Source code for opendrift.models.basemodel

# This file is part of OpenDrift.
# OpenDrift is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, version 2
# OpenDrift is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with OpenDrift.  If not, see <>.
# Copyright 2015, Knut-Frode Dagestad, MET Norway
# Copyright 2020, Gaute Hope, MET Norway

import logging
logger = logging.getLogger('opendrift')

import sys
import os
import types
from typing import Union, List
import traceback
import inspect
import psutil

from opendrift.models.basemodel.environment import Environment
from opendrift.readers import reader_global_landmask

from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod, abstractproperty

import geojson
import xarray as xr
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import scipy
import pyproj
import matplotlib

matplotlib.pyplot.set_loglevel(level = 'warning')
matplotlib.rcParams['legend.numpoints'] = 1
matplotlib.rcParams['legend.scatterpoints'] = 1
matplotlib.rcParams['figure.autolayout'] = True
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib import animation
from matplotlib.patches import Polygon
from matplotlib.path import Path
import as ccrs
import cartopy.feature as cfeature
from enum import Enum
import functools

import opendrift
from opendrift.timer import Timeable
from opendrift.errors import WrongMode
from opendrift.models.physics_methods import PhysicsMethods

import roaring_landmask
from roaring_landmask import RoaringLandmask

Mode = Enum('Mode', ['Config', 'Ready', 'Run', 'Result'])
rl =

[docs] def require_mode(mode: Union[Mode, List[Mode]], post_next_mode=False, error=None): if not isinstance(mode, list): mode = [mode] def _decorator(func): @functools.wraps(func) def inner(self, *args, **kwargs): def next_mode(): # Change the mode prev = self.mode if self.mode is Mode.Config: self.env.finalize() self.mode = Mode.Ready elif self.mode is Mode.Ready: self.mode = Mode.Run elif self.mode is Mode.Run: self.mode = Mode.Result elif self.mode is Mode.Result: pass else: raise Exception("Unknown mode") logger.debug(f"Changed mode from {prev} to {self.mode}") if self.mode not in mode: # Check if we can advance to the required mode if mode[0] is Mode.Ready and self.mode is Mode.Config: next_mode() elif mode[0] is Mode.Run and self.mode is Mode.Ready: next_mode() elif mode[0] is Mode.Result and self.mode is Mode.Run: next_mode() else: raise WrongMode(mode, self.mode, error) r = func(self, *args, **kwargs) if post_next_mode: next_mode() return r return inner return _decorator
[docs] class OpenDriftSimulation(PhysicsMethods, Timeable, Configurable): """Generic trajectory model class, to be extended (subclassed). This as an Abstract Base Class, meaning that only subclasses can be initiated and used. Any specific subclass ('model') must contain its own (or shared) specific type of particles (ElementType), whose properties are updated at each time_step using method update() on basis of model physics/chemistry/biology and 'required_variables' (environment) which are provided by one or more Reader objects. Attributes: ElementType: the type (class) of particles to be used by this model elements: object of the class ElementType, storing the specific particle properties (ndarrays and scalars) of all active particles as named attributes. Elements are added by seeding-functions (presently only one implemented: seed_elements). elements_deactivated: ElementType object containing particles which have been deactivated (and removed from 'elements') elements_scheduled: ElementType object containing particles which have been scheduled, but not yet activated required_variables: list of strings of CF standard_names which is needed by this model (update function) to update properties of particles ('elements') at each time_step. This core class has no required_elements, this is implemented by subclasses/modules. environment: recarray storing environment variables (wind, waves, current etc) as named attributes. Attribute names follow standard_name from CF-convention, allowing any OpenDriftSimulation module/subclass using environment data from any readers which can provide the requested variables. Used in method 'update' to update properties of elements every time_step. time_step: timedelta object, time interval at which element properties are updated (including advection). time_step_output: timedelta object, time interval at which element properties are stored in memory and eventually written to file readers: Dictionary where values are Reader objects, and names are unique reference keywords used to access a given reader (typically filename or URL) priority_list: OrderedDict where names are variable names, and values are lists of names (kewywords) of the reader, in the order of priority (user defined) of which the readers shall be called to retrieve environmental data. """ __metaclass__ = ABCMeta mode = Mode.Config status_categories = ['active'] # Particles are active by default # Default plotting colors of trajectory endpoints status_colors_default = { 'initial': 'green', 'active': 'blue', 'missing_data': 'gray' } plot_comparison_colors = [ 'k', 'r', 'g', 'b', 'm', 'c', 'y', 'crimson', 'indigo', 'lightcoral', 'grey', 'sandybrown', 'palegreen', 'gold', 'yellowgreen', 'lime', 'steelblue', 'navy', 'darkviolet' ] plot_comparison_colors = plot_comparison_colors + plot_comparison_colors proj_latlon = pyproj.Proj('+proj=latlong') """ The environment holds all the readers and the forcing data for the simulation. """ env: Environment
[docs] @classmethod def SRS(cls): return cls.proj_latlon
def __init__(self, seed=0, iomodule='netcdf', loglevel=logging.DEBUG, logfile=None): """Initialise OpenDriftSimulation Args: seed: integer or None. A given integer will yield identical random numbers drawn each simulation. Random numbers are e.g. used to distribute particles spatially when seeding, and may be used by modules (subclasses) for e.g. diffusion. Specifying a fixed value (default: 0) is useful for sensitivity tests. With seed = None, different random numbers will be drawn for subsequent runs, even with identical configuration/input. iomodule: name of module used to export data default: netcdf, see :py:mod:`` for more alternatives. `iomodule` is module/filename without preceeding `io_` loglevel: set to 0 (default) to retrieve all debug information. Provide a higher value (e.g. 20) to receive less output. logtime: if True, a time stamp is given for each logging line. logtime can also be given as a python time specifier (e.g. '%H:%M:%S') logfile: None (default) to send output to console. A string to send output to logfile. Or to get output to both terminal and file: [<filename.log>, logging.StreamHandler(sys.stdout)] """ super().__init__() self.profiles_depth = None self.show_continuous_performance = False self.origin_marker = None # Dictionary to store named seeding locations # List to store GeoJSON dicts of seeding commands self.seed_geojson = [] self.env = Environment(self.required_variables, self._config) # Make copies of dictionaries so that they are private to each instance self.status_categories = ['active'] # Particles are active by default self.status_colors_default = self.status_colors_default.copy() if hasattr(self, 'status_colors'): # Append model specific colors to (and override) default colors self.status_colors_default.update(self.status_colors) self.status_colors = self.status_colors_default else: self.status_colors = self.status_colors_default # Using a fixed seed will generate the same random numbers # each run, useful for sensitivity tests # Use seed = None to get different random numbers each time np.random.seed(seed) self.steps_calculation = 0 # Increase for each simulation step self.elements_deactivated = self.ElementType() # Empty array self.elements = self.ElementType() # Empty array # Set up logging logformat = '%(asctime)s %(levelname)-7s %(name)s:%(lineno)d: %(message)s' datefmt = '%H:%M:%S' if loglevel < 10: # 0 is NOTSET, giving no output loglevel = 10 logger.setLevel(loglevel) logger.handlers.clear() if logfile is not None: if not isinstance(logfile, list): logfile = [logfile] for lh in logfile: if not isinstance(lh, logging.StreamHandler): lh = logging.FileHandler(lh, mode='w') lh.setLevel(loglevel) lh.setFormatter(logging.Formatter(logformat, datefmt)) logger.addHandler(lh) else: # logging only to console, with colors import coloredlogs fields = coloredlogs.DEFAULT_FIELD_STYLES fields['levelname']['color'] = 'magenta' # coloredlogs does not create duplicate handlers coloredlogs.install(level=loglevel, fmt=logformat, datefmt=datefmt, field_styles=fields) # Prepare outfile try: io_module = __import__( 'opendrift.export.io_' + iomodule, fromlist=['init', 'write_buffer', 'close', 'import_file']) except ImportError:'Could not import iomodule ' + iomodule) raise self.io_init = types.MethodType(io_module.init, self) self.io_write_buffer = types.MethodType(io_module.write_buffer, self) self.io_close = types.MethodType(io_module.close, self) self.io_import_file = types.MethodType(io_module.import_file, self) # Set configuration options self._add_config({ # type, default, min, max, enum, important, value, units, description 'general:simulation_name': {'type': 'str', 'min_length': 0, 'max_length': 64, 'default': '', 'level': CONFIG_LEVEL_BASIC, 'description': 'Name of simulation'}, 'general:coastline_action': { 'type': 'enum', 'enum': ['none', 'stranding', 'previous'], 'default': 'stranding', 'level': CONFIG_LEVEL_BASIC, 'description': 'None means that objects may also move over land. ' 'stranding means that objects are deactivated if they hit land. ' 'previous means that objects will move back to the previous location ' 'if they hit land' }, 'general:coastline_approximation_precision': { 'type': 'float', 'default': 0.001, 'min': 0.0001, 'max': 0.005, 'units': 'degrees', 'description': 'The precision of the particle position approximation to the coastline.', 'level': CONFIG_LEVEL_BASIC }, 'general:time_step_minutes': { 'type': 'float', 'min': .01, 'max': 1440, 'default': 60, 'units': 'minutes', 'level': CONFIG_LEVEL_BASIC, 'description': 'Calculation time step used for the simulation. The output time step may ' 'be equal or larger than this.' }, 'general:time_step_output_minutes': { 'type': 'float', 'min': 1, 'max': 1440, 'default': None, 'units': 'minutes', 'level': CONFIG_LEVEL_BASIC, 'description': 'Output time step, i.e. the interval at which output is saved. ' 'This must be larger than the calculation time step, and be an integer multiple of this.' }, 'seed:ocean_only': { 'type': 'bool', 'default': True, 'description': 'If True, elements seeded on land will be moved to the closest ' 'position in ocean', 'level': CONFIG_LEVEL_ADVANCED }, 'seed:number': { 'type': 'int', 'default': 1, 'min': 1, 'max': 100000000, 'units': 1, 'description': 'The number of elements for the simulation.', 'level': CONFIG_LEVEL_BASIC }, 'drift:max_age_seconds': { 'type': 'float', 'default': None, 'min': 0, 'max': np.inf, 'units': 'seconds', 'description': 'Elements will be deactivated when this age is reached', 'level': CONFIG_LEVEL_ADVANCED }, 'drift:advection_scheme': { 'type': 'enum', 'enum': ['euler', 'runge-kutta', 'runge-kutta4'], 'default': 'euler', 'level': CONFIG_LEVEL_ADVANCED, 'description': 'Numerical advection scheme for ocean current advection' }, 'drift:horizontal_diffusivity': { 'type': 'float', 'default': 0, 'min': 0, 'max': 100000, 'units': 'm2/s', 'description': 'Add horizontal diffusivity (random walk)', 'level': CONFIG_LEVEL_BASIC }, 'drift:profiles_depth': {'type': 'float', 'default': 50, 'min': 0, 'max': None, 'level': CONFIG_LEVEL_ADVANCED, 'units': 'meters', 'description': 'Environment profiles will be retrieved from surface and down to this depth'}, 'drift:wind_uncertainty': { 'type': 'float', 