W = kw * (r/2)**2 # r is diameter so divide by 2 for radius # check if we are in a high Reynolds number regime Re = r * W / ny_w # r is diameter so no need to multiply by 2 highRe = np.where(Re > 50) # Terminal velocity in high Reynolds numbers kw = (16 * g * (1 - rhopr) / 3)**0.5 W2 = kw * (r/2)**0.5 W[highRe] = W2[highRe] self.elements.terminal_velocity = W
[docs] def oil_wave_entrainment_rate(self): er = self.get_config('wave_entrainment:entrainment_rate') if er == 'Li et al. (2017)': entrainment_rate = oil_wave_entrainment_rate_li2017( dynamic_viscosity=self.elements.viscosity * self.elements.density, oil_density=self.elements.density, interfacial_tension=self.oil_water_interfacial_tension, significant_wave_height=self.significant_wave_height(), wave_breaking_fraction=self.sea_surface_wave_breaking_fraction( ), sea_water_density=self.sea_water_density()) return entrainment_rate else: logger.error("no entrainment rate mechanism configured") raise Exception("no entrainment rate mechanism configured")
[docs] def prepare_vertical_mixing(self): '''Calculate entrainment probability before main loop''' self.oil_entrainment_probability = \ 1 - np.exp(-self.oil_wave_entrainment_rate()*\ self.get_config('vertical_mixing:timestep')) # Calculate a random droplet diameter for each particle, # to be used if this particle gets entrained self.droplet_diameter_if_entrained = \ self.get_wave_breaking_droplet_diameter()
# Uncomment lines below to plot droplet size distribution at each step #import matplotlib.pyplot as plt #plt.hist(self.droplet_diameter_if_entrained, 200) #plt.gca().set_xscale("log") #plt.gca().set_yscale("log")
[docs] def surface_wave_mixing(self, time_step_seconds): """Mix surface oil into water column.""" # Entrain oil into uppermost layer (whitecapping from waves) # TODO: optimise this by only calculate for surface elements surface = self.elements.z >= 0 random_number = np.random.uniform(0, 1, len(self.elements.z)) entrained = np.logical_and( surface, random_number < self.oil_entrainment_probability) # Intrusion depth for wave entrainment from # Delvigne and Sweeney (1988), Li et al. (2017): if entrained.sum() > 0: logger.debug('Entraining %i of %i surface elements' % (entrained.sum(), surface.sum())) zb = 1.5 * self.significant_wave_height() # between 0 and zb intrusion_depth = np.random.uniform(0, np.mean(zb), entrained.sum()) self.elements.z[entrained] = -intrusion_depth if self.keep_droplet_diameter is False: # Give entrained elements a random diameter self.elements.diameter[entrained] = \ self.droplet_diameter_if_entrained[entrained]
[docs] def surface_stick(self): """set surfaced particles to exactly zero depth to let them form a slick """ surface = np.where(self.elements.z >= 0) if len(surface[0]) > 0: self.elements.z[surface] = 0.
[docs] def get_wave_breaking_droplet_diameter(self): dm = self.get_config('wave_entrainment:droplet_size_distribution') if dm == 'Johansen et al. (2015)': return self.get_wave_breaking_droplet_diameter_johansen2015() elif dm == 'Li et al. (2017)': return self.get_wave_breaking_droplet_diameter_liz2017() else: raise Exception("no wave entrainment droplet size distribution specified")
[docs] def get_wave_breaking_droplet_diameter_liz2017(self): # Li,Zhengkai, M. Spaulding, D. French-McCay, D. Crowley, J.R. Payne: "Development of a unified oil droplet size distribution model # with application to surface breaking waves and subsea blowout releases considering dispersant effects" Mar. Pol. Bul. # DOI: 10.1016/j.marpolbul.2016.09.008 # Should be prefered when the oil film thickness is unknown. if not hasattr(self, 'droplet_spectrum_pdf'): # Generate droplet spectrum as in Li (Zhengkai) et al. (2017) # Bounds are hardcoded to 1 micron and 3mm logger.debug('Generating wave breaking droplet size spectrum') self.droplet_spectrum_diameter = np.linspace(1e-6, 3e-3, 1000000) g = 9.81 interfacial_tension = self.oil_water_interfacial_tension delta_rho = self.sea_water_density() - self.elements.density d_o = 4 * (interfacial_tension / (delta_rho * g))**0.5 we = (self.sea_water_density() * g * self.significant_wave_height() * d_o) / interfacial_tension oh = self.elements.viscosity * self.elements.density * ( self.elements.density * interfacial_tension * d_o)**-0.5 # From kin. to dyn. viscosity by * density r = 1.791 p = 0.460 q = -0.518 dV_50 = d_o * r * ( 1 + 10 * oh )**p * we**q # median droplet diameter in volume distribution sd = 0.4 # log standard deviation in log10 units Sd = np.log(10) * sd # log standard deviation in natural log units # TODO: calculation below with scalars, but we have arrays, with varying oil properties # treat all particle in one go: dV_50 = np.mean(dV_50) # mean log diameter dN_50 = np.exp( np.log(dV_50) - 3 * Sd**2) # convert number distribution to volume distribution logger.debug( 'Droplet distribution median diameter dV_50: %f, dN_50: %f ' % (dV_50, np.mean(dN_50))) spectrum = (np.exp( -(np.log(self.droplet_spectrum_diameter) - np.log(dV_50))**2 / (2 * Sd**2))) / (self.droplet_spectrum_diameter * Sd * np.sqrt(2 * np.pi)) self.droplet_spectrum_pdf = spectrum / np.sum(spectrum) if ~np.isfinite(np.sum(self.droplet_spectrum_pdf)) or \ np.abs(np.sum(self.droplet_spectrum_pdf) - 1) > 1e-6: logger.warning('Could not update droplet diameters.') return self.elements.diameter else: return np.random.choice(self.droplet_spectrum_diameter, size=self.num_elements_active(), p=self.droplet_spectrum_pdf)
[docs] def get_wave_breaking_droplet_diameter_johansen2015(self): # Johansen O, Reed M, Bodsberg NR, Natural dispersion revisited # DOI: 10.1016/j.marpolbul.2015.02.026 # requires oil film thickness if not hasattr(self, 'droplet_spectrum_pdf') or self.get_config( 'processes:update_oilfilm_thickness') is True: # Generate droplet spectrum as in Johansen et al. (2015) # Bounds are hardcoded to 1micron and 3mm logger.debug('Generating wave breaking droplet size spectrum') self.droplet_spectrum_diameter = np.linspace(1e-6, 3e-3, 1000000) g = 9.81 interfacial_tension = self.oil_water_interfacial_tension H = self.significant_wave_height( ) # fall height = 2 * wave amplitude # Reyolds number (Eq. 7a from Johansen et al. 2015) re = (self.elements.density * self.elements.oil_film_thickness * (g * H)**0.5) / (self.elements.viscosity * self.elements.density) # Weber number (Eq. 7b from Johansen et al.2015) we = (self.elements.density * self.elements.oil_film_thickness * g * H) / interfacial_tension # Weber number A = 2.251 # parameters from Johansen et al. 2015 Bp = 0.027 B = A * Bp dN_50 = (A * self.elements.oil_film_thickness * we**-0.6) + ( B * self.elements.oil_film_thickness * re**-0.6) # median droplet diameter in number distribution sd = 0.4 # log standard deviation in log10 units Sd = np.log(10) * sd # log standard deviation in natural log units # Convert number distribution to volume distribution dV_50 = np.exp(np.log(dN_50) + 3 * Sd**2) # TODO: calculation below with scalars, but we have # arrays, with varying oil properties # treat all particle in one go: dV_50 = np.mean(dV_50) # mean log diameter logger.debug( 'Droplet distribution median diameter dV_50: %f, dN_50: %f ' % (dV_50, np.mean(dN_50))) spectrum = (np.exp( -(np.log(self.droplet_spectrum_diameter) - np.log(dV_50))**2 / (2 * Sd**2))) / (self.droplet_spectrum_diameter * Sd * np.sqrt(2 * np.pi)) self.droplet_spectrum_pdf = spectrum / np.sum(spectrum) if ~np.isfinite(np.sum(self.droplet_spectrum_pdf)) or \ np.abs(np.sum(self.droplet_spectrum_pdf) - 1) > 1e-6: logger.warning('Could not update droplet diameters.') return self.elements.diameter else: return np.random.choice(self.droplet_spectrum_diameter, size=self.num_elements_active(), p=self.droplet_spectrum_pdf)
[docs] def resurface_elements(self, minimum_depth=None): """Oil elements reaching surface (or above) form slick, not droplet""" surface = np.where(self.elements.z >= 0)[0] self.elements.z[surface] = 0
