Source code for opendrift.models.oceandrift

# This file is part of OpenDrift.
# OpenDrift is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, version 2
# OpenDrift is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with OpenDrift.  If not, see <>.
# Copyright 2015, Knut-Frode Dagestad, MET Norway

from datetime import datetime, timedelta
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
import logging; logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
from opendrift.models.basemodel import OpenDriftSimulation
from opendrift.elements import LagrangianArray
from opendrift.models.physics_methods import verticaldiffusivity_Large1994, verticaldiffusivity_Sundby1983, gls_tke

# Defining the oil element properties
[docs] class Lagrangian3DArray(LagrangianArray): """Extending LagrangianArray for elements moving in 3 dimensions The Particle may be buoyant and/or subject to vertical mixing buoyant bahaviour is described by terminal velocity """ variables = LagrangianArray.add_variables([ ('wind_drift_factor', {'dtype': np.float32, 'units': '1', 'description': 'Elements at surface are moved with this ' 'fraction of the vind vector, in addition to currents ' 'and Stokes drift', 'default': 0.02}), ('current_drift_factor', {'dtype': np.float32, 'units': '1', 'description': 'Elements are moved with this fraction of the ' 'current vector, in addition to currents ' 'and Stokes drift', 'default': 1}), ('terminal_velocity', {'dtype': np.float32, 'units': 'm/s', 'description': 'Terminal rise/sinking velocity (buoyancy) ' 'in the ocean column', 'default': 0.})])
[docs] class OceanDrift(OpenDriftSimulation): """Open source buoyant particle trajectory model based on OpenDrift. Developed at MET Norway Generic module for particles that move in 3 dimensions and may be to vertical turbulent mixing with the possibility for positive or negative buoyancy Particles could be e.g. oil droplets, plankton, nutrients or sediments, Model may be subclassed for more specific behaviour. """ ElementType = Lagrangian3DArray required_variables = { 'x_sea_water_velocity': {'fallback': 0}, 'y_sea_water_velocity': {'fallback': 0}, 'sea_surface_height': {'fallback': 0}, 'x_wind': {'fallback': 0}, 'y_wind': {'fallback': 0}, 'upward_sea_water_velocity': {'fallback': 0}, 'ocean_vertical_diffusivity': {'fallback': 0, 'profiles': True}, 'sea_surface_wave_significant_height': {'fallback': 0}, 'sea_surface_wave_stokes_drift_x_velocity': {'fallback': 0}, 'sea_surface_wave_stokes_drift_y_velocity': {'fallback': 0}, 'sea_surface_wave_period_at_variance_spectral_density_maximum': {'fallback': 0}, 'sea_surface_wave_mean_period_from_variance_spectral_density_second_frequency_moment': {'fallback': 0}, 'sea_surface_swell_wave_to_direction': {'fallback': 0, 'important': False}, 'sea_surface_swell_wave_peak_period_from_variance_spectral_density': {'fallback': 0, 'important': False}, 'sea_surface_swell_wave_significant_height': {'fallback': 0, 'important': False}, 'sea_surface_wind_wave_to_direction': {'fallback': 0, 'important': False}, 'sea_surface_wind_wave_mean_period': {'fallback': 0, 'important': False}, 'sea_surface_wind_wave_significant_height': {'fallback': 0, 'important': False}, 'surface_downward_x_stress': {'fallback': 0}, 'surface_downward_y_stress': {'fallback': 0}, 'turbulent_kinetic_energy': {'fallback': 0}, 'turbulent_generic_length_scale': {'fallback': 0}, 'ocean_mixed_layer_thickness': {'fallback': 50}, 'sea_floor_depth_below_sea_level': {'fallback': 10000}, 'land_binary_mask': {'fallback': None}, } def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): if 'machine_learning_dict' in kwargs: logger.debug('Machine learning correction supplied.') mld = kwargs['machine_learning_dict'] del kwargs['machine_learning_dict'] import pickle from tensorflow import keras from tools.normalizations import