'default': 0, 'min': 0, 'max': 5, 'units': 'm/s', 'description': 'Add gaussian perturbation with this standard deviation to wind components at each time step.', 'level': CONFIG_LEVEL_ADVANCED }, 'drift:relative_wind': { 'type': 'bool', 'default': False, 'description': 'If True, wind drift is calculated for absolute wind (wind vector minus ocean surface current vector).', 'level': CONFIG_LEVEL_ADVANCED }, 'drift:deactivate_north_of': { 'type': 'float', 'default': None, 'min': -90, 'max': 90, 'units': 'degrees', 'description': 'Elements are deactivated if the move further north than this limit', 'level': CONFIG_LEVEL_ADVANCED }, 'drift:deactivate_south_of': { 'type': 'float', 'default': None, 'min': -90, 'max': 90, 'units': 'degrees', 'description': 'Elements are deactivated if the move further south than this limit', 'level': CONFIG_LEVEL_ADVANCED }, 'drift:deactivate_east_of': { 'type': 'float', 'default': None, 'min': -360, 'max': 360, 'units': 'degrees', 'description': 'Elements are deactivated if the move further east than this limit', 'level': CONFIG_LEVEL_ADVANCED }, 'drift:deactivate_west_of': { 'type': 'float', 'default': None, 'min': -360, 'max': 360, 'units': 'degrees', 'description': 'Elements are deactivated if the move further west than this limit', 'level': CONFIG_LEVEL_ADVANCED }, 'readers:max_number_of_fails': { 'type': 'int', 'default': 1, 'min': 0, 'max': 1e6, 'units': 'number', 'description': 'Readers are discarded if they fail (e.g. corrupted data, og hanging servers) move than this number of times', 'level': CONFIG_LEVEL_ADVANCED }, }) # Add default element properties to config c = {} for p in self.ElementType.variables: v = self.ElementType.variables[p] if 'seed' in v and v['seed'] is False: continue # Properties which may not be provided by user c['seed:%s' % p] = { 'type': v['type'] if 'type' in v else 'float', 'min': v['min'] if 'min' in v else None, 'max': v['max'] if 'max' in v else None, 'units': v['units'] if 'units' in v else None, 'default': v['default'] if 'default' in v else None, 'description': v['description'] if 'description' in v \ else 'Seeding value of %s' % p, 'level': v['level'] if 'level' in v \ else CONFIG_LEVEL_ADVANCED } self._add_config(c) self.result = None # Xarray Dataset to store trajectories and properties self.index_of_first = None self.index_of_last = None # Find variables which require profiles self.required_profiles = [ var for var in self.required_variables if 'profiles' in self.required_variables[var] and self.required_variables[var]['profiles'] is True ] # Find variables which are desired, but not required self.desired_variables = [ var for var in self.required_variables if 'important' in self.required_variables[var] and self.required_variables[var]['important'] is False ] self.timer_start('total time') self.timer_start('configuration') self.add_metadata('opendrift_version', opendrift.__version__)'OpenDriftSimulation initialised (version %s)' % opendrift.version.version_or_git())
[docs] def clone(self): c = self.__class__() c._config.clear() for k, v in self._config.items(): c._config[k] = v c.add_reader([r for _, r in self.env.readers.items()]) return c
@require_mode(mode=Mode.Config, error='Cannot set config after elements have been seeded') @functools.wraps(Configurable.set_config) def set_config(self, *args, **kwargs): return Configurable.set_config(self, *args, **kwargs) @require_mode(mode=[Mode.Config, Mode.Ready]) @functools.wraps(Configurable.set_config) def __set_seed_config__(self, key: str, value): """ This method allows setting config values that are passed as seed arguments. The environment is already prepared before this, so make sure that nothing is changed that requires the environment to be re-initialized. """ if not key.startswith('seed'): raise ValueError("This method is only allowed for setting seed arguments.") # check that the oil_type is only set once if key == 'seed:oil_type' and self.num_elements_scheduled() > 0: if value != self.get_config('seed:oil_type'): raise WrongMode(Mode.Config, self.mode, msg=f"Cannot change the oil type after elements have been seeded: {self.get_config('seed:oil_type')} -> {value}") return Configurable.set_config(self, key, value)
[docs] def add_metadata(self, key, value): """Add item to metadata dictionary, for export as netCDF global attributes""" if not hasattr(self, 'metadata_dict'): from collections import OrderedDict self.metadata_dict = OrderedDict() self.metadata_dict[key] = value
[docs] @require_mode(mode=[Mode.Config, Mode.Result]) def add_reader(self, readers, variables=None, first=False): self.env.add_reader(readers, variables, first)
[docs] @require_mode(mode=Mode.Config) def add_readers_from_list(self, *args, **kwargs): '''Make readers from a list of URLs or paths to netCDF datasets''' self.env.add_readers_from_list(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] @require_mode(mode=Mode.Config) def add_readers_from_file(self, *args, **kwargs): '''Make readers from a file containing list of URLs or paths to netCDF datasets''' self.env.add_readers_from_file(*args, **kwargs)
# To be overloaded by sublasses, but this parent method must be called
[docs] def prepare_run(self): # Copy profile_depth from config self.profiles_depth = self.get_config('drift:profiles_depth')
[docs] def store_present_positions(self, IDs=None, lons=None, lats=None): """Store present element positions, in case they shall be moved back""" if self.get_config('general:coastline_action') in ['previous', 'stranding'] or ( 'general:seafloor_action' in self._config and self.get_config('general:seafloor_action') == 'previous'): if not hasattr(self, 'previous_lon'): self.previous_lon = self.previous_lat = if IDs is None: IDs = self.elements.ID lons = self.elements.lon lats = self.newly_seeded_IDs = None else: # to check if seeded on land if len(IDs) > 0: self.newly_seeded_IDs = np.copy(IDs) else: self.newly_seeded_IDs = None self.previous_lon[IDs] = np.copy(lons) self.previous_lat[IDs] = np.copy(lats)
[docs] def store_previous_variables(self): """Store some environment variables, for access at next time step""" if not hasattr(self, 'store_previous'): return if not hasattr(self, 'variables_previous'): # Create ndarray to store previous variables dtype = [(var, np.float32) for var in self.store_previous] self.variables_previous = np.array(np.full( self.num_elements_total(), np.nan), dtype=dtype) # Copying variables_previous to environment_previous self.environment_previous = self.variables_previous[self.elements.ID] # Use new values for new elements which have no previous value for var in self.store_previous: undefined = np.isnan(self.environment_previous[var]) self.environment_previous[var][undefined] = getattr( self.environment, var)[undefined] self.environment_previous = self.environment_previous.view(np.recarray) for var in self.store_previous: self.variables_previous[var][self.elements.ID] = getattr( self.environment, var)
[docs] def interact_with_coastline(self, final=False): """Coastline interaction according to configuration setting""" if self.num_elements_active() == 0: return i = self.get_config('general:coastline_action') coastline_approximation_precision = self.get_config('general:coastline_approximation_precision') if not hasattr(self, 'environment') or not hasattr( self.environment, 'land_binary_mask'): return if i == 'none': # Do nothing return if final is True: # Get land_binary_mask for final location en, en_prof, missing = \ self.env.get_environment(['land_binary_mask'], self.time, self.elements.lon,, self.elements.z) self.environment.land_binary_mask = en.land_binary_mask if i == 'stranding': # Deactivate elements on land, but not in air on_land = np.where(self.environment.land_binary_mask == 1)[0] if len(on_land) == 0: logger.debug('No elements hit coastline.') return logger.debug('%s elements hit land, moving them to the coastline.' % len(on_land)) self.deactivate_elements( (self.environment.land_binary_mask == 1) & (self.elements.z <= 0), reason='stranded' ) if not coastline_approximation_precision: return for on_land_id, on_land_prev_id in zip(on_land, self.elements.ID[on_land]): lon = self.elements.lon[on_land_id] lat =[on_land_id] prev_lon = self.previous_lon[on_land_prev_id] prev_lat = self.previous_lat[on_land_prev_id] step_degrees = float(coastline_approximation_precision) x_degree_diff = np.abs(prev_lon - lon) x_samples = np.floor(x_degree_diff / step_degrees).astype(np.int64) if x_degree_diff > step_degrees else 1 x = np.linspace(prev_lon, lon, x_samples) y_degree_diff = np.abs(prev_lat - lat) y_samples = np.floor(y_degree_diff/ step_degrees).astype(np.int64) if y_degree_diff > step_degrees else 1 y = np.linspace(prev_lat, lat, y_samples) xx, yy = np.meshgrid(x,y) xx, yy = xx.ravel(), yy.ravel() rl_mask = rl.contains_many(xx.ravel(), yy.ravel()) if np.any(rl_mask): index = np.argmax(rl_mask) new_lon = xx[index] new_lat = yy[index] self.elements.lon[on_land_id] = new_lon[on_land_id] = new_lat self.environment.land_binary_mask[on_land] = 0 elif i == 'previous': # Go back to previous position (in water) if self.newly_seeded_IDs is not None: self.deactivate_elements( (self.environment.land_binary_mask == 1) & (self.elements.age_seconds == 0), reason='seeded_on_land') on_land = np.where(self.environment.land_binary_mask == 1)[0] if len(on_land) == 0: logger.debug('No elements hit coastline.') else: logger.debug('%s elements hit coastline, ' 'moving back to water' % len(on_land)) on_land_ID = self.elements.ID[on_land] self.elements.lon[on_land] = \ np.copy(self.previous_lon[on_land_ID])[on_land] = \ np.copy(self.previous_lat[on_land_ID]) self.environment.land_binary_mask[on_land] = 0
[docs] def interact_with_seafloor(self): """Seafloor interaction according to configuration setting""" if self.num_elements_active() == 0: return if 'sea_floor_depth_below_sea_level' not in self.env.priority_list: return if not hasattr(self, 'environment'): logger.warning('Seafloor check not being run because environment is missing. ' 'This will happen the first time the function is run but if it happens ' 'subsequently there is probably a problem.') return if not hasattr(self.environment, 'sea_surface_height'): logger.warning('Seafloor check not being run because sea_surface_height is missing. ') return # the shape of these is different than the original arrays # because it is for active drifters sea_floor_depth = self.sea_floor_depth() sea_surface_height = self.sea_surface_height() # Check if any elements are below sea floor # But remember that the water column is the sea floor depth + sea surface height ibelow = self.elements.z < -(sea_floor_depth + sea_surface_height) below = np.where(ibelow)[0] if len(below) == 0: logger.debug('No elements hit seafloor.') return i = self.get_config('general:seafloor_action') if i == 'lift_to_seafloor': logger.debug('Lifting %s elements to seafloor.' % len(below)) self.elements.z[below] = -sea_floor_depth[below] elif i == 'deactivate': self.deactivate_elements(ibelow, reason='seafloor') self.elements.z[below] = -sea_floor_depth[below] elif i == 'previous': # Go back to previous position (in water) logger.warning('%s elements hit seafloor, ' 'moving back ' % len(below)) below_ID = self.elements.ID[below] self.elements.lon[below] = \ np.copy(self.previous_lon[below_ID])[below] = \ np.copy(self.previous_lat[below_ID])
[docs] @abstractmethod def update(self): """Any trajectory model implementation must define an update method. This method must/can use environment data (self.environment) to update properties (including position) of its particles (self.elements) """
@abstractproperty def ElementType(self): """Any trajectory model implementation must define an ElementType.""" @abstractproperty def required_variables(self): """Any trajectory model implementation must list needed variables."""