[docs] def advect_oil(self): # Calculating various drift factors according to ice concentration if hasattr(self.environment, 'sea_ice_area_fraction'): A = self.environment.sea_ice_area_fraction # According to # Nordam T, Beegle-Krause CJ, Skancke J, Nepstad R, Reed M. # Improving oil spill trajectory modelling in the Arctic. # Mar Pollut Bull. 2019;140:65-74. # doi:10.1016/j.marpolbul.2019.01.019 k_ice = (A - 0.3) / (0.8 - 0.3) k_ice[A < 0.3] = 0 k_ice[A > 0.8] = 1 if k_ice.max() > 0: 'Ice concentration above 30%, using Nordam scheme for advection in ice' ) # Using decreased Stokes drift according to # Arneborg, L. (2017). Oil drift modellling in pack ice # - Sensitivity of oil-in-ice parameters. # Ocean Engineering 144 (2017) 340-350 factor_stokes = (0.7 - A) / 0.7 factor_stokes[A > 0.7] = 0 else: k_ice = 0 factor_stokes = 1 # Simply move particles with ambient current self.advect_ocean_current(factor=1 - k_ice) # Wind drag for elements at ocean surface self.advect_wind(factor=1 - k_ice) # Stokes drift self.stokes_drift(factor_stokes) # Advect with ice self.advect_with_sea_ice(factor=k_ice)
[docs] def update(self): """Update positions and properties of oil particles.""" # TODO: move all config-checking inside respective methods if self.get_config('processes:update_oilfilm_thickness') is True: self.update_surface_oilfilm_thickness() # Oil weathering (inherited from OpenOil) self.oil_weathering() # Turbulent Mixing if self.get_config('drift:vertical_mixing') is True: self.update_terminal_velocity() self.vertical_mixing() del self.droplet_spectrum_pdf # Vertical advection if self.get_config('drift:vertical_advection') is True: self.vertical_advection() # Horizontal advection (inherited from OpenOil) self.advect_oil()
[docs] def get_oil_budget(self): """Get oil budget for the current simulation The oil budget consists of the following categories: * surface: the sum of variable mass_oil for all active elements where z = 0 * submerged: the sum of variable mass_oil for all active elements where z < 0 * stranded: the sum of variable mass_oil for all elements which are stranded * evaporated: the sum of variable mass_evaporated for all elements * dispersed: the sum of variable mass_dispersed for all elements The sum (total mass) shall equal the mass released. Note that the mass of oil is conserved, whereas the volume may change with changes in density and water uptake (emulsification). Therefore mass should be used for budgets, eventually converted to volume (by dividing on density) in the final step before presentation. Note that mass_oil is the mass of pure oil. The mass of oil emulsion (oil containing entrained water droplets) can be calculated as: .. code:: mass_emulsion = mass_oil / (1 - water_fraction) I.e. water_fraction = 0 means pure oil, water_fraction = 0.5 means mixture of 50% oil and 50% water, and water_fraction = 0.9 (which is maximum) means 10% oil and 90% water. """ if self.time_step.days < 0: # Backwards simulation return None density = self.result.density[0,0].values if 'stranded' not in self.status_categories: self.status_categories.append('stranded') budget = {} # Copy data to not change self.result for fill in ['status', 'z', 'mass_oil', 'mass_evaporated', 'mass_dispersed', 'mass_biodegraded']: budget[fill] = self.result[fill].ffill(dim='time') stranded = budget['status'] == self.status_categories.index('stranded') surface = budget['z'] == 0 mass_submerged = budget['mass_oil'].where( (surface == False) & (stranded == False)).sum(dim='trajectory', skipna=True) mass_surface = budget['mass_oil'].where( (surface == True) & (stranded == False)).sum(dim='trajectory', skipna=True) mass_stranded = budget['mass_oil'].where(stranded == True).sum(dim='trajectory', skipna=True) mass_evaporated = budget['mass_evaporated'].sum(dim='trajectory', skipna=True) mass_dispersed = budget['mass_dispersed'].sum(dim='trajectory', skipna=True) mass_biodegraded = budget['mass_biodegraded'].sum(dim='trajectory', skipna=True) oil_budget = { 'oil_density': density, 'mass_dispersed': mass_dispersed, 'mass_submerged': mass_submerged, 'mass_surface': mass_surface, 'mass_stranded': mass_stranded,#.cumsum(dim='time'), 'mass_evaporated': mass_evaporated, 'mass_biodegraded': mass_biodegraded, 'mass_total': (mass_dispersed + mass_submerged + mass_surface + mass_stranded + mass_evaporated + mass_biodegraded) } return oil_budget