generate_one_normalized_predictor, generate_one_denormalized_prediction self.generate_one_normalized_predictor = generate_one_normalized_predictor self.generate_one_denormalized_prediction = generate_one_denormalized_prediction self.trained_model = keras.models.load_model(mld['trained_model']) self.dict_normalization_params = pickle.load(open(mld['dict_normalization_params'], 'rb')) self.ml_predictors = [self.dict_normalization_params['predictors'][i]['content'] for i in self.dict_normalization_params['predictors']] else: logger.debug('No machine learning correction available.') if hasattr(self, 'required_profiles_z_range'): raise ValueError('self.required_profiles_z_range is obsolete, and replaced by config setting drift:profile_depth. Please update your model.') # Calling general constructor of parent class super(OceanDrift, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self._add_config({ 'drift:vertical_advection': {'type': 'bool', 'default': True, 'description': 'Advect elements with vertical component of ocean current.', 'level': CONFIG_LEVEL_BASIC}, 'drift:vertical_mixing': {'type': 'bool', 'default': False, 'level': CONFIG_LEVEL_BASIC, 'description': 'Activate vertical mixing scheme with inner loop'}, 'vertical_mixing:timestep': {'type': 'float', 'min': 0.1, 'max': 3600, 'default': 60, 'level': CONFIG_LEVEL_ADVANCED, 'units': 'seconds', 'description': 'Time step used for inner loop of vertical mixing.'}, 'vertical_mixing:diffusivitymodel': {'type': 'enum', 'default': 'environment', 'enum': ['environment', 'stepfunction', 'windspeed_Sundby1983', 'windspeed_Large1994', 'gls_tke','constant'], 'level': CONFIG_LEVEL_ADVANCED, 'units': 'seconds', 'description': 'Algorithm/source used for profile of vertical diffusivity. Environment means that diffusivity is aquired from readers or environment constants/fallback.'}, 'vertical_mixing:background_diffusivity': {'type': 'float', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'default': 1.2e-5, 'level': CONFIG_LEVEL_ADVANCED, 'units': 'm2s-1', 'description': 'Background diffusivity used below mixed layer for wind parameterisations.'}, 'vertical_mixing:TSprofiles': {'type': 'bool', 'default': False, 'level': CONFIG_LEVEL_ADVANCED, 'description': 'Update T and S profiles within inner loop of vertical mixing. This takes more time, but may be slightly more accurate.'}, 'drift:wind_drift_depth': {'type': 'float', 'default': 0.1, 'min': 0, 'max': 10, 'units': 'meters', 'description': 'The direct wind drift (windage) is linearly decreasing from the surface value (wind_drift_factor) until 0 at this depth.', 'level': CONFIG_LEVEL_ADVANCED}, 'drift:stokes_drift': {'type': 'bool', 'default': True, 'description': 'Advection elements with Stokes drift (wave orbital motion).', 'level': CONFIG_LEVEL_ADVANCED}, 'drift:stokes_drift_profile': {'type': 'enum', 'default': 'Phillips', 'enum': ['monochromatic', 'exponential', 'Phillips', 'windsea_swell'], 'description': 'Algorithm to calculate Stokes drift at depth from surface value', 'level': CONFIG_LEVEL_ADVANCED}, 'drift:use_tabularised_stokes_drift': {'type': 'bool', 'default': False, 'description': 'If True, Stokes drift is estimated from wind based on look-up-tables for given fetch (drift:tabularised_stokes_drift_fetch).', 'level': CONFIG_LEVEL_ADVANCED}, 'drift:tabularised_stokes_drift_fetch': {'type': 'enum', 'enum': ['5000', '25000', '50000'], 'default': '25000', 'level': CONFIG_LEVEL_ADVANCED, 'description': 'The fetch length when using tabularised Stokes drift.'