[docs] def test_data_folder(self): import opendrift return os.path.abspath( os.path.join(os.path.dirname(opendrift.__file__), '..', 'tests', 'test_data')) + os.path.sep
[docs] def performance(self): '''Report the time spent on various tasks''' outStr = '--------------------\n' outStr += 'Reader performance:\n' for r in self.env.readers: reader = self.env.readers[r] if reader.is_lazy: continue outStr += '--------------------\n' outStr += r + '\n' outStr += reader.performance() outStr += '--------------------\n' outStr += 'Performance:\n' for category, time in self.timing.items(): timestr = str(time)[0:str(time).find('.') + 2] for i, c in enumerate(timestr): if c in '123456789.': timestr = timestr[i:] # Strip leading 0 and : if c == '.': timestr = '0' + timestr break parts = category.split(':') indent = ' ' * (len(parts) - 1) category = parts[-1] category = category.replace('<colon>', ':') outStr += '%s%7s %s\n' % (indent, timestr, category) outStr += '--------------------\n' return outStr
[docs] def num_elements_active(self): """The number of active elements.""" if hasattr(self, 'elements'): return len(self.elements) else: return 0
[docs] def num_elements_deactivated(self): """The number of deactivated elements.""" if hasattr(self, 'elements_deactivated'): return len(self.elements_deactivated) else: return 0
[docs] def num_elements_scheduled(self): if hasattr(self, 'elements_scheduled'): return len(self.elements_scheduled) else: return 0
[docs] def num_elements_total(self): """The total number of scheduled, active and deactivated elements.""" return self.num_elements_activated() + self.num_elements_scheduled()
[docs] def num_elements_activated(self): """The total number of active and deactivated elements.""" return self.num_elements_active() + self.num_elements_deactivated()
[docs] @require_mode(mode=Mode.Ready) def schedule_elements(self, elements, time): """Schedule elements to be seeded during runtime. Also assigns a unique ID to each particle, monotonically increasing.""" # prepare time if isinstance(time, np.ndarray): time = list(time) if not isinstance(time, list): time = [time] if len(time) == 1 and len(elements) > 1: time = time * len(elements) if not hasattr(self, 'elements_scheduled'): self.elements_scheduled = elements self.elements_scheduled_time = np.array(time) # We start simulation at time of release of first element: self.start_time = time[0] self.elements_scheduled.ID = np.arange(0, len(elements)) else: elements.ID = np.arange(self.num_elements_scheduled(), self.num_elements_scheduled() + len(elements)) # Increase ID successively self.elements_scheduled.extend(elements) self.elements_scheduled_time = np.append( self.elements_scheduled_time, np.array(time)) min_time = np.min(time) if hasattr(self, 'start_time'): if min_time < self.start_time: self.start_time = min_time logger.debug('Setting simulation start time to %s' % str(min_time)) else: self.start_time = min_time logger.debug('Setting simulation start time to %s' % str(min_time))
[docs] def release_elements(self): """Activate elements which are scheduled within following timestep.""" logger.debug( 'to be seeded: %s, already seeded %s' % (len(self.elements_scheduled), self.num_elements_activated())) if len(self.elements_scheduled) == 0: return if self.time_step.days >= 0: indices = (self.elements_scheduled_time >= self.time) & \ (self.elements_scheduled_time < self.time + self.time_step) else: indices = (self.elements_scheduled_time <= self.time) & \ (self.elements_scheduled_time > self.time + self.time_step) self.store_present_positions(self.elements_scheduled.ID[indices], self.elements_scheduled.lon[indices],[indices]) self.elements_scheduled.move_elements(self.elements, indices) self.elements_scheduled_time = self.elements_scheduled_time[~indices] logger.debug('Released %i new elements.' % np.sum(indices))
[docs] def closest_ocean_points(self, lon, lat): """Return the closest ocean points for given lon, lat""" deltalon = 0.01 # grid deltalat = 0.01 numbuffer = 10 lonmin = lon.min() - deltalon * numbuffer lonmax = lon.max() + deltalon * numbuffer latmin = lat.min() - deltalat * numbuffer latmax = lat.max() + deltalat * numbuffer if not 'land_binary_mask' in self.env.priority_list:'No land reader added, ' 'making a temporary landmask reader') from opendrift.models.oceandrift import OceanDrift reader_landmask = reader_global_landmask.Reader() seed_state = np.random.get_state( ) # Do not alter current random number generator o = OceanDrift() np.random.set_state(seed_state) if hasattr(self, 'simulation_extent'): o.simulation_extent = self.simulation_extent o.env.add_reader(reader_landmask) o.env.finalize() # This is not env of the main simulation land_reader = reader_landmask else:'Using existing reader for land_binary_mask') land_reader_name = self.env.priority_list['land_binary_mask'][0] land_reader = self.env.readers[land_reader_name] o = self land = o.env.get_environment(['land_binary_mask'], lon=lon, lat=lat, z=0 * lon, time=land_reader.start_time)[0]['land_binary_mask'] if land.max() == 0:'All points are in ocean') return lon, lat'Moving %i out of %i points from land to water' % (np.sum(land != 0), len(lon))) landlons = lon[land != 0] landlats = lat[land != 0] longrid = np.arange(lonmin, lonmax, deltalon) latgrid = np.arange(latmin, latmax, deltalat) longrid, latgrid = np.meshgrid(longrid, latgrid) longrid = longrid.ravel() latgrid = latgrid.ravel() # Remove grid-points not covered by this reader latgrid_covered = land_reader.covers_positions(longrid, latgrid)[0] longrid = longrid[latgrid_covered] latgrid = latgrid[latgrid_covered] landgrid = o.env.get_environment(['land_binary_mask'], lon=longrid, lat=latgrid, z=0 * longrid, time=land_reader.start_time)[0]['land_binary_mask'] if landgrid.min() == 1 or np.isnan(landgrid.min()): logger.warning('No ocean pixels nearby, cannot move elements.') if land.min() == 1: raise ValueError('All elements seeded on land') return lon, lat oceangridlons = longrid[landgrid == 0] oceangridlats = latgrid[landgrid == 0] tree = scipy.spatial.cKDTree( np.dstack([oceangridlons, oceangridlats])[0]) landpoints = np.dstack([landlons, landlats]) _dist, indices = tree.query(landpoints) indices = indices.ravel() lon[land != 0] = oceangridlons[indices] lat[land != 0] = oceangridlats[indices] return lon, lat
[docs] @require_mode(mode=Mode.Ready) def seed_elements(self, lon, lat, time, radius=0, number=None, radius_type='gaussian', **kwargs): """Seed elements with given position(s), time and properties. Arguments: lon: scalar or array central longitude(s). lat: scalar or array central latitude(s). radius: scalar or array radius in meters around each lon-lat pair, within which particles will be randomly seeded. number: integer, total number of particles to be seeded If number is None, the number of elements is the length of lon/lat or time if these are arrays. Otherwise the number of elements are obtained from the config-default. time: datenum or list The time at which particles are seeded/released. If time is a list with two elements, elements are seeded continously from start/first to end/last time. If time is a list with more than two elements, the number of elements is equal to len(time) and are seeded as a time series. radius_type: string If 'gaussian' (default), the radius is the standard deviation in x-y-directions. If 'uniform', elements are spread evenly and always inside a circle with the given radius. kwargs: keyword arguments containing properties/attributes and values corresponding to the actual particle type (ElementType). These are forwarded to the ElementType class. All properties for which there are no default value must be specified. """ if 'cone' in kwargs: raise ValueError( 'Keyword *cone* for seed_elements is deprecated, use seed_cone() instead.' ) if self.origin_marker is None: self.origin_marker = {} if 'origin_marker' in kwargs: origin_marker = kwargs['origin_marker'] else: origin_marker = len(self.origin_marker) if 'origin_marker_name' in kwargs: origin_marker_name = kwargs['origin_marker_name'] del kwargs['origin_marker_name'] else: origin_marker_name = 'Seed %d' % len(self.origin_marker) if not 'origin_marker' in kwargs: kwargs['origin_marker'] = origin_marker if '_' in origin_marker_name: raise ValueError( 'Underscore (_) not allowed in origin_marker_name') self.origin_marker[str(origin_marker)] = origin_marker_name.replace( ' ', '_') lon = np.atleast_1d(lon).ravel() lat = np.atleast_1d(lat).ravel() radius = np.atleast_1d(radius).ravel() time = np.atleast_1d(time) if lat.max() > 90 or lat.min() < -90: raise ValueError('Latitude must be between -90 and 90 degrees') if len(lon) != len(lat): raise ValueError('Lon and lat must have same lengths') if len(lon) > 1: if number is not None and number != len(lon): raise ValueError( 'Lon and lat have length %s, but number is %s' % (len(lon), number)) number = len(lon) else: if number is None: if len(time) > 2: number = len(time) # Interpreting as time series else: number = self.get_config('seed:number') lon = lon * np.ones(number) lat = lat * np.ones(number) if len(time) != number and len(time) > 1: if len(time) == 2: # start -> end td = (time[1] - time[0]) / (number - 1 ) # timestep between points time = [time[0] + i * td for i in range(number)] else: raise ValueError( 'Time array has length %s, must be 1, 2 or %s' % (len(time), number)) # Add radius / perturbation if radius.max() > 0: geod = pyproj.Geod(ellps='WGS84') if radius_type == 'gaussian': x = np.random.randn(np.sum(number)) * radius y = np.random.randn(np.sum(number)) * radius az = np.degrees(np.arctan2(x, y)) dist = np.sqrt(x * x + y * y) elif radius_type == 'uniform': az = np.random.rand(np.sum(number)) * 360 dist = np.sqrt(np.random.uniform(0, 1, np.sum(number))) * radius lon, lat, az = geod.fwd(lon, lat, az, dist, radians=False) # If z is 'seafloor' if not 'z' in kwargs or kwargs['z'] is None: if 'seed:seafloor' in self._config: if self.get_config('seed:seafloor') is True: kwargs['z'] = 'seafloor' logger.debug('Seafloor is selected, neglecting z') if 'z' in kwargs and isinstance(kwargs['z'], str) \ and kwargs['z'][0:8] == 'seafloor': # We need to fetch seafloor depth from reader seafloor_constant = self.get_config( 'environment:constant:sea_floor_depth_below_sea_level') seafloor_fallback = self.get_config( 'environment:fallback:sea_floor_depth_below_sea_level') if seafloor_constant is not None: env = { 'sea_floor_depth_below_sea_level': np.array(seafloor_constant) } elif ('sea_floor_depth_below_sea_level' in self.env.priority_list) or len(self.env._lazy_readers()): if not hasattr(self, 'time'): self.time = time[0] env, env_profiles, missing = \ self.env.get_environment(['sea_floor_depth_below_sea_level'], time=time[0], lon=lon, lat=lat, z=0*lon) elif seafloor_fallback is not None: env = { 'sea_floor_depth_below_sea_level': np.array(seafloor_fallback) } else: raise ValueError('A reader providing the variable ' 'sea_floor_depth_below_sea_level must be ' 'added before seeding elements at seafloor.') # Add M meters if given as 'seafloor+M' if len(kwargs['z']) > 8 and kwargs['z'][8] == '+': meters_above_seafloor = float(kwargs['z'][9::])'Seeding elements %f meters above seafloor' % meters_above_seafloor) else: meters_above_seafloor = 0 kwargs['z'] = \ -env['sea_floor_depth_below_sea_level'].astype('float32') + meters_above_seafloor # Creating and scheduling elements elements = self.ElementType(lon=lon, lat=lat, **kwargs) time_array = np.array(time) self.schedule_elements(elements, time)