[docs] def plot_oil_budget(self, filename=None, ax=None, show_watercontent_and_viscosity=True, show_wind_and_current=True): if self.time_step.days < 0: # Backwards simulation fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 6.)) plt.text(0.1, 0.5, 'Oil weathering deactivated for ' 'backwards simulations') plt.axis('off') if filename is not None: plt.savefig(filename) plt.close() else: return b = self.get_oil_budget() oil_budget = np.row_stack( (b['mass_dispersed'], b['mass_submerged'], b['mass_surface'], b['mass_stranded'], b['mass_evaporated'], b['mass_biodegraded'])) oil_density = b['oil_density'] budget = np.cumsum(oil_budget, axis=0) time = (self.result.time-self.result.time[0]).dt.total_seconds()/3600 # Hours since start if ax is None: # Left axis showing oil mass nrows = 1 if show_watercontent_and_viscosity is True: nrows = nrows + 1 if show_wind_and_current is True: nrows = nrows + 1 fig, axs = plt.subplots( nrows=nrows, ncols=1, figsize=(10, 6. + (nrows - 1) * 3)) # Suitable aspect ratio #ax1 = fig.add_subplot(nrows=nrows, 1, 1) if nrows == 1: ax1 = axs elif nrows >= 2: ax1 = axs[0] if show_watercontent_and_viscosity is True: self.plot_oil_watercontent_and_viscosity(ax=axs[1], show=False) if show_wind_and_current is True: self.plot_environment(ax=axs[nrows - 1], show=False) else: ax1 = ax # Hack: make some emply plots since fill_between does not support label if np.sum(b['mass_dispersed']) > 0: ax1.add_patch( plt.Rectangle((0, 0), 0, 0, color='darkslategrey', label='dispersed')) ax1.fill_between(time, 0, budget[0, :], facecolor='darkslategrey') if np.sum(b['mass_submerged']) > 0: ax1.add_patch( plt.Rectangle((0, 0), 0, 0, color='darkblue', label='submerged')) ax1.fill_between(time, budget[0, :], budget[1, :], facecolor='darkblue') if np.sum(b['mass_surface']) > 0: ax1.add_patch( plt.Rectangle((0, 0), 0, 0, color='royalblue', label='surface')) ax1.fill_between(time, budget[1, :], budget[2, :], facecolor='royalblue') if np.sum(b['mass_stranded']) > 0: ax1.add_patch( plt.Rectangle((0, 0), 0, 0, color='black', label='stranded')) ax1.fill_between(time, budget[2, :], budget[3, :], facecolor='black') if np.sum(b['mass_evaporated']) > 0: ax1.add_patch( plt.Rectangle((0, 0), 0, 0, color='skyblue', label='evaporated')) ax1.fill_between(time, budget[3, :], budget[4, :], facecolor='skyblue') if np.sum(b['mass_biodegraded']) > 0: ax1.add_patch( plt.Rectangle((0, 0), 0, 0, color='indigo', label='biodegraded')) ax1.fill_between(time, budget[4, :], budget[5, :], facecolor='indigo') ax1.set_ylim([0, budget.max()]) ax1.set_xlim([0, time.max()]) ax1.set_ylabel('Mass oil [%s]' % self.elements.variables['mass_oil']['units']) ax1.set_xlabel('Time [hours]') # Right axis showing volume ax2 = ax1.twinx() mass_total = b['mass_total'][-1] ax2.set_ylim([0, mass_total / oil_density]) ax2.set_ylabel('Volume oil [m3]') plt.title('%s (%.1f kg/m3) - %s to %s' % (self.get_oil_name(), oil_density, self.start_time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M'), self.time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M'))) # Shrink current axis's height by 10% on the bottom #box = ax1.get_position() #ax1.set_position( # [box.x0, box.y0 + box.height * 0.15, box.width, box.height * 0.85]) #ax2.set_position( # [box.x0, box.y0 + box.height * 0.5, box.width, box.height * 0.6]) ax1.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(0., -0.1, 1., -0.04), loc=1, ncol=6, mode="expand", borderaxespad=0., fontsize=10) if filename is not None: plt.savefig(filename) plt.close() else:
[docs] def get_oil_name(self): try: return self.get_config('seed:oil_type') except: # fallback if importing old files return 'unknown oiltype'
[docs] def cumulative_oil_entrainment_fraction(self): '''Returns the fraction of oil elements which has been entrained vs time''' z = self.result.z.copy() z = == 0, z) me =, axis=0) maskfirst = me[0][0] maskrow = me[0][1] z = z * 0 for mf, mr in zip(maskfirst, maskrow): z[mf:z.shape[0], mr] = 1 # has been entrained totentrained = np.sum(z, 1) cumulative_fraction_entrained = np.sum(z, 1) / z.shape[1] return cumulative_fraction_entrained
[docs] def plot_oil_watercontent_and_viscosity(self, ax=None, show=True): if ax is None: fig, ax = plt.subplots() import matplotlib.dates as mdates time = (self.result.time-self.result.time[0]).dt.total_seconds()/3600 # Hours since start kin_viscosity = self.result.viscosity dyn_viscosity = kin_viscosity * self.result.density*1000 # unit of mPas dyn_viscosity_mean = dyn_viscosity.mean(dim='trajectory') dyn_viscosity_std = dyn_viscosity.std(dim='trajectory') density = self.result.density.mean(dim='trajectory') density_std = self.result.density.std(dim='trajectory') watercontent = self.result.water_fraction.mean(dim='trajectory')*100 watercontent_std = self.result.water_fraction.std(dim='trajectory')*100 ax.plot(time, dyn_viscosity_mean, 'g', lw=2, label='Emulsion viscosity') ax.fill_between(time, dyn_viscosity_mean - dyn_viscosity_std, dyn_viscosity_mean + dyn_viscosity_std, color='g', alpha=0.5) ax.set_ylim([0, max(dyn_viscosity_mean + dyn_viscosity_std)]) ax.set_ylabel(r'Emulsion viscosity [cPoise] / [mPas]', color='g') ax.tick_params(axis='y', colors='g') axb = ax.twinx() axb.plot(time, watercontent, 'b', lw=2, label='Water content') axb.fill_between(time, watercontent - watercontent_std, watercontent + watercontent_std, color='b', alpha=0.5) ax.set_xlim([0, time.max()]) ax.set_xlabel('Time [hours]') axb.set_ylim([0, 100]) axb.set_ylabel(r'Water content [%]', color='b') axb.tick_params(axis='y', colors='b') ax.legend(loc='upper left') axb.legend(loc='upper center') if show is True:
[docs] def set_oiltype(self, oiltype): """ Sets the oil type by specifying the name, the first match will be chosen. See the `ADIOS database <>`_ for a list. OpenDrift provides a small set of extra oils. """ if self.get_config('seed:oil_type') != oiltype: self.__set_seed_config__('seed:oil_type', oiltype)'setting oil_type to: {oiltype}') self.oil_name = oiltype if self.oil_weathering_model == 'noaa': self.oiltype = adios.find_full_oil_from_name(self.oil_name) if not self.oiltype.valid(): logger.error( f"{self.oiltype} is not a valid oil for Opendrift simulations" ) raise ValueError() else: raise ValueError("unsupported oil weathering model")
[docs] def set_oiltype_by_id(self, oiltypeid): """ Sets the oil type by specifying the ADIOS ID. See the `ADIOS database <>`_ for a list. OpenDrift provides a small set of extra oils. """ if self.oil_weathering_model == 'noaa': self.oiltype = adios.get_full_oil_from_id(oiltypeid) self.oil_name = if not self.oiltype.valid(): logger.error( f"{self.oiltype} is not a valid oil for Opendrift simulations" ) raise ValueError() else: raise ValueError("unsupported oil weathering model")
[docs] def set_oiltype_by_json(self, json): """ Sets the oil type by specifing a JSON dict. The format should be the same as the ADIOS database. See the `ADIOS database <>`_ for a list. """ if self.oil_weathering_model == 'noaa': #o = { 'data': { 'attributes' : json } } #o['data']['_id'] = o['data']['attributes']['oil_id'] #o['data']['attributes']['metadata']['location'] = 'Norway' self.oiltype = adios.oil.OpendriftOil(json) self.oil_name = if not self.oiltype.valid(): logger.error( f"{self.oiltype} is not a valid oil for Opendrift simulations" ) raise ValueError() else: raise ValueError("unsupported oil weathering model")