}, 'general:seafloor_action': {'type': 'enum', 'default': 'lift_to_seafloor', 'enum': ['none', 'lift_to_seafloor', 'deactivate', 'previous'], 'description': '"deactivate": elements are deactivated; "lift_to_seafloor": elements are lifted to seafloor level; "previous": elements are moved back to previous position; "none"; seafloor is ignored.', 'level': CONFIG_LEVEL_ADVANCED}, 'drift:truncate_ocean_model_below_m': {'type': 'float', 'default': None, 'min': 0, 'max': 10000, 'units': 'm', 'description': 'Ocean model data are only read down to at most this depth, and extrapolated below. May be specified to read less data to improve performance.', 'level': CONFIG_LEVEL_ADVANCED}, 'seed:z': {'type': 'float', 'default': 0, 'min': -10000, 'max': 0, 'units': 'm', 'description': 'Depth below sea level where elements are released. This depth is neglected if seafloor seeding is set selected.', 'level': CONFIG_LEVEL_ESSENTIAL}, 'seed:seafloor': {'type': 'bool', 'default': False, 'description': 'Elements are seeded at seafloor, and seeding depth (z) is neglected.', 'level': CONFIG_LEVEL_ESSENTIAL}, }) self._set_config_default('drift:max_speed', 2)
[docs] def update(self): """Update positions and properties of elements.""" # Simply move particles with ambient current self.advect_ocean_current() # Advect particles due to surface wind drag, # according to element property wind_drift_factor self.advect_wind() # Stokes drift self.stokes_drift() # Turbulent Mixing self.update_terminal_velocity() if self.get_config('drift:vertical_mixing') is True: self.vertical_mixing() else: # Buoyancy self.vertical_buoyancy() # Vertical advection self.vertical_advection() # Optional machine learning correction self.machine_learning_correction()
[docs] def simulate_trajectories(self, outfile, trajectories, number=1, wind_drift_factors=None, current_drift_factors=None, time_step=None, time_step_output=None, simulation_duration=None, simulation_interval=None): time_step_output = pd.Timedelta(time_step_output) simulation_interval = pd.Timedelta(simulation_interval) # Interpolate trajectories to output time step #trajectories = trajectories.traj.gridtime(time_step_output) # Find all seed combinations: position, time, wdf, cdf # Loop også over trajektorier -> origin_marker step = int(simulation_interval / time_step_output) tind = np.arange(0, trajectories.sizes['time'], step) start_lons = trajectories.isel(time=tind).isel(trajectory=0).lon.values start_lats = trajectories.isel(time=tind).isel(trajectory=0).lat.values start_times = trajectories.time[tind] self.set_config('drift:max_age_seconds', simulation_duration.total_seconds()) kwargs = {'wind_drift_factor': wind_drift_factors[0], 'current_drift_factor': current_drift_factors[0]} for (lo,la,ti) in zip(start_lons, start_lats, start_times): if np.isnan(lo): continue self.seed_elements(lon=lo, lat=la, time=time, number=number, **kwargs) print(self), end_time=start_times[-1]+simulation_duration)
# Simulate and save to file
[docs] def machine_learning_correction(self): if not hasattr(self, 'trained_model'): return # No machine learning correction available # ML shall only be applied every 1 hour if not hasattr(self, 'ml_timesteps'): self.ml_timesteps = 3600/self.time_step.total_seconds() if self.steps_calculation % self.ml_timesteps != 0: logger.warning('ML not applied at time step %s' % self.steps_calculation) return # Only apply every 1 hour logger.warning('Machine learning') x_vel = np.ones(self.num_elements_active())*np.NaN y_vel = np.ones(self.num_elements_active())*np.NaN st = list_predictors_normalized = [] list_predictors_denormalized = [] # Prepare predictor dicts for n in range(self.num_elements_active()): dict_input = {s: getattr(self.environment, s)[n] for s in self.ml_predictors} predictor_normalized = self.generate_one_normalized_predictor( dict_input, self.dict_normalization_params) list_predictors_normalized.append(predictor_normalized) # Normalize all_predictors_normalized = np.squeeze(np.array(list_predictors_normalized)) # perform a prediction from normalized predictor to normalized label logger.warning('Calculating ML correction...') predicted_normalized_residual_correction = self.trained_model.predict(all_predictors_normalized) # get the "native units" residual correction logger.warning('Denormalization...') for n in range(self.num_elements_active()): native_units_correction = self.generate_one_denormalized_prediction( predicted_normalized_residual_correction[n, :], self.dict_normalization_params) x_vel[n] = native_units_correction['residual_displacement_x']*1000/3600 y_vel[n] = native_units_correction['residual_displacement_y']*1000/3600 # Apply correction logger.warning('Applying ML correction: %s to %s m/s eastwards, %s to %s m/s northwards' % (x_vel.min(), x_vel.max(), y_vel.min(), y_vel.max())) #logger.warning('%s particles, %s' % (self.num_elements_active(), self.update_positions(x_vel, y_vel)
[docs] def update_terminal_velocity(self, Tprofiles=None, Sprofiles=None, z_index=None): """Calculate terminal velocity due to bouyancy from own properties and environmental variables. Sub-modules should overload this method for particle-specific behaviour """ pass
[docs] def prepare_vertical_mixing(self): pass # To be implemented by subclasses as needed
[docs] def prepare_run(self): super(OceanDrift, self).prepare_run()
[docs] def vertical_advection(self): """Move particles vertically according to vertical ocean current Vertical advection by ocean currents is normally small compared to termical velocity """ if self.get_config('drift:vertical_advection') is False: logger.debug('Vertical advection deactivated') return in_ocean = np.where(self.elements.z<0)[0] if len(in_ocean) > 0: w = self.environment.upward_sea_water_velocity[in_ocean] self.elements.z[in_ocean] = np.minimum(0, self.elements.z[in_ocean] + self.elements.moving[in_ocean] * w * self.time_step.total_seconds()) else: logger.debug('No vertical advection for elements at surface')
[docs] def vertical_buoyancy(self): """Move particles vertically according to their buoyancy""" in_ocean = np.where(self.elements.z<0)[0] if len(in_ocean) > 0: self.elements.z[in_ocean] = np.minimum(0, self.elements.z[in_ocean] + self.elements.terminal_velocity[in_ocean] * self.time_step.total_seconds()) # check for minimum height/maximum depth for each particle accouting also for # the sea surface height Zmin = -1.*(self.environment.sea_floor_depth_below_sea_level + self.environment.sea_surface_height) # Let particles stick to bottom bottom = np.where(self.elements.z < Zmin) if len(bottom[0]) > 0: logger.debug('%s elements reached seafloor, interacting with bottom' % len(bottom[0])) self.interact_with_seafloor() self.bottom_interaction(Zmin)
[docs] def surface_stick(self): '''To be overloaded by subclasses, e.g. downward mixing of oil''' # keep particle just below the surface surface = np.where(self.elements.z >= 0) if len(surface[0]) > 0: self.elements.z[surface] = -0.01
[docs] def bottom_interaction(self, Zmin=None): '''To be overloaded by subclasses, e.g. radionuclides in sediments''' pass
[docs] def surface_wave_mixing(self, time_step_seconds): '''To be overloaded by subclasses, e.g. downward mixing of oil''' pass
[docs] def get_diffusivity_profile(self, model, depths): wind, depth = np.meshgrid(self.wind_speed(), depths) MLD = self.environment.ocean_mixed_layer_thickness background_diffusivity = self.get_config('vertical_mixing:background_diffusivity') if model == 'windspeed_Large1994': return verticaldiffusivity_Large1994(wind, depth, MLD, background_diffusivity) elif model == 'windspeed_Sundby1983': return verticaldiffusivity_Sundby1983(wind, depth, MLD, background_diffusivity) elif model == 'gls_tke': if not hasattr(self, 'gls_parameters'):'Searching readers for GLS parameters...') for reader_name, reader in self.readers.items(): if hasattr(reader, 'gls_parameters'): self.gls_parameters = reader.gls_parameters'Found gls-parameters in ' + reader_name) break # Success if not hasattr(self, 'gls_parameters'):'Did not find gls-parameters in any readers.') self.gls_parameters = None windstress = np.sqrt(self.environment.surface_downward_x_stress**2 + self.environment.surface_downward_y_stress**2) return gls_tke(windstress, depth, self.sea_water_density(), self.environment.turbulent_kinetic_energy, self.environment.turbulent_generic_length_scale, gls_parameters) else: raise ValueError('Unknown diffusivity model: ' + model)