[docs] @require_mode(mode=Mode.Ready) def seed_cone(self, lon, lat, time, radius=0, number=None, **kwargs): """Seed elements along a transect/cone between two points/times Arguments: lon: scalar or list with 2 elements [lon0, lon1] lat: scalar or list with 2 elements [lat0, lat] time: datetime or list with 2 elements [t0, t1] radius: scalar or list with 2 elements [r0, r1] Unit: meters number (int): The number of elements. If this is None, the number of elements is taken from configuration. Elements are seeded along a transect from (lon0, lat0) with uncertainty radius r0 at time t0, towards (lon1, lat1) with uncertainty radius r1 at time t1. If r0 != r1, the unceetainty radius is linearly changed along the transect, thus outlining a "cone". """ if number is None: number = self.get_config('seed:number') if number == 1: raise ValueError( 'For a cone, the number of elements must be at least 2 or more, given is 1' ) lon = np.atleast_1d(lon).ravel() lat = np.atleast_1d(lat).ravel() radius = np.atleast_1d(radius).ravel() if len(lon) != len(lat): raise ValueError('Lon and lat must have same length (1 or 2)') elif len(lon) > 2: raise ValueError( 'Lon and lat must have length 1 or 2, given length is %s' % (len(lon))) elif len(lon) == 1: lon = lon * np.ones(number) lat = lat * np.ones(number) elif len(lon) == 2: # Segment from lon0,lat1 to lon1,lat2 geod = pyproj.Geod(ellps='WGS84') lonin = lon latin = lat # Note that npts places points in-between start and end, and does not include these conelonlats = geod.npts(lon[0], lat[0], lon[1], lat[1], number, radians=False) lon, lat = zip(*conelonlats) if len(radius) > 2: raise ValueError('Seed radius must have length 1 or 2') elif len(radius) == 2: # Linear increase from r0 to r1 radius = np.linspace(radius[0], radius[1], number) if isinstance(time, list) and len(time) == 1: time = time[0] if hasattr(time, '__len__'): timespan = [time[0], time[-1]] else: timespan = [time, time] radius = radius.astype(np.float32) lonin = lonin if 'lonin' in locals() else [lon.min(), lon.max()] latin = latin if 'latin' in locals() else [lat.min(), lat.max()] self.seed_cone_arguments = { 'lon': lonin, 'lat': latin, 'radius': [float(radius[0]), float(radius[-1])], 'time': timespan, 'number': number } # Make GeoJson seeding dict to be saved in netCDF metadata geo = geojson.LineString([(float(lonin[0]), float(latin[0])), (float(lonin[1]), float(latin[1]))]) seed_defaults = self.get_configspec('seed') default_seed = { k.split(':')[-1]: seed_defaults[k]['value'] for k in seed_defaults } if 'seafloor' in default_seed and default_seed['seafloor'] is True: default_seed['z'] = 'seafloor' default_seed = { **default_seed, **kwargs } # Overwrite with explicitly provided values properties = { **default_seed, 'time': [str(timespan[0]), str(timespan[1])], 'radius': [float(radius[0]), float(radius[-1])], 'number': number } # convert array to string in case of array input to seed cone for key in properties.keys(): if isinstance(properties[key], np.ndarray): properties[key] = np.array2string(properties[key]) f = geojson.Feature(geometry=geo, properties=properties) self.seed_geojson.append(f) # Forwarding calculated cone points/radii to seed_elements self.seed_elements(lon=lon, lat=lat, time=time, radius=radius, number=number, **kwargs)
[docs] @require_mode(mode=Mode.Ready) def seed_from_geojson(self, gjson): """Under development""" try: gj = geojson.loads(gjson) except: raise ValueError('Could not load GeoJSON string: %s' % gjson) if not gj.is_valid: raise ValueError('GeoJSON string is not valid: %s' % gj.errors()) # Assuming temporally that g is a Feature, and not a FeatureCollection properties = gj['properties'] if 'time' not in properties: raise ValueError('Property "time" is not available') kwargs = {} for prop in properties: if prop == 'time': t = properties['time'] if isinstance(t, list): time = [ datetime.fromisoformat(t[0].replace("Z", "+00:00")), datetime.fromisoformat(t[1].replace("Z", "+00:00")) ] time = [t.replace(tzinfo=None) for t in time] else: time = datetime.fromisoformat(t.replace("Z", "+00:00")) time = time.replace(tzinfo=None) else: kwargs[prop] = properties[prop] geometry = gj['geometry'] if geometry['type'] == 'Polygon': coords = list(geojson.utils.coords(gj)) lon, lat = zip(*[(c[0], c[1]) for c in coords]) self.seed_within_polygon(lons=lon, lats=lat, time=time, **kwargs) elif geometry['type'] == 'LineString': coords = list(geojson.utils.coords(gj)) lon, lat = zip(*[(c[0], c[1]) for c in coords]) self.seed_cone(lon=lon, lat=lat, time=time, **kwargs) elif geometry['type'] == 'Point': coords = list(geojson.utils.coords(gj)) lon, lat = zip(*[(c[0], c[1]) for c in coords]) self.seed_elements(lon=lon, lat=lat, time=time, **kwargs) else: raise ValueError('Not yet implemented')
[docs] @require_mode(mode=Mode.Ready) def seed_repeated_segment(self, lons, lats, start_time, end_time, time_interval=None, number_per_segment=None, total_number=None, **kwargs): """Seed elements repeatedly in time along a segment. The segment goes from lon[0],lat[0] to lon[1],lat[1]. The number of elements should be proved as either: 1) number_per_segment, in which case total number of elements is number_per_segment * len(times), or 2) total_number, in which case the number of elements per segment is: total_number / len(times). Any extra elements are duplicated along at the first segment. """ numtimes = int((end_time - start_time).total_seconds() / time_interval.total_seconds() + 1) times = [start_time + i * time_interval for i in range(numtimes)] geod = pyproj.Geod(ellps='WGS84') if number_per_segment is None: number_per_segment = int(np.floor(total_number / numtimes)) s_lonlats = geod.npts(lons[0], lats[0], lons[1], lats[1], number_per_segment, radians=False) slon, slat = list(zip(*s_lonlats)) slon = np.atleast_1d(slon) slat = np.atleast_1d(slat) lon, time = np.meshgrid(slon, times) lat, time = np.meshgrid(slat, times) lon = lon.ravel() lat = lat.ravel() time = time.ravel() if total_number is not None: additional_elements = total_number - len(lon.ravel())'Repeating the %d last points, to obtain %d elements' % (additional_elements, total_number)) lon = np.concatenate((lon, lon[-additional_elements::])) lat = np.concatenate((lat, lat[-additional_elements::])) time = np.concatenate((time, time[-additional_elements::])) self.seed_elements(lon=lon, lat=lat, time=time, **kwargs)
[docs] @require_mode(mode=Mode.Ready) def seed_within_polygon(self, lons, lats, number=None, **kwargs): """Seed a number of elements within given polygon. Arguments: lon: array of longitudes lat: array of latitudes number: int, number of elements to be seeded kwargs: keyword arguments containing properties/attributes and values corresponding to the actual particle type (ElementType). These are forwarded to method seed_elements(). All properties for which there are no default value must be specified. """ if number == 0: return if number is None: number = self.get_config('seed:number') lons = np.asarray(lons) lats = np.asarray(lats) if len(lons) < 3:'At least three points needed to make a polygon') return if len(lons) != len(lats): raise ValueError('lon and lat arrays must have same length.') poly = Polygon(list(zip(lons, lats)), closed=True) # Place N points within the polygons proj = pyproj.Proj('+proj=aea +lat_1=%f +lat_2=%f +lat_0=%f ' '+lon_0=%f +R=6370997.0 +units=m +ellps=WGS84' % (lats.min(), lats.max(), (lats.min() + lats.max()) / 2, (lons.min() + lons.max()) / 2)) lonlat = poly.get_xy() lon = lonlat[:, 0] lat = lonlat[:, 1] x, y = proj(lon, lat) area = 0.0 for i in range(-1, len(x) - 1): area += x[i] * (y[i + 1] - y[i - 1]) area = abs(area) / 2 # Make points, evenly distributed deltax = np.sqrt(area / number) lonpoints = np.array([]) latpoints = np.array([]) lonlat = poly.get_xy() lon = lonlat[:, 0] lat = lonlat[:, 1] x, y = proj(lon, lat) xvec = np.linspace(x.min() + deltax / 2, x.max() - deltax / 2, int((x.max() - x.min()) / deltax)) yvec = np.linspace(y.min() + deltax / 2, y.max() - deltax / 2, int((y.max() - y.min()) / deltax)) x, y = np.meshgrid(xvec, yvec) lon, lat = proj(x, y, inverse=True) lon = lon.ravel() lat = lat.ravel() points = np.c_[lon, lat] ind = Path(poly.xy).contains_points(points) if not any(ind): # No elements are inside, we seed on border lonpoints = np.append(lonpoints, lons[0:number]) latpoints = np.append(latpoints, lats[0:number]) else: lonpoints = np.append(lonpoints, lon[ind]) latpoints = np.append(latpoints, lat[ind]) if len(ind) == 0:'Small or irregular polygon, using center point.') lonpoints = np.atleast_1d(np.mean(lons)) latpoints = np.atleast_1d(np.mean(lats)) # Truncate if too many # NB: should also repeat some points, if too few lonpoints = lonpoints[0:number] latpoints = latpoints[0:number] while True: if len(lonpoints) < number: # If number of positions is smaller than requested, # we duplicate the first ones missing = number - len(lonpoints) lonpoints = np.append(lonpoints, lonpoints[0:missing]) latpoints = np.append(latpoints, latpoints[0:missing]) else: break # Finally seed at calculated positions self.seed_elements(lonpoints, latpoints, number=number, **kwargs)
[docs] @require_mode(mode=Mode.Ready) def seed_from_wkt(self, wkt, number=None, **kwargs): """Seeds elements within (multi)polygons from WKT""" try: from osgeo import ogr, osr except Exception as e: logger.warning(e) raise ValueError('OGR library is needed to parse WKT') if number is None: number = self.get_config('seed:number') geom = ogr.CreateGeometryFromWkt(wkt) total_area = 0 for i in range(0, geom.GetGeometryCount()): g = geom.GetGeometryRef(i) total_area += g.GetArea()'Total area of all polygons: %s m2' % total_area) num_seeded = 0 for i in range(0, geom.GetGeometryCount()): g = geom.GetGeometryRef(i) num_elements = int(number * g.GetArea() / total_area) if i == geom.GetGeometryCount() - 1: # For the last feature we seed the remaining number, # avoiding difference due to rounding: num_elements = number - num_seeded'\tSeeding %s elements within polygon number %s' % (num_elements, str(i))) try: g.Transform(coordTrans) except: pass b = g.GetBoundary() if b is not None: points = b.GetPoints() lons = [p[0] for p in points] lats = [p[1] for p in points] else: # Alternative if OGR is not built with GEOS support r = g.GetGeometryRef(0) lons = [r.GetX(j) for j in range(r.GetPointCount())] lats = [r.GetY(j) for j in range(r.GetPointCount())] self.seed_within_polygon(lons=lons, lats=lats, number=num_elements, **kwargs) num_seeded += num_elements
[docs] @require_mode(mode=Mode.Ready) def seed_from_shapefile(self, shapefile, number, layername=None, featurenum=None, **kwargs): """Seeds elements within contours read from a shapefile""" try: from osgeo import ogr, osr except Exception as e: logger.warning(e) raise ValueError('OGR library is needed to read shapefiles.') if 'timeformat' in kwargs: # Recondstructing time from filename, where 'timeformat' # is forwarded to datetime.strptime() kwargs['time'] = datetime.strptime(os.path.basename(shapefile), kwargs['timeformat']) del kwargs['timeformat'] num_seeded_before = self.num_elements_scheduled() targetSRS = osr.SpatialReference() targetSRS.ImportFromEPSG(4326) try: s = ogr.Open(shapefile) except: s = shapefile for layer in s: if layername is not None and layer.GetName() != layername:'Skipping layer: ' + layer.GetName()) continue else:'Seeding for layer: %s (%s features)' % (layer.GetDescription(), layer.GetFeatureCount())) coordTrans = osr.CoordinateTransformation(layer.GetSpatialRef(), targetSRS) if featurenum is None: featurenum = range(1, layer.GetFeatureCount() + 1) else: featurenum = np.atleast_1d(featurenum) if max(featurenum) > layer.GetFeatureCount(): raise ValueError('Only %s features in layer.' % layer.GetFeatureCount()) # Loop first through all features to determine total area layer.ResetReading() area_srs = osr.SpatialReference() area_srs.ImportFromEPSG(3857) areaTransform = osr.CoordinateTransformation( layer.GetSpatialRef(), area_srs) areas = np.zeros(len(featurenum)) for i, f in enumerate(featurenum): feature = layer.GetFeature(f - 1) # Note 1-indexing, not 0 if feature is not None: gom = feature.GetGeometryRef().Clone() gom.Transform(areaTransform) areas[i] = gom.GetArea() total_area = np.sum(areas) layer.ResetReading() # Rewind to first layer'Total area of all polygons: %s m2' % total_area) # Find number of points per polygon numbers = np.round(number * areas / total_area).astype(int) numbers[numbers.argmax()] += int(number - sum(numbers)) for i, f in enumerate(featurenum): feature = layer.GetFeature(f - 1) if feature is None: continue num_elements = numbers[i] geom = feature.GetGeometryRef()'\tSeeding %s elements within polygon number %s' % (num_elements, featurenum[i])) try: geom.Transform(coordTrans) except Exception as e: logger.warning('Could not transform coordinates:') logger.warning(e) pass #b = geom.GetBoundary() #if b is not None: # points = b.GetPoints() # lons = [p[0] for p in points] # lats = [p[1] for p in points] #else: # Alternative if OGR is not built with GEOS support r = geom.GetGeometryRef(0) lons = [r.GetY(j) for j in range(r.GetPointCount())] lats = [r.GetX(j) for j in range(r.GetPointCount())] self.seed_within_polygon(lons=lons, lats=lats, number=num_elements, **kwargs)