[docs] def set_oiltype_from_file(self, path): """ Sets the oil type by specifing a JSON file. The format should be the same as the ADIOS database. See the `ADIOS database <>`_ for a list. >>> o = OpenOil() >>> o.set_oiltype_from_file('opendrift/models/openoil/adios/extra_oils/AD04001.json') """ if self.oil_weathering_model == 'noaa': import json with open(path, 'r') as fd: j = json.load(fd) self.set_oiltype_by_json(j) else: raise ValueError("unsupported oil weathering model")
[docs] def store_oil_seed_metadata(self, **kwargs): for s in [ 'lon', 'lat', 'radius', 'time', 'number', 'z', 'm3_per_hour' ]: if not 'seed_' + s in self.metadata_dict: if s in kwargs: val = kwargs[s] else: if s == 'radius': val = 0 # There is no default radius elif s == 'z' and 'z' not in kwargs and self.get_config( 'seed:seafloor') is True: val = 'seafloor' else: val = self.get_config('seed:' + s) if s == 'time': if hasattr(kwargs[s], '__len__'): self.add_metadata('seed_time', val[0]) else: self.add_metadata('seed_time', val) elif isinstance(val, str): self.add_metadata('seed_' + s, val) else: self.add_metadata('seed_' + s, np.atleast_1d(val).mean()) if not 'seed_oiltype' in self.metadata_dict: if 'oiltype' in kwargs: oiltype = kwargs['oiltype'] elif 'oil_type' in kwargs: oiltype = kwargs['oil_type'] else: oiltype = self.get_config('seed:oil_type') self.add_metadata('seed_oiltype', oiltype)
[docs] def seed_elements(self, *args, **kwargs): if len(args) == 2: kwargs['lon'] = args[0] kwargs['lat'] = args[1] args = {} if 'number' not in kwargs: number = self.get_config('seed:number') else: number = kwargs['number'] if 'diameter' in kwargs:'Droplet diameter is provided, and will ' 'be kept constant during simulation') self.keep_droplet_diameter = True else: self.keep_droplet_diameter = False if 'z' not in kwargs or kwargs['z'] is None: if self.get_config('seed:seafloor') is True: kwargs['z'] = 'seafloor' else: kwargs['z'] = self.get_config('seed:z') if isinstance(kwargs['z'], str) and \ kwargs['z'][0:8] == 'seafloor': z = -np.ones(number) else: z = np.atleast_1d(kwargs['z']) if len(z) == 1: z = z * np.ones(number) # Convert scalar z to array subsea = z < 0 if np.sum(subsea) > 0 and 'diameter' not in kwargs: dsd = self.get_config('seed:droplet_size_distribution') if dsd == 'uniform': # Droplet min and max for particles seeded below sea surface sub_dmin = self.get_config('seed:droplet_diameter_min_subsea') sub_dmax = self.get_config('seed:droplet_diameter_max_subsea')'Using uniform droplet size distribution between %s and %s m for ' 'elements seeded below sea surface.' % (sub_dmin, sub_dmax)) kwargs['diameter'] = np.random.uniform(sub_dmin, sub_dmax, number) elif dsd == 'normal': # Droplet mu and sigma for particles seeded below sea surface sub_mu = self.get_config('seed:droplet_diameter_mu') sub_sigma = self.get_config('seed:droplet_diameter_sigma')'Using normal droplet size distribution with ' 'mu = %s and sigma = %s m for elements seeded below sea surface.' % (sub_mu, sub_sigma)) kwargs['diameter'] = np.random.normal(sub_mu, sub_sigma, number) elif dsd == 'lognormal': # Droplet mu and sigma for particles seeded below sea surface sub_mu = self.get_config('seed:droplet_diameter_mu') sub_sigma = self.get_config('seed:droplet_diameter_sigma')'Using lognormal droplet size distribution with ' 'mu = %s and sigma = %s m for elements seeded below sea surface.' % (sub_mu, sub_sigma)) # From numpy.random.lognormal: # "Note that the mean and standard deviation are not the values for the # distribution itself, but of the underlying normal distribution it is derived from." # So we need to compute the input to the function from the mean and # standard deviation of the data we want to generate (assumed as input) sub_sigma2 = sub_sigma**2 sub_sigma2_lognormal = np.log(sub_sigma2/sub_mu**2 + 1) sub_mu_lognormal = np.log(sub_mu) - sub_sigma2_lognormal/2 sub_sigma_lognormal = sub_sigma2_lognormal**0.5 kwargs['diameter'] = np.random.lognormal(sub_mu_lognormal, sub_sigma_lognormal, number) # check it worked # print('median = '+str(np.median(kwargs['diameter']))) # print('mean = '+str(np.mean(kwargs['diameter']))) # print('sigma = '+str(np.std(kwargs['diameter']))) else: raise Exception("no valid initial subsea droplet size distribution specified") if 'oiltype' in kwargs: logger.warning( 'Seed argument *oiltype* is deprecated, use *oil_type* instead' ) kwargs['oil_type'] = kwargs['oiltype'] del kwargs['oiltype'] if 'oil_type' in kwargs: if self.get_config('seed:oil_type') != kwargs['oil_type']: self.__set_seed_config__('seed:oil_type', kwargs['oil_type']) del kwargs['oil_type'] else:'Oil type not specified, using default: ' + self.get_config('seed:oil_type')) self.set_oiltype(self.get_config('seed:oil_type')) if self.oil_weathering_model == 'noaa': self.Density = Density(self.oiltype.oil) self.KinematicViscosity = KinematicViscosity(self.oiltype.oil) oil_density = self.Density.at_temp(285) oil_viscosity = self.KinematicViscosity.at_temp(285) 'Using density %s and viscosity %s of oiltype %s' % (oil_density, oil_viscosity, self.get_config('seed:oil_type'))) kwargs['density'] = oil_density kwargs['viscosity'] = oil_viscosity if 'm3_per_hour' in kwargs: m3_per_hour = kwargs['m3_per_hour'] del kwargs['m3_per_hour'] else: m3_per_hour = self.get_config('seed:m3_per_hour') if 'number' in kwargs: num_elements = kwargs['number'] else: num_elements = self.get_config('seed:number') time = kwargs['time'] if type(time) is list: duration_hours = ((time[1] - time[0]).total_seconds()) / 3600 if duration_hours == 0: duration_hours = 1. else: duration_hours = 1. # For instantaneous spill, we use 1h kwargs['mass_oil'] = (m3_per_hour * duration_hours / num_elements * kwargs['density']) self.store_oil_seed_metadata(**kwargs) super(OpenOil, self).seed_elements(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def seed_cone(self, *args, **kwargs): if 'oiltype' in kwargs: logger.warning( 'Seed argument *oiltype* is deprecated, use *oil_type* instead' ) kwargs['oil_type'] = kwargs['oiltype'] del kwargs['oiltype'] self.store_oil_seed_metadata(**kwargs) super(OpenOil, self).seed_cone(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def seed_from_gml(self, gmlfile, num_elements=1000, *args, **kwargs): """Read oil slick contours from GML file, and seed particles within.""" # Specific imports import datetime from matplotlib.path import Path from xml.etree import ElementTree from matplotlib.patches import Polygon import pyproj namespaces = { 'od': '', 'gml': '' } slicks = [] with open(gmlfile, 'rt') as e: tree = ElementTree.parse(e) pos1 = 'od:oilDetectionMember/od:oilDetection/od:oilSpill/gml:Polygon' pos2 = 'gml:exterior/gml:LinearRing/gml:posList' # This retrieves some other types of patches, found in some files only # Should be combines with the above, to get all patches #pos1 = 'od:oilDetectionMember/od:oilDetection/od:oilSpill/ # gml:Surface/gml:polygonPatches' #pos2 = 'gml:PolygonPatch/gml:exterior/gml:LinearRing/gml:posList' # Find detection time time_pos = 'od:oilDetectionMember/od:oilDetection/od:detectionTime' oil_time = datetime.datetime.strptime( tree.find(time_pos, namespaces).text, '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ') for patch in tree.findall(pos1, namespaces): pos = patch.find(pos2, namespaces).text c = np.array(pos.split()).astype(float) lon = c[0::2] lat = c[1::2] slicks.append(Polygon(list(zip(lon, lat)))) # Find boundary and area of all patches lons = np.array([]) lats = lons.copy() for slick in slicks: ext = slick.get_extents() lons = np.append(lons, [ext.xmin, ext.xmax]) lats = np.append(lats, [ext.ymin, ext.ymax]) # Make a stereographic projection centred on the polygon lonmin = lons.min() lonmax = lons.max() latmin = lats.min() latmax = lats.max() # Place