[docs] def vertical_mixing(self, store_depths=False): """Mix particles vertically according to eddy diffusivity and buoyancy Buoyancy is expressed as terminal velocity, which is the steady-state vertical velocity due to positive or negative buoyant behaviour. It is usually a function of particle density, diameter, and shape. Vertical particle displacemend du to turbulent mixing is calculated using a random walk scheme" (Visser et al. 1996) """ if self.get_config('drift:vertical_mixing') is False: logger.debug('Turbulent mixing deactivated') return self.timer_start('main loop:updating elements:vertical mixing') dt_mix = self.get_config('vertical_mixing:timestep') # minimum height/maximum depth for each particle accouting also for # the sea surface height Zmin = -1.*(self.environment.sea_floor_depth_below_sea_level + self.environment.sea_surface_height) # Eventual model specific preparions self.prepare_vertical_mixing() # get profile of eddy diffusivity # get vertical eddy diffusivity from environment or specific model diffusivity_model = self.get_config('vertical_mixing:diffusivitymodel') diffusivity_fallback = self.get_config('environment:fallback:ocean_vertical_diffusivity') # Mixing levels to be used if analytical expression: mixing_z_analytical = -np.arange(0, self.environment.ocean_mixed_layer_thickness.max() + 2) if diffusivity_model == 'environment': if 'ocean_vertical_diffusivity' in self.environment_profiles and not ( self.environment_profiles['ocean_vertical_diffusivity'].min() == diffusivity_fallback and self.environment_profiles['ocean_vertical_diffusivity'].max() == diffusivity_fallback): Kprofiles = self.environment_profiles[ 'ocean_vertical_diffusivity'] mixing_z = self.environment_profiles['z'].copy() logger.debug('Using diffusivity from ocean model') else: logger.debug('Using diffusivity from Large1994 since model diffusivities not available') mixing_z = mixing_z_analytical Kprofiles = self.get_diffusivity_profile('windspeed_Large1994', np.abs(mixing_z)) elif diffusivity_model == 'constant': logger.debug('Using constant diffusivity specified by fallback_values[''ocean_vertical_diffusivity''] = %s m2.s-1' % (diffusivity_fallback)) mixing_z = self.environment_profiles['z'].copy() Kprofiles = diffusivity_fallback*np.ones( self.environment_profiles['ocean_vertical_diffusivity'].shape) # keep constant value for ocean_vertical_diffusivity else: logger.debug('Using functional expression for diffusivity') # Note: although analytical functions, z is discretised mixing_z = mixing_z_analytical Kprofiles = self.get_diffusivity_profile(diffusivity_model, np.abs(mixing_z)) logger.debug('Diffusivities are in range %s to %s' % (Kprofiles.min(), Kprofiles.max())) # get profiles of salinity and temperature # (to save interpolation time in the inner loop) if (self.get_config('vertical_mixing:TSprofiles') is True and 'sea_water_salinity' in self.required_variables): Sprofiles = self.environment_profiles['sea_water_salinity'] Tprofiles = \ self.environment_profiles['sea_water_temperature'] if (self.get_config('environment:fallback:sea_water_salinity') is not None and Sprofiles.min() == Sprofiles.max()): logger.debug('Salinity and temperature are fallback' 'values, skipping TSprofile') Sprofiles = None Tprofiles = None else: logger.debug('Using TSprofiles for vertical mixing') else: logger.debug('TSprofiles deactivated for vertical mixing') Sprofiles = None