[docs] @require_mode(mode=Mode.Ready) def seed_letters(self, text, lon, lat, time, number, scale=1.2): """Seed elements within text polygons""" from matplotlib.font_manager import FontProperties fp = FontProperties(family='Bitstream Vera Sans', weight='bold') pol = matplotlib.textpath.TextPath((lon, lat), text, size=1 * scale, prop=fp) patch = matplotlib.patches.PathPatch(pol, facecolor='none', edgecolor='black', transform=ccrs.PlateCarree()) po = patch.get_path().to_polygons() for p in po: self.seed_within_polygon(lons=p[:, 0], lats=p[:, 1], number=number, time=time)
[docs] @require_mode(mode=Mode.Ready) def seed_from_ladim(self, ladimfile, roms): """Seed elements from ladim \\*.rls text file: [time, x, y, z, name]""" data = np.loadtxt(ladimfile, dtype={ 'names': ('time', 'x', 'y', 'z'), 'formats': ('S20', 'f4', 'f4', 'f4') }, usecols=(0, 1, 2, 3)) time = [datetime.strptime(t, "%Y-%m-%dT%H") for t in data['time']] time = np.array(time) lon, lat = roms.xy2lonlat(data['x'], data['y']) z = -data['z']'Seeding %i elements from %s:' % (len(lon), ladimfile))' Lons: %f to %f' % (lon.min(), lon.max()))' Lats: %f to %f' % (lat.min(), lat.max()))' Depths: %f to %f' % (z.min(), z.max()))' Time: %s to %s' % (time.min(), time.max())) elements = self.ElementType(lon=lon, lat=lat, z=-z) self.schedule_elements(elements, time)
[docs] def horizontal_diffusion(self): """Move elements with random walk according to given horizontal diffuivity.""" D = self.get_config('drift:horizontal_diffusivity') if D == 0: logger.debug('Horizontal diffusivity is 0, no random walk.') return if self.num_elements_active() == 0: logger.debug('No active elements, skipping horizontal diffusivity.') return dt = np.abs(self.time_step.total_seconds()) x_vel = self.elements.moving * np.sqrt(2 * D / dt) * np.random.normal( scale=1, size=self.num_elements_active()) y_vel = self.elements.moving * np.sqrt(2 * D / dt) * np.random.normal( scale=1, size=self.num_elements_active()) speed = np.sqrt(x_vel * x_vel + y_vel * y_vel) logger.debug( 'Moving elements according to horizontal diffusivity of %s, with speeds between %s and %s m/s' % (D, speed.min(), speed.max())) self.update_positions(x_vel, y_vel)
[docs] def deactivate_elements(self, indices, reason='deactivated'): """Schedule deactivated particles for deletion (at end of step)""" if any(indices) is False: return if reason not in self.status_categories: self.status_categories.append(reason) logger.debug('Added status %s' % (reason)) reason_number = self.status_categories.index(reason) #if not hasattr(self.elements.status, "__len__"): if len(np.atleast_1d(self.elements.status)) == 1: status = self.elements.status.item() self.elements.status = np.zeros(self.num_elements_active()) self.elements.status.fill(status) # Deactivate elements, if they have not already been deactivated self.elements.status[indices & (self.elements.status ==0)] = \ reason_number self.elements.moving[indices] = 0 logger.debug('%s elements scheduled for deactivation (%s)' % (np.sum(indices), reason)) logger.debug( '\t(z: %f to %f)' % (self.elements.z[indices].min(), self.elements.z[indices].max()))
[docs] def remove_deactivated_elements(self): """Moving deactivated elements from self.elements to self.elements_deactivated.""" # All particles scheduled for deletion indices = (self.elements.status != 0) #try: # len(indices) #except: if len(indices) == 0 or np.sum(indices) == 0: logger.debug('No elements to deactivate') return # No elements scheduled for deactivation # Basic, but some more housekeeping will be required later self.elements.move_elements(self.elements_deactivated, indices) logger.debug('Removed %i elements.' % (np.sum(indices))) if hasattr(self, 'environment'): self.environment = self.environment[~indices] logger.debug('Removed %i values from environment.' % (np.sum(indices))) if hasattr(self, 'environment_profiles') and \ self.environment_profiles is not None: for varname, profiles in self.environment_profiles.items(): logger.debug('remove items from profile for ' + varname) if varname != 'z': self.environment_profiles[varname] = \ profiles[:, ~indices] logger.debug('Removed %i values from environment_profiles.' % (np.sum(indices)))
#if self.num_elements_active() == 0: # raise ValueError('No more active elements.') # End simulation
[docs] @require_mode(mode=Mode.Run, post_next_mode=True) def run(self, time_step=None, steps=None, time_step_output=None, duration=None, end_time=None, outfile=None, export_variables=None, export_buffer_length=100, stop_on_error=False): """Start a trajectory simulation, after initial configuration. Performs the main loop: - Obtain environment data for positions of all particles. - Call method 'update' to update (incl advect) particle properties. until one of the following conditions are met: - Maximum number of steps are reached - A needed variable can not be obtained by any reader (outside spatial/temporal domain) and has no fallback (default) value. - All particles have been deactivated (e.g. by stranding) - Occurance of any error, whose trace will be output to terminal. Before starting a model run, readers must be added for all required variables, unless fallback values have been specified. Some particles/elements must have been scheduled for seeding, and the run will start at the time when the first element has been scheduled.. Arguments: time_step: interval between particles updates, in seconds or as timedelta. Default: 3600 seconds (1 hour) time_step_output: Time step at which element properties are stored and eventually written to file. Timedelta object or seconds. Default: same as time_step, meaning that all steps are stored The length of the simulation is specified by defining one (and only one) of the following parameters: - steps: integer, maximum number of steps. End of simulation will be self.start_time + steps*self.time_step - duration: timedelta defining the length of the simulation - end_time: datetime object defining the end of the simulation export_variables: list of variables and parameter names to be saved to file. Default is None (all variables are saved) """ # Exporting software and hardware specification, for possible debugging logger.debug(opendrift.versions()) self.timer_end('configuration') self.timer_start('preparing main loop') if self.num_elements_scheduled() == 0: raise ValueError('Please seed elements before starting a run.') self.elements = self.ElementType() # Export seed_geojson as FeatureCollection string self.add_metadata('seed_geojson', geojson.FeatureCollection(self.seed_geojson)) if outfile is None and export_buffer_length is not None: logger.debug('No output file is specified, ' 'neglecting export_buffer_length') export_buffer_length = None # Some cleanup needed if starting from imported state if self.steps_calculation >= 1: self.steps_calculation = 0 ######################## # Simulation time step ######################## if time_step is None: time_step = timedelta( minutes=self.get_config('general:time_step_minutes')) if type(time_step) is not timedelta: # Time step may be given in seconds, as alternative to timedelta time_step = timedelta(seconds=time_step) self.time_step = time_step if time_step_output is None: time_step_output = self.get_config( 'general:time_step_output_minutes') if time_step_output is None: self.time_step_output = self.time_step else: self.time_step_output = timedelta(minutes=time_step_output) else: if type(time_step_output) is timedelta: self.time_step_output = time_step_output else: self.time_step_output = timedelta(seconds=time_step_output) if self.time_step_output.days >= 0 and self.time_step.days < 0: self.time_step_output = -self.time_step_output time_step_ratio = self.time_step_output.total_seconds() / \ self.time_step.total_seconds() if time_step_ratio < 1: raise ValueError('Output time step must be equal or larger ' 'than calculation time step.') if not time_step_ratio.is_integer(): raise ValueError('Ratio of calculation and output time steps ' 'must be an integer - given ratio is %s' % time_step_ratio) ######################## # Simulation duration ######################## if time_step.days < 0: 'Backwards simulation, starting from last seeded element') self.start_time = self.elements_scheduled_time.max() if (duration is not None and end_time is not None) or \ (duration is not None and steps is not None) or \ (steps is not None and end_time is not None): raise ValueError('Only one of "steps", "duration" and "end_time" ' 'may be provided simultaneously') if duration is None and end_time is None: if steps is not None: duration = steps * self.time_step else: for reader in self.env.readers.values(): if reader.end_time is not None: if end_time is None: end_time = reader.end_time else: end_time = min(end_time, reader.end_time)'Duration, steps or end time not specified, ' 'running until end of first reader: %s' % (end_time)) if duration is None: duration = end_time - self.start_time if time_step.days < 0 and duration.days >= 0: # Duration shall also be negative for backwards run duration = -duration if np.sign(duration.total_seconds()) * np.sign( time_step.total_seconds()) < 0: raise ValueError( "Time step must be negative if duration is negative.") ratio_duration_output = duration/self.time_step_output if not ratio_duration_output.is_integer(): initial_duration = duration duration = np.ceil(ratio_duration_output)*self.time_step_output logger.warning('Simulation end is not at an output time step. ' f'Extending duration from {initial_duration} to {duration}') self.expected_steps_output = duration.total_seconds() / \ self.time_step_output.total_seconds() + 1 # Includes start and end self.expected_steps_calculation = duration.total_seconds() / \ self.time_step.total_seconds() self.expected_steps_output = int(self.expected_steps_output) self.expected_steps_calculation = int(self.expected_steps_calculation) self.expected_end_time = self.start_time + self.expected_steps_calculation * self.time_step ############################################################## # Prepare readers for the requested simulation domain/time ############################################################## max_distance = \ self.get_config('drift:max_speed')*self.expected_steps_calculation * \ np.abs(self.time_step.total_seconds()) deltalat = max_distance / 111000. deltalon = deltalat / np.cos( np.radians(np.mean( # TODO: extent should ideally be a general polygon, not only lon/lat-min/max # TODO: Should also take into account eventual lifetime of elements simulation_extent = [ np.maximum(-360, self.elements_scheduled.lon.min() - deltalon), np.maximum(-89, - deltalat), np.minimum(360, self.elements_scheduled.lon.max() + deltalon), np.minimum(89, + deltalat) ] if simulation_extent[2] == 360 and simulation_extent[0] < 0: simulation_extent[0] = 0 logger.debug( 'Finalizing environment and preparing readers for simulation coverage (%s) and time (%s to %s)' % (simulation_extent, self.start_time, self.expected_end_time)) # Store expected simulation extent, to check if new readers have coverage self.simulation_extent = simulation_extent self.env.finalize(self.simulation_extent) #################################################################### # Preparing history array for storage in memory and eventually file #################################################################### if export_buffer_length is None: self.export_buffer_length = self.expected_steps_output else: self.export_buffer_length = np.minimum(export_buffer_length, self.expected_steps_output) if self.time_step.days < 0: # For backwards simulation, we start at last seeded element'Backwards simulation, starting at ' 'time of last seeded element') self.time = self.elements_scheduled_time.max() # Flipping ID array, so that lowest IDs are released first self.elements_scheduled.ID = \ np.flipud(self.elements_scheduled.ID) else: # Forward simulation, start time has been set when seeding self.time = self.start_time # Add the output variables which are always required if export_variables is not None: export_variables = list( set(export_variables + ['lon', 'lat', 'status'])) self.export_variables = export_variables # Create Xarray Dataset to hold result coords = { # Initialize for the part fitting in memory 'trajectory': ('trajectory', np.arange(len(self.elements_scheduled)), {'cf_role': 'trajectory_id', 'dtype': np.int32}), 'time': ('time', pd.date_range(self.start_time, periods=self.export_buffer_length, freq=self.time_step_output), {'standard_name': 'time', 'long_name': 'time', 'dtype': np.float64})} shape = (len(coords['trajectory'][1]), len(coords['time'][1])) dims = ('trajectory', 'time') # Presently, but shall also allow single dimension element_vars = {} default_dtype = np.float32 # Allows NaN (in contrast to for varname, attrs in self.ElementType.variables.items(): if varname == 'ID' or (self.export_variables is not None and varname not in self.export_variables): continue attrs = {k:v for k,v in attrs.copy().items() if k not in ['seed', 'default']} element_vars[varname] = (dims, np.full(shape=shape, fill_value=np.nan, dtype=default_dtype), attrs) environment_vars = {varname: (dims, np.full(shape=shape, fill_value=np.nan, dtype=default_dtype)) for varname,var in self.required_variables.items() if self.export_variables is None or varname in self.export_variables} global_attributes = { 'Conventions': 'CF-1.11, ACDD-1.3', 'standard_name_vocabulary': 'CF Standard Name Table v85', 'featureType': 'trajectory', 'title': 'OpenDrift trajectory simulation', 'summary': 'Output from simulation with OpenDrift framework', 'keywords': 'trajectory, drift, lagrangian, simulation', 'history': 'Created ' + str(, 'date_created':, 'source': 'Output from simulation with OpenDrift', 'model_url': '', 'opendrift_class': self.