n points within the polygons proj = pyproj.Proj( '+proj=aea +lat_1=%f +lat_2=%f +lat_0=%f +lon_0=%f' % (latmin, latmax, (latmin + latmax) / 2, (lonmin + lonmax) / 2)) slickarea = np.array([]) for slick in slicks: lonlat = slick.get_xy() lon = lonlat[:, 0] lat = lonlat[:, 1] x, y = proj(lon, lat) area_of_polygon = 0.0 for i in range(-1, len(x) - 1): area_of_polygon += x[i] * (y[i + 1] - y[i - 1]) area_of_polygon = abs(area_of_polygon) / 2.0 slickarea = np.append(slickarea, area_of_polygon) # in m2 # Make points deltax = np.sqrt(np.sum(slickarea) / num_elements) lonpoints = np.array([]) latpoints = np.array([]) for i, slick in enumerate(slicks): lonlat = slick.get_xy() lon = lonlat[:, 0] lat = lonlat[:, 1] x, y = proj(lon, lat) xvec = np.arange(x.min(), x.max(), deltax) yvec = np.arange(y.min(), y.max(), deltax) x, y = np.meshgrid(xvec, yvec) lon, lat = proj(x, y, inverse=True) lon = lon.ravel() lat = lat.ravel() points = np.c_[lon, lat] ind = Path(slick.xy).contains_points(points) lonpoints = np.append(lonpoints, lon[ind]) latpoints = np.append(latpoints, lat[ind]) # Finally seed at found positions kwargs['lon'] = lonpoints kwargs['lat'] = latpoints self.seed_elements(time=oil_time, **kwargs)
[docs] def seed_from_geotiff_thickness(self, filename, number=50000, *args, **kwargs): '''Seed from files as provided by Prof. Chuanmin Hu''' from osgeo import gdal, ogr, osr if not 'time' in kwargs: try: # get time from filename time = datetime.strptime(filename[-28:-13], '%Y%m%d.%H%M%S')'Parsed time from filename: %s' % time) except: time = logger.warning('Could not pase time from filename, ' 'using present time: %s' % time) ds = gdal.Open(filename) srcband = ds.GetRasterBand(1) data = srcband.ReadAsArray() thickness_microns = [0.04, 0.44, 4.4, 16] # NB: approximate categories = [1, 2, 3, 4] # categories # Make memory raster bands for each category memrastername = filename + '.mem' memdriver = gdal.GetDriverByName('MEM') mem_ds = memdriver.CreateCopy(memrastername, ds) for cat in categories: mem_ds.AddBand(gdal.GDT_Byte) mem_band = mem_ds.GetRasterBand(cat) mem_band.WriteArray(data == cat) # Make memory polygons for each category drv = ogr.GetDriverByName('MEMORY') mem_vector_ds = [0] * len(categories) mem_vector_layers = [0] * len(categories) for cat in categories: memshapename = filename + '%i.mem' % cat mem_vector_ds[cat - 1] = drv.CreateDataSource(memshapename) mem_vector_layers[cat-1] = \ mem_vector_ds[cat-1].CreateLayer( 'thickness%i' % cat, srs=None) gdal.Polygonize(mem_ds.GetRasterBand(cat), None, mem_vector_layers[cat - 1], -1, [], callback=None) total_area = np.zeros(len(categories)) layers = [0] * len(categories) src_srs = osr.SpatialReference() src_srs.ImportFromEPSG(4269) tgt_srs = osr.SpatialReference() tgt_srs.ImportFromEPSG(3857) transform = osr.CoordinateTransformation(src_srs, tgt_srs) for cat in categories: memshapename = filename + '%i.shp' % cat layers[cat - 1] = mem_vector_layers[cat - 1] areas = np.zeros(layers[cat - 1].GetFeatureCount()) for i, feature in enumerate(layers[cat - 1]): geom = feature.GetGeometryRef() geom.Transform(transform) # To get area in m2 areas[i] = geom.GetArea() # Delete largest polygon, which is outer border outer = np.where(areas == max(areas))[0] areas[outer] = 0 total_area[cat - 1] = np.sum(areas) layers[cat - 1].DeleteFeature(outer) layers[cat - 1].ResetReading() # Calculate how many elements to be seeded for each category areas_weighted = total_area * thickness_microns numbers = number * areas_weighted / np.sum(areas_weighted) numbers = np.round(numbers).astype(int) oil_density = 1000 mass_oil = (total_area * thickness_microns / 1e6) * oil_density for i, num in enumerate(numbers): self.seed_from_shapefile([mem_vector_layers[i]], oil_film_thickness=thickness_microns[i] / 1000000., mass_oil=mass_oil[i] / num, number=num, time=time, *args, **kwargs)
[docs] def _substance_name(self): return self.get_oil_name()