Tprofiles = None # prepare vertical interpolation coordinates z_i = range(mixing_z.shape[0]) if len(z_i) == 1: z_index = 0 else: z_index = interp1d(-mixing_z, z_i, bounds_error=False, fill_value=(0,len(z_i)-1)) # Extrapolation # Internal loop for fast time step of vertical mixing model. # Random walk needs faster time step than horizontal advection. logger.debug('Vertical mixing module:' + self.get_config('vertical_mixing:diffusivitymodel')) ntimes_mix = np.abs(int(self.time_step.total_seconds()/dt_mix)) logger.debug('Turbulent diffusion with random walk ' 'scheme using ' + str(ntimes_mix) + ' fast time steps of dt=' + str(dt_mix) + 's') if store_depths is not False: depths = np.zeros((ntimes_mix, self.num_elements_active())) depths[0, :] = self.elements.z # Calculating dK/dz for all profiles before the loop gradK = -np.gradient(Kprofiles, mixing_z, axis=0) gradK[np.abs(gradK)<1e-10] = 0 for i in range(0, ntimes_mix): #remember which particles belong to the exact surface surface = self.elements.z == 0 # Update the terminal velocity of particles self.update_terminal_velocity(Tprofiles=Tprofiles, Sprofiles=Sprofiles, z_index=z_index) w = self.elements.terminal_velocity # Diffusivity and its gradient at z zi = np.round(z_index(-self.elements.z)).astype(np.uint16) Kz = Kprofiles[zi, range(Kprofiles.shape[1])] dKdz = gradK[zi, range(Kprofiles.shape[1])] # Visser et al. 1997 random walk mixing # requires an inner loop time step dt such that # dt << (d2K/dz2)^-1, e.g. typically dt << 15min # # NB: In the last term Kz is evaluated in zi, while # it should be evaluated in (self.elements.z - dKdz*dt_mix) # This is not expected have large impact on the result R = 2*np.random.random(self.num_elements_active()) - 1 r = 1.0/3 # New position = old position - up_K_flux + random walk self.elements.z = self.elements.z - self.elements.moving*( dKdz*dt_mix - R*np.sqrt((Kz*dt_mix*2/r))) # Reflect from surface reflect = np.where(self.elements.z >= 0) if len(reflect[0]) > 0: self.elements.z[reflect] = -self.elements.z[reflect] # Reflect elements going below seafloor # Zmin accounts for sea_surface_height bottom = np.where(np.logical_and(self.elements.z < Zmin, self.elements.moving == 1)) if len(bottom[0]) > 0: logger.debug('%s elements penetrated seafloor, lifting up' % len(bottom[0])) self.elements.z[bottom] = 2*Zmin[bottom] - self.elements.z[bottom] # Advect due to buoyancy self.elements.z = self.elements.z + w*dt_mix*self.elements.moving # Put the particles that belonged to the surface slick # (if present) back to the surface self.elements.z[surface] = 0. # Formation of slick and wave mixing for surfaced particles # if implemented for this class self.surface_stick() self.surface_wave_mixing(dt_mix) # Let particles stick to bottom bottom = np.where(self.elements.z < Zmin) if len(bottom[0]) > 0: logger.debug('%s elements reached seafloor, interacting with bottom' % len(bottom[0])) self.interact_with_seafloor() self.bottom_interaction(Zmin) if store_depths is not False: depths[i, :] = self.elements.z self.timer_end('main loop:updating elements:vertical mixing') if store_depths is not False: return depths else: return None
[docs] def animate_vertical_distribution(self, depths=None, maxdepth=None, bins=50, filename=None, subsamplingstep=1): """Function to animate vertical distribution of particles bins: number of bins in the histogram maxdepth: maximum depth subsamplingstep: speed-up the generation of the animation reducing the number of output frames fasterwriter: speed-up the writing to outpute file """ import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import matplotlib.animation as animation start_time = #from timeit import default_timer as timer #start=timer() fig, (axk, axn) = plt.subplots(1, 2, gridspec_kw={'width_ratios': [1, 3]}) if depths is not None: # Debug mode, output from one