__class__.__name__, 'opendrift_module': self.__class__.__module__, 'readers': str(self.env.readers.keys()), 'time_coverage_start': str(self.start_time), 'time_step_calculation': str(self.time_step), 'time_step_output': str(self.time_step_output), } # Add config settings as global attributes for key in self._config: value = self.get_config(key) if isinstance(value, (bool, type(None))): value = str(value) global_attributes['config_' + key] = value # TODO: add/remove metadata-dict self.result = xr.Dataset(coords=coords, data_vars=element_vars | environment_vars, attrs=global_attributes) logger.debug(f'Initial self.result, size {self.result.sizes}') if self.origin_marker is not None and 'origin_marker' in self.result.var(): self.result['origin_marker'] = self.result.origin_marker.assign_attrs( {'flag_values': np.arange(len(self.origin_marker)).astype(self.ElementType.variables['origin_marker']['dtype']), 'flag_meanings': " ".join(self.origin_marker.values()) }) if outfile is not None: self.io_init(outfile) self.outfile = outfile else: self.outfile = None # Move point seeded on land to ocean if self.get_config('seed:ocean_only') is True and \ ('land_binary_mask' in self.required_variables): #('land_binary_mask' not in self.fallback_values) and \ self.timer_start('preparing main loop:moving elements to ocean') self.elements_scheduled.lon, = \ self.closest_ocean_points(self.elements_scheduled.lon, self.timer_end('preparing main loop:moving elements to ocean') ############################# # Check validity domain ############################# validity_domain = [ self.get_config('drift:deactivate_west_of'), self.get_config('drift:deactivate_east_of'), self.get_config('drift:deactivate_south_of'), self.get_config('drift:deactivate_north_of') ] if validity_domain == [None, None, None, None]: self.validity_domain = None else: self.validity_domain = validity_domain ############################# # Model specific preparation ############################# self.prepare_run() ########################## # Main loop ########################## self.add_metadata('simulation_time', self.timer_end('preparing main loop') self.timer_start('main loop') self.memory_usage = np.array([]) for i in range(self.expected_steps_calculation): self.memory_usage = np.append(self.memory_usage, psutil.virtual_memory().used / (1024.0**3)) try: # Release elements self.release_elements() if self.num_elements_active( ) == 0 and self.num_elements_scheduled() > 0: 'No active but %s scheduled elements, skipping timestep %s (%s)' % (self.num_elements_scheduled(), self.steps_calculation + 1 , self.time)) self.state_to_buffer() # Append status to history array self.steps_calculation += 1 if self.time is not None: self.time = self.time + self.time_step continue self.interact_with_seafloor() if self.show_continuous_performance is True: # Display time to terminal logger.debug('===================================' * 2)'%s - step %i of %i - %i active elements ' '(%i deactivated)' % (self.time, self.steps_calculation + 1, self.expected_steps_calculation, self.num_elements_active(), self.num_elements_deactivated())) logger.debug('%s elements scheduled.' % self.num_elements_scheduled()) logger.debug('===================================' * 2) if len(self.elements.lon) > 0: lonmin = self.elements.lon.min() lonmax = self.elements.lon.max() latmin = latmax = zmin = self.elements.z.min() zmax = self.elements.z.max() if latmin == latmax: logger.debug('\t\tlatitude = %s' % (latmin)) else: logger.debug('\t\t%s <- latitude -> %s' % (latmin, latmax)) if lonmin == lonmax: logger.debug('\t\tlongitude = %s' % (lonmin)) else: logger.debug('\t\t%s <- longitude -> %s' % (lonmin, lonmax)) if zmin == zmax: logger.debug('\t\tz = %s' % (zmin)) else: logger.debug('\t\t%s <- z -> %s' % (zmin, zmax)) logger.debug('---------------------------------') self.environment, self.environment_profiles, missing = \ self.env.get_environment(list(self.required_variables), self.time, self.elements.lon,, self.elements.z, self.required_profiles, self.profiles_depth) self.store_previous_variables() self.calculate_missing_environment_variables() if any(missing): self.report_missing_variables() self.interact_with_coastline() self.interact_with_seafloor() self.deactivate_elements(missing, reason='missing_data') self.state_to_buffer() # Append status to history array self.increase_age_and_retire() self.remove_deactivated_elements() # Propagate one timestep forwards self.steps_calculation += 1 if self.num_elements_active( ) == 0 and self.num_elements_scheduled() == 0: raise ValueError( 'No more active or scheduled elements, quitting.') # Store location, in case elements shall be moved back self.store_present_positions() ##################################################### if self.num_elements_active() > 0: logger.debug('Calling %s.update()' % type(self).__name__) self.timer_start('main loop:updating elements') self.update() self.timer_end('main loop:updating elements') else:'No active elements, skipping update() method') ##################################################### self.horizontal_diffusion() if self.num_elements_active( ) == 0 and self.num_elements_scheduled() == 0: raise ValueError( 'No active or scheduled elements, quitting simulation') logger.debug('%s active elements (%s deactivated)' % (self.num_elements_active(), self.num_elements_deactivated())) # Updating time if self.time is not None: self.time = self.time + self.time_step except Exception as e: message = ('The simulation stopped before requested ' 'end time was reached.') logger.warning(message) self.store_message(message)'========================')'End of simulation:') if not hasattr(self, 'environment'): sys.exit('Simulation aborted. ' + self.get_messages())'========================') if stop_on_error is True: sys.exit('Stopping on error. ' + self.get_messages()) if self.steps_calculation <= 1: raise ValueError('Simulation stopped within ' 'first timestep. ' + self.get_messages()) break self.timer_end('main loop') self.timer_start('cleaning up') logger.debug('Cleaning up') self.interact_with_coastline(final=True) self.timer_end('cleaning up') self.timer_end('total time') self.state_to_buffer(final=True) # Append final status to buffer if outfile is not None: logger.debug('Finalising and closing output file: %s' % outfile) self.io_close() else: if self.num_elements_scheduled() > 0:'Removing {self.num_elements_scheduled()} unseeded elements') seeded_indices = [n for n in np.arange(self.num_elements_total()) if n not in self.elements_scheduled.ID] self.result = self.result.isel(trajectory=seeded_indices) # Remove any elements scheduled for deactivation during last step self.remove_deactivated_elements() if export_buffer_length is None: pass # TODO - do this for self.result else: # If output has been flushed to file during run, we # need to reimport from file to get all data in memory del self.environment if hasattr(self, 'environment_profiles'): del self.environment_profiles self.result = xr.open_dataset(outfile) return self.result
[docs] def increase_age_and_retire(self): """Increase age of elements, and retire if older than config setting.""" # Increase age of elements self.elements.age_seconds += self.time_step.total_seconds() # Deactivate elements that exceed a certain age if self.get_config('drift:max_age_seconds') is not None: self.deactivate_elements( self.elements.age_seconds >= self.get_config('drift:max_age_seconds'), reason='retired') # Deacticate any elements outside validity domain set by user if self.validity_domain is not None: W, E, S, N = self.validity_domain if W is not None: self.deactivate_elements(self.elements.lon < W, reason='outside') if E is not None: self.deactivate_elements(self.elements.lon > E, reason='outside') if S is not None: self.deactivate_elements( < S, reason='outside') if N is not None: self.deactivate_elements( > N, reason='outside')
[docs] def state_to_buffer(self, final=False): if pd.to_datetime(self.time) in self.result.time: # Output time step ID_ind = self.elements.ID element_ind = range(len(ID_ind)) insert_time = pd.to_datetime(self.time) else: # Deactivated elements must be written even if no output timestep deactivated = np.where(self.elements.status != 0)[0] if len(deactivated) == 0 and final is False: return # No deactivated elements this sub-timestep ID_ind = self.elements.ID[deactivated] element_ind = deactivated insert_time = self.result.time.sel(time=self.time, method='backfill').values for var in self.result.var(): for source in (self.elements, self.environment): d = getattr(source, var, None) if d is not None: self.result[var].loc[{'time': insert_time, 'trajectory': ID_ind}] = d[element_ind] buffer_is_full = (pd.to_datetime(self.time) == self.result.time[-1]).values if final is True or buffer_is_full: logger.debug('Updating minval and maxval') # Update min and max values for varname, var in self.result.data_vars.items(): if varname in ['status']: continue minval = var.min(skipna=True).item() maxval = var.max(skipna=True).item() if 'minval' in var.attrs: minval = np.minimum(minval, var.minval) maxval = np.maximum(maxval, var.maxval) # Attributes shall have same datatype as in output file if 'dtype' in var.attrs: att_type = var.attrs['dtype'] else: att_type = np.float32 minval = att_type(minval) maxval = att_type(maxval) self.result[varname] = self.result[varname].assign_attrs({'minval': minval, 'maxval': maxval}) if final is True: numtimes_before = self.result.sizes['time'] self.result = self.result.sel({'time': slice(self.result.time[0], pd.to_datetime(self.time))}) numtimes_after = self.result.sizes['time'] if numtimes_after < numtimes_before: logger.debug(f'Truncating buffer from {numtimes_before} to {numtimes_after} times') # Final update some variable attributes status_dtype = self.ElementType.variables['status']['dtype'] self.result['status'] = self.result.status.assign_attrs( {'valid_range': np.array((0, len(self.status_categories) - 1)).astype(status_dtype), 'flag_values': np.array(np.arange(len(self.status_categories))).astype(status_dtype), 'flag_meanings': " ".join(self.status_categories) }) # Add items from metadata_dict for var in self.required_variables: keyword = 'reader_' + var if var not in self.env.priority_list: fallback = self.get_config(f'environment:fallback:{var}') if fallback is not None: self.add_metadata(keyword, fallback) else: self.add_metadata(keyword, None) else: readers = self.env.priority_list[var] if readers[0].startswith( 'constant_reader') and var in self.env.readers[ readers[0]]._parameter_value_map: self.add_metadata( keyword, self.env.readers[ readers[0]]._parameter_value_map[var][0]) else: self.add_metadata(keyword, self.env.priority_list[var]) self.metadata_dict = {key:str(value) for key,value in self.metadata_dict.items()} final_metadata = { 'time_coverage_end': str(self.time), 'time_coverage_duration': pd.Timedelta(self.time-self.start_time).isoformat(), 'time_coverage_resolution': pd.Timedelta(self.time_step).isoformat(), 'performance': self.performance(), 'geospatial_bounds_crs': 'EPSG:4326', 'geospatial_bounds_vertical_crs': 'EPSG:5831', 'geospatial_lat_min':, 'geospatial_lat_max':, 'geospatial_lat_units': 'degrees_north', 'geospatial_lat_resolution': 'point', 'geospatial_lon_min': self.result.lon.minval, 'geospatial_lon_max': self.result.lon.maxval, 'geospatial_lon_units': 'degrees_east', 'geospatial_lon_resolution': 'point', 'runtime': str(self.timing['total time']) } if 'z' in self.result.var(): final_metadata['geospatial_vertical_min'] = self.result.z.minval final_metadata['geospatial_vertical_max'] = self.result.z.maxval final_metadata['geospatial_vertical_positive'] = 'up' self.result = self.result.assign_attrs(self.metadata_dict | final_metadata) if final is True or buffer_is_full: logger.debug('Writing to file') if self.outfile is not None: self.io_write_buffer() if final is False and buffer_is_full: logger.debug(f'Initialising new buffer') for var in self.result.var(): self.result[var][:] = np.nan newtime = self.result.coords['time'] + pd.Timedelta(self.time_step_output)*self.export_buffer_length self.result.coords['time'] = newtime logger.debug(f'Reset self.result, size {self.result.sizes}')
[docs] def report_missing_variables(self): """Issue warning if some environment variables missing.""" missing_variables = [] for var in self.required_variables: if np.isnan(getattr(self.environment, var).min()): missing_variables.append(var) if len(missing_variables) > 0: logger.warning('Missing variables: ' + str(missing_variables)) self.store_message('Missing variables: ' + str(missing_variables))
[docs] def index_of_first_and_last(self): """Return the indices when elements were seeded and deactivated.""" if self.index_of_first is None: if self.result is not None: index_of_first = self.result.lon.notnull().argmax(dim='time') index_of_last = len(self.result.time) - 1 - self.result.lon.isel( time=slice(None, None, -1)).notnull().argmax(dim='time') else: index_of_first = 0 index_of_last = 0 # Store for later retrieval self.index_of_first = index_of_first self.index_of_last = index_of_last else: # Retrieved from cache index_of_first = self.index_of_first index_of_last = self.index_of_last return index_of_first, index_of_last
[docs] def set_up_map(self, corners=None, buffer=.1, delta_lat=None, lscale=None, fast=False, hide_landmask=False, xlocs = None, ylocs = None, **kwargs): """ Generate Figure instance on which trajectories are plotted. :param hide_landmask: do not plot landmask (default False) :type hide_landmask: bool provide corners=[lonmin, lonmax, latmin, latmax] for specific map selection """ logger.debug(f"Setting up map: {corners=}, {fast=}, {lscale=}") if self.result is None: # To allow plotting of scheduled elements, if simulation not done lons = np.reshape(self.elements_scheduled.lon, (-1, 1)) lats = np.reshape(, (-1, 1)) else: lons = self.result.lon lats = if corners is not None: # User provided map corners lonmin = corners[0] lonmax = corners[1] latmin = corners[2] latmax = corners[3] else: if 'compare_lonmin' in kwargs: # checking min/max lon/lat of other simulations lonmin = np.minimum(kwargs['compare_lonmin'], np.nanmin(lons)) lonmax = np.maximum(kwargs['compare_lonmax'], np.nanmax(lons)) latmin = np.minimum(kwargs['compare_latmin'], np.nanmin(lats)) latmax = np.maximum(kwargs['compare_latmax'], np.nanmax(lats)) else: lonmin = np.nanmin(lons) lonmax = np.nanmax(lons) latmin = np.nanmin(lats) latmax = np.nanmax(lats) lonmin = lonmin - buffer * 2 lonmax = lonmax + buffer * 2 latmin = latmin - buffer latmax = latmax + buffer if fast is True: logger.warning( 'Plotting fast. This will make your plots less accurate.') import as mplstyle mplstyle.use(['fast']) # use a spherical earth axis = 57.29577951308232 # something to do with pi globe = ccrs.Globe(ellipse=None, semimajor_axis=axis, semiminor_axis=axis) self.crs_plot = ccrs.Mercator(globe=globe) self.crs_lonlat = ccrs.PlateCarree(globe=globe) if lscale is None: lscale = 'c' else: self.crs_plot = ccrs.Mercator() self.crs_lonlat = ccrs.PlateCarree() if lscale is None: lscale = 'auto' meanlat = (latmin + latmax) / 2 aspect_ratio = float(latmax - latmin) / (float(lonmax - lonmin)) aspect_ratio = aspect_ratio / np.cos(np.radians(meanlat)) if 'figsize' in kwargs: figsize = kwargs['figsize'] else: figsize = 11. # inches if aspect_ratio > 1: fig = plt.figure(figsize=(figsize / aspect_ratio, figsize)) else: fig = plt.figure(figsize=(figsize, figsize * aspect_ratio)) ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection=self.crs_plot) if lonmin == -180 and lonmax == 180: lonmax -= .1 # To avoid problem with Cartopy ax.set_extent([lonmin, lonmax, latmin, latmax], crs=self.crs_lonlat) gl = ax.gridlines(self.crs_lonlat, draw_labels=True, xlocs=xlocs, ylocs=ylocs) gl.top_labels = None if 'ocean_color' in kwargs: ax.patch.set_facecolor(kwargs['ocean_color']) ocean_color = kwargs['ocean_color'] else: ocean_color = 'white' if 'land_color' in kwargs: land_color = kwargs['land_color'] else: if fast is True: land_color = 'gray' else: land_color = cfeature.COLORS['land'] if 'text' in kwargs: if not isinstance(kwargs['text'], list): text = list(kwargs['text']) else: text = kwargs['text'] for te in text: plt.text(transform=self.crs_lonlat, **te) if 'box' in kwargs: if not isinstance(kwargs['box'], list): box = list(kwargs['box']) else: box = kwargs['box'] for bx in box: lonmn = bx['lon'][0] lonmx = bx['lon'][1] latmn = bx['lat'][0] latmx = bx['lat'][1] del bx['lon'] del bx['lat'] if 'text' in bx: plt.text(x=lonmn, y=latmx, s=bx['text'], transform=self.crs_lonlat) del bx['text'] patch = matplotlib.patches.Rectangle( xy=[lonmn, latmn], width=lonmx - lonmn, height=latmx - latmn, transform=self.crs_lonlat, zorder=10, **bx) ax.add_patch(patch) if not hide_landmask: if 'land_binary_mask' in self.env.priority_list and self.env.priority_list[ 'land_binary_mask'][0] == 'shape': logger.debug('Using custom shapes for plotting land..') ax.add_geometries(self.env.readers['shape'].polys, self.crs_lonlat, facecolor=land_color, edgecolor='black') else: reader_global_landmask.plot_land(ax, lonmin, latmin, lonmax, latmax, fast, ocean_color, land_color, lscale, crs_plot=self.crs_plot, crs_lonlat=self.crs_lonlat) fig.canvas.draw() fig.set_layout_engine('tight') index_of_first, index_of_last = self.index_of_first_and_last() try: # Activate figure zooming mng = plt.get_current_fig_manager() mng.toolbar.zoom() except: pass try: # Maximise figure window size mng.resize(*mng.window.maxsize()) except: pass # TODO: avoid transposing lon, lat, and avoid returning lon, lat in the first place return fig, ax, self.crs_plot, lons.T, lats.T, index_of_first, index_of_last
# Obsolete, to be removed #def get_lonlats(self): # if self.result is not None: # lons = self.result.lon # lats = # else: # #if len(self.result.time) > 0: # # lons =, (1, -1))).T # # lats =, (1, -1))).T # #else: # lons = # np.reshape(self.elements_scheduled.lon, (1, -1))).T # lats = # np.reshape(, (1, -1))).T # return lons, lats
[docs] def animation(self, buffer=.2, corners=None, filename=None, compare=None, compare_marker='o', background=None, alpha=1, bgalpha=.5, vmin=None, vmax=None, drifter=None, shapefiles=None, skip=None, scale=None, color=False, clabel=None, colorbar=True, cmap=None, density=False, show_elements=True, show_trajectories=False, linewidth=1, trajectory_alpha=.1, hide_landmask=False, density_pixelsize_m=1000, unitfactor=1, lcs=None, surface_only=False, markersize=20, markersize_scaling=None, origin_marker=None, legend=None, legend_loc='best', title='auto', fps=8, lscale=None, fast=False, blit=False, frames=None, xlocs = None, ylocs = None, **kwargs): """Animate last run.""" filename = str(filename) if filename is not None else None if self.result is not None and self.num_elements_total( ) == 0 and not hasattr(self, 'ds'): raise ValueError('Please run simulation before animating') if compare is not None: compare_list, compare_args = self._get_comparison_xy_for_plots( compare) kwargs.update(compare_args) start_time = if cmap is None: cmap = 'jet' if isinstance(cmap, str): cmap = matplotlib.colormaps[cmap] if color is False and background is None and lcs is None and density is False: colorbar = False markercolor = self.plot_comparison_colors[0] if isinstance(density, str): # Density field is weighted by this variable # TODO: not yet implemented! density_weight = density density = True else: if density is True: density_weight = None elif density is not False: density_weight = density density = True if density is True: # Get density arrays if hasattr(self, 'ds'): # opened with Xarray if origin_marker is None: origin_marker = 0 per_origin_marker = False else: per_origin_marker = True H, H_om, lon_array, lat_array = self.get_density_xarray( pixelsize_m=density_pixelsize_m, weights=density_weight) if per_origin_marker is True: H = H_om[:, :, :, origin_marker] else: if origin_marker is not None: raise ValueError( 'Separation by origin_marker is only active when imported from file with ' 'open_xarray:' ) H, H_submerged, H_stranded, lon_array, lat_array = \ self.get_density_array(pixelsize_m=density_pixelsize_m, weight=density_weight) H = H + H_submerged + H_stranded # Find map coordinates and plot points with empty data fig, ax, crs, x, y, index_of_first, index_of_last = \ self.set_up_map(buffer=buffer, corners=corners, lscale=lscale, fast=fast, hide_landmask=hide_landmask, xlocs = xlocs, ylocs = ylocs, **kwargs) def plot_timestep(i): """Sub function needed for matplotlib animation.""" ret = [points, points_deactivated ] # list of elements to return for blitting if title == 'auto': ax.set_title('%s\n%s UTC' % (self._figure_title(), times[i])) else: ax.set_title('%s\n%s UTC' % (title, times[i])) if background is not None: ret.append(bg) if isinstance(background, xr.DataArray): scalar = background[i, :, :].values else: map_x, map_y, scalar, u_component, v_component = \ self.get_map_background(ax, background, self.crs_plot, time=times[i]) # bg.set_array(scalar.ravel()) if type(background) is list: ret.append(bg_quiv) bg_quiv.set_UVC(u_component[::skip, ::skip], v_component[::skip, ::skip]) if lcs is not None: ax.pcolormesh(lcs['lon'], lcs['lat'], lcs['ALCS'][i, :, :], alpha=bgalpha, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, cmap=cmap, transform=self.crs_lonlat) if density is True: # Update density plot pm.set_array(H[i, :, :].ravel()) ret.append(pm) # Move points if show_elements is True: points.set_offsets(np.c_[x[i, range(x.shape[1])], y[i, range(x.shape[1])]]) points_deactivated.set_offsets( np.c_[x_deactive[index_of_last_deactivated < i], y_deactive[index_of_last_deactivated < i]]) if isinstance(markersize, str): points.set_sizes(markersize_scaling * np.abs(self.result[markersize][:, i])) if color is not False: # Update colors points.set_array(colorarray[:, i]) if compare is not None: for cd in compare_list: cd['points_other'].set_array(colorarray[:, i]) if (isinstance(color, str) or hasattr(color, '__len__')) and len(index_of_last_deactivated)>0: points_deactivated.set_array(colorarray_deactivated[ index_of_last_deactivated < i]) if drifter is not None: for drnum, dr in enumerate(drifter): drifter_pos[drnum].set_offsets(np.c_[dr['x'][i], dr['y'][i]]) drifter_line[drnum].set_data(dr['x'][0:i], dr['y'][0:i]) ret.append(drifter_line[drnum]) ret.append(drifter_pos[drnum]) if shapefiles is not None: import geopandas as gpd for sf in shapefiles: shdf = gpd.read_file(sf) shdf = shdf.to_crs("EPSG:4326") ax.add_geometries(shdf.geometry, self.crs_lonlat, edgecolor='g', linewidth=2, facecolor='none') if show_elements is True: if compare is not None: for cd in compare_list: cd['points_other'].set_offsets( np.c_[cd['x_other'][range(cd['x_other'].shape[0]), i], cd['y_other'][range(cd['x_other'].shape[0]), i]]) cd['points_other_deactivated'].set_offsets(np.c_[ cd['x_other_deactive'][ cd['index_of_last_deactivated_other'] < i], cd['y_other_deactive'][ cd['index_of_last_deactivated_other'] < i]]) ret.append(cd['points_other']) ret.append(cd['points_other_deactivated']) return ret if surface_only is True: z = self.result.z.T x = x.where(z==0) y = y.where(z==0) if show_trajectories is True: ax.plot(x, y, color='gray', alpha=trajectory_alpha, transform=self.crs_lonlat, linewidth=linewidth) if color is not False and show_elements is True: if isinstance(color, str): colorarray = self.result[color] colorarray = colorarray * unitfactor colorarray_deactivated = \ self.result[color].T[ index_of_last[self.elements_deactivated.ID], self.elements_deactivated.ID] elif hasattr(color, '__len__'): # E.g. array/list of ensemble numbers colorarray_deactivated = color[self.elements_deactivated.ID] colorarray = np.tile(color, (len(self.result.time), 1)).T else: colorarray = color if vmin is None: vmin = colorarray.min() vmax = colorarray.max() if