cycle has been provided z = depths time_step = self.get_config('vertical_mixing:timestep') times = pd.date_range(self.time, freq=timedelta(seconds=time_step), periods=z.shape[0]).to_numpy() else: z = self.result.z.values K = self.result.ocean_vertical_diffusivity.values time_step = self.time_step.total_seconds() times = self.result.time if maxdepth is None: maxdepth = np.nanmin(z) if maxdepth > 0: maxdepth = -maxdepth # negative z if depths is not None: axk.plot(np.nanmean(self.environment_profiles['ocean_vertical_diffusivity'], 1), self.environment_profiles['z']) xmax = self.environment_profiles['ocean_vertical_diffusivity'].max() else: axk.plot(K, z, 'k.') xmax = np.nanmax(K) axk.set_ylim([maxdepth, 0]) axk.set_xlim([0, xmax*1.1]) axk.set_ylabel('Depth [m]') axk.set_xlabel('Vertical diffusivity [$m^2/s$]') subsamplingstep=max(1,subsamplingstep) times=times[0:-1:subsamplingstep] z=z[0:-1:subsamplingstep,:] hist_series = np.zeros((bins, len(times))) bin_series = np.zeros((bins+1, len(times))) for i in range(len(times)): hist_series[:,i], bin_series[:,i] = np.histogram(z[i,:][np.isfinite(z[i,:])], bins=bins, range=(maxdepth,z[np.isfinite(z)].max())) maxnum = hist_series.max() axn.clear() bc=axn.barh(bin_series[0:-1,i], hist_series[:,i], height=-maxdepth/bins, align='edge') axn.set_ylim([maxdepth, 0]) axn.set_xlim([0, maxnum]) title=axn.set_title('') axn.set_xlabel('Number of particles') def update_histogram(i): for rect, y in zip(bc, hist_series[:,i]): rect.set_width(y) title.set_text(f'{np.datetime_as_string(times[i], unit="s")} UTC') self.__save_or_plot_animation__(plt.gcf(), update_histogram, filename, frames = len(times), fps = 10, interval=50, blit=False)'Time to make animation: %s' % ( - start_time))
[docs] def plot_vertical_distribution(self, maxdepth=None, bins=None, maxnum=None): """Function to plot vertical distribution of particles maxdepth: maximum depth considered for the profile bins: number of bins between surface and maxdepth maxnum: range of bars in histogram is [0,maxnum] """ import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from matplotlib.widgets import Slider fig = plt.figure() mainplot = fig.add_axes([.15, .3, .8, .5]) sliderax = fig.add_axes([.15, .08, .75, .05]) steps_output = len(self.result.time) tslider = Slider(sliderax, 'Timestep', 0, steps_output-1, valinit=steps_output-1, valfmt='%0.0f') try: dz = self.get_config('vertical_mixing:verticalresolution') except: dz = 1. maxrange = -100 # overwrite default values if input arguments are provided if maxdepth is not None: maxrange = maxdepth if maxrange > 0: maxrange = -maxrange # negative z if bins is not None: dz = -maxrange/bins if maxnum is None: # Precalculatig histograms to find maxnum hist_series = np.zeros((int(-maxrange/dz), steps_output-1)) bin_series = np.zeros((int(-maxrange/dz)+1, steps_output-1)) for i in range(steps_output-1): z = self.result.z.isel(time=i) z = z[np.isfinite(z)] hist_series[:,i], bin_series[:,i] = np.histogram(z, bins=int(-maxrange/dz), range=[maxrange, 0]) maxnum = hist_series.max() def update(val): tindex = int(tslider.val) mainplot.cla() mainplot.grid() mainplot.hist(self.result.z.isel(time=tindex), bins=int(-maxrange/dz), range=[maxrange, 0], orientation='horizontal') mainplot.set_ylim([maxrange, 0]) mainplot.set_xlim([0, maxnum]) mainplot.set_xlabel('number of particles') mainplot.set_ylabel('depth [m]') x_wind = self.result.x_wind.isel(time=tindex) y_wind = self.result.y_wind.isel(time=tindex) windspeed = np.mean(np.sqrt(x_wind**2 + y_wind**2)) mainplot.set_title(f'{np.datetime_as_string(self.result.time[tindex], unit="s")} ' f'Mean windspeed: {windspeed:.1f} m/s') fig.canvas.draw_idle() update(0) # Plot initial distribution tslider.on_changed(update) # returning objects prevents unresponsiveness when moving the Slider # return fig,mainplot,sliderax,tslider