background is not None: if isinstance(background, xr.DataArray): map_x = background.coords['lon_bin'] map_y = background.coords['lat_bin'] scalar = background[0, :, :] map_y, map_x = np.meshgrid(map_y, map_x) else: map_x, map_y, scalar, u_component, v_component = \ self.get_map_background(ax, background, self.crs_plot, time=self.start_time) bg = ax.pcolormesh(map_x, map_y, scalar, alpha=bgalpha, zorder=1, antialiased=True, linewidth=0.0, rasterized=True, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, cmap=cmap, transform=self.crs_lonlat) if type(background) is list: bg_quiv = ax.quiver(map_x[::skip, ::skip], map_y[::skip, ::skip], u_component[::skip, ::skip], v_component[::skip, ::skip], scale=scale, zorder=1, transform=self.crs_lonlat) if lcs is not None: if vmin is None: vmin = lcs['ALCS'].min() vmax = lcs['ALCS'].max() lcsh = ax.pcolormesh(lcs['lon'], lcs['lat'], lcs['ALCS'][0, :, :], vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, cmap=cmap, transform=self.crs_lonlat) times = pd.to_datetime(self.result.time).to_pydatetime() if show_elements is True: index_of_last_deactivated = \ index_of_last[self.elements_deactivated.ID] if legend is None: legend = [''] if color is False: c = markercolor else: c = [] if isinstance(markersize, str): if markersize_scaling is None: markersize_scaling = 20 markersize_scaling = markersize_scaling / np.abs(self.result[markersize]).max() if isinstance(markersize, str): points = ax.scatter([], [], c=c, zorder=10, edgecolor=[], cmap=cmap, alpha=alpha, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, label=legend[0], transform=self.crs_lonlat) else: points = ax.scatter([], [], c=c, zorder=10, edgecolor=[], cmap=cmap, alpha=alpha, s=markersize, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, label=legend[0], transform=self.crs_lonlat) if (compare is None) and (legend != ['']): markers = [] for legend_index in np.arange(len(legend)): if legend[legend_index] != '': markers.append( matplotlib.lines.Line2D( [0], [0], marker='o', color='w', linewidth=0, markeredgewidth=0, markerfacecolor=cmap(legend_index / (len(legend) - 1)), markersize=10, label=legend[legend_index])) legend = list(filter(None, legend)) ax.legend(markers, legend, loc=legend_loc) # Plot deactivated elements, with transparency if isinstance(markersize, str): points_deactivated = ax.scatter([], [], c=c, zorder=9, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, s=markersize_scaling, cmap=cmap, edgecolor=[], alpha=0, transform=self.crs_lonlat) else: points_deactivated = ax.scatter([], [], c=c, zorder=9, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, s=markersize, cmap=cmap, edgecolor=[], alpha=.3, transform=self.crs_lonlat) x_deactive, y_deactive = (self.elements_deactivated.lon, if compare is not None: for cn, cd in enumerate(compare_list): if legend != ['']: legstr = legend[cn + 1] else: legstr = None if color is False: c = self.plot_comparison_colors[cn + 1] else: c = [] cd['points_other'] = \ ax.scatter([], [], c=c, marker=compare_marker, cmap=cmap, s=markersize, label=legstr, zorder=10, transform = self.crs_lonlat) # Plot deactivated elements, with transparency cd['points_other_deactivated'] = \ ax.scatter([], [], alpha=.3, zorder=9, marker=compare_marker, cmap=cmap, c=c, s=markersize, transform = self.crs_lonlat) if legend != ['', '']: plt.legend(markerscale=2, loc=legend_loc) if density is True: cmap.set_under('w') H = == 0, H) lat_array, lon_array = np.meshgrid(lat_array, lon_array) if vmax is None: vmax = H.max() pm = ax.pcolormesh(lon_array, lat_array, H[0, :, :], vmin=0.1, vmax=vmax, cmap=cmap, transform=self.crs_lonlat) if drifter is not None: if not isinstance(drifter, list): drifter = [drifter] drifter_pos = [None] * len(drifter) drifter_line = [None] * len(drifter) for drnum, dr in enumerate(drifter): # Interpolate drifter time series onto simulation times sts = np.array( [t.total_seconds() for t in np.array(times) - times[0]]) dts = np.array([ t.total_seconds() for t in np.array(dr['time']) - times[0] ]) dr['x'] = np.interp(sts, dts, dr['lon']) dr['y'] = np.interp(sts, dts, dr['lat']) dr['x'][sts < dts[0]] = np.nan dr['x'][sts > dts[-1]] = np.nan dr['y'][sts < dts[0]] = np.nan dr['y'][sts > dts[-1]] = np.nan dlabel = dr['label'] if 'label' in dr else 'Drifter' dcolor = dr['color'] if 'color' in dr else 'r' dlinewidth = dr['linewidth'] if 'linewidth' in dr else 2 dzorder = dr['zorder'] if 'zorder' in dr else 10 dmarkersize = dr['markersize'] if 'markersize' in dr else 20 drifter_pos[drnum] = ax.scatter([], [], c=dcolor, zorder=dzorder + 1, s=dmarkersize, label=dlabel, transform=self.crs_lonlat) drifter_line[drnum] = ax.plot([], [], color=dcolor, linewidth=dlinewidth, zorder=dzorder, transform=self.crs_lonlat)[0] #ax.plot(dr['x'], # dr['y'], # color=dcolor, # linewidth=dlinewidth, # zorder=dzorder, # transform=self.crs_lonlat) plt.legend() fig.canvas.draw() fig.set_layout_engine('tight') if colorbar is True: if color is not False: if isinstance(color, str) or clabel is not None: if clabel is None: clabel = color item = points elif density is not False: item = pm if clabel is None: clabel = 'density' elif lcs is not None: item = lcsh if clabel is None: clabel = 'LCS' elif background is not None: item = bg if clabel is None: if isinstance(background, xr.DataArray): clabel = else: clabel = background cb = fig.colorbar(item, orientation='horizontal', pad=.05, aspect=30, shrink=.8, drawedges=False) cb.set_label(clabel) frames = x.shape[0] if frames is None else frames if compare is not None: frames = min(x.shape[0], cd['x_other'].shape[1]) # blit is now provided to animation() #blit = sys.platform != 'darwin' # blitting does not work on mac os self.__save_or_plot_animation__(plt.gcf(), plot_timestep, filename, frames, fps, interval=50, blit=blit)'Time to make animation: %s' % ( - start_time))
[docs] def __save_or_plot_animation__(self, figure, plot_timestep, filename, frames, fps, interval, blit): if filename is not None or 'sphinx_gallery' in sys.modules: logger.debug("Saving animation..") self.__save_animation__(figure, plot_timestep, filename, frames=frames, fps=fps, blit=blit, interval=interval) else: logger.debug("Showing animation..") anim = animation.FuncAnimation(figure, plot_timestep, blit=blit, frames=frames, interval=interval) try: except AttributeError as e: logger.exception(e) pass
[docs] @require_mode(mode=Mode.Result) def animation_profile(self, filename=None, compare=None, markersize=20, markersize_scaling=None, alpha=1, fps=20, color=None, cmap=None, vmin=None, vmax=None, legend=None, legend_loc=None): """Animate vertical profile of the last run.""" start_time = def plot_timestep(i): """Sub function needed for matplotlib animation.""" ax.set_title('%s UTC' % times[i]) points.set_offsets(np.c_[x[range(x.shape[0]), i], z[range(x.shape[0]), i]]) if color is not None and compare is None: points.set_array(colorarray[:, i]) points_deactivated.set_offsets(np.c_[ x_deactive[index_of_last_deactivated < i], z_deactive[index_of_last_deactivated < i]]) if isinstance(markersize, str): points.set_sizes(np.abs(markersize_scaling * self.result[markersize][:, i])) if compare is not None: points_other.set_offsets(np.c_[x_other[range(x_other.shape[0]), i], z_other[range(x_other.shape[0]), i]]) points_other_deactivated.set_offsets(np.c_[ x_other_deactive[index_of_last_deactivated_other < i], z_other_deactive[index_of_last_deactivated_other < i]]) return points, points_deactivated, points_other, else: return points, points_deactivated, if cmap is None: cmap = 'jet' if isinstance(cmap, str): cmap = matplotlib.colormaps[cmap] if color is not False: if isinstance(color, str): colorarray = self.result[color] if vmin is None: vmin = colorarray.min() vmax = colorarray.max() markercolor = self.plot_comparison_colors[0] if color is None: c = markercolor else: c = [] # Set up plot index_of_first, index_of_last = \ self.index_of_first_and_last() z = self.result.z x = self.result.lon #seafloor_depth = \ # -self.result.sea_floor_depth_below_sea_level fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 6.)) # Suitable aspect ratio ax = fig.gca() plt.xlabel('Longitude [degrees]') plt.ylabel('Depth [m]') times = pd.to_datetime(self.result.time).to_pydatetime() index_of_last_deactivated = \ index_of_last[self.elements_deactivated.ID] if legend is None: if compare is None: legs = ['', ''] else: legs = legend if isinstance(markersize, str): ms = None else: ms = markersize if isinstance(markersize, str): if markersize_scaling is None: markersize_scaling = 20 markersize_scaling = markersize_scaling / np.abs(self.result[markersize]).max() points = ax.scatter([], [], c=c, zorder=10, edgecolor=[], alpha=alpha, cmap=cmap, s=ms, label=legs[0], vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax) markers = [] if compare is None and legend is not None: # Empty points to get legend for legend_index in np.arange(len(legend)): if legend[legend_index] != '': markers.append( matplotlib.lines.Line2D( [0], [0], marker='o', linewidth=0, markeredgewidth=0, markerfacecolor=cmap(legend_index / (len(legend) - 1)), markersize=10, label=legend[legend_index])) legend = list(filter(None, legend)) leg = ax.legend(markers, legend, loc=legend_loc) leg.set_zorder(20) # Plot deactivated elements, with transparency points_deactivated = ax.scatter([], [], c=[], zorder=10, edgecolor=[], cmap=cmap, s=ms, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax) x_deactive = self.elements_deactivated.lon z_deactive = self.elements_deactivated.z if compare is not None: if type(compare) is str: # Other is given as filename other = self.__class__() other.io_import_file(compare) else: # Other is given as an OpenDrift object other = compare z_other = other.result.z x_other = other.result.lon points_other = ax.scatter([], [], c='r', zorder=10, alpha=alpha, edgecolor=[], cmap=cmap, s=markersize, label=legs[1], vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax) # Plot deactivated elements, with transparency points_other_deactivated = ax.scatter([], [], c='r', cmap=cmap, s=markersize, alpha=.3) x_other_deactive = other.elements_deactivated.lon z_other_deactive = other.elements_deactivated.z index_of_first_other, index_of_last_other = other.index_of_first_and_last() index_of_last_deactivated_other = \ index_of_last_other[other.elements_deactivated.ID] xmax = np.maximum(x.max(), x_other.max()) xmin = np.minimum(x.min(), x_other.min()) zmax = np.maximum(z.max(), z_other.max()) zmin = np.minimum(z.min(), z_other.min()) else: xmin = x.min() xmax = x.max() zmin = z.min() zmax = z.max() # Set figure limits sky = (zmax - zmin) * .1 # Sky height is 10% of water depth plt.xlim([xmin, xmax]) plt.ylim([zmin, sky]) ax.add_patch( plt.Rectangle((xmin, 0), xmax - xmin, sky, color='lightsteelblue')) ax.add_patch( plt.Rectangle((xmin, zmin), xmax - xmin, -zmin, color='cornflowerblue')) if legend is not None and compare is not None: plt.legend(loc=4) self.__save_or_plot_animation__(plt.gcf(), plot_timestep, filename, x.shape[1], fps, interval=150, blit=False)'Time to make animation: %s' % ( - start_time))
[docs] def _get_comparison_xy_for_plots(self, compare): if not type(compare) is list: compare = [compare] compare_list = [{}] * len(compare) lonmin = 1000 lonmax = -1000 latmin = 1000 latmax = -1000 for cn, comp in enumerate(compare): compare_list[cn] = {} cd = compare_list[cn] # pointer to dict with data if type(comp) is str: # Other is given as filename other = self.__class__() other.io_import_file(comp) else: # Other is given as an OpenDrift object other = comp lonmin = np.minimum(lonmin, other.result.lon.min()) lonmax = np.maximum(lonmax, other.result.lon.max()) latmin = np.minimum(latmin, latmax = np.maximum(latmax, # Find map coordinates of comparison simulations cd['x_other'] = other.result.lon.copy() cd['y_other'] = cd['x_other_deactive'], cd['y_other_deactive'] = \ (other.elements_deactivated.lon.copy(), cd['index_of_last_other'] = other.index_of_first_and_last()[1] cd['index_of_last_deactivated_other'] = \ cd['index_of_last_other'][other.elements_deactivated.ID] compare_args = { 'compare_lonmin': lonmin, 'compare_lonmax': lonmax, 'compare_latmin': latmin, 'compare_latmax': latmax } return compare_list, compare_args
[docs] def plot(self, background=None, buffer=.2, corners=None, linecolor=None, filename=None, show=True, vmin=None, vmax=None, compare=None, cmap='jet', lvmin=None, lvmax=None, skip=None, scale=None, show_scalar=True, contourlines=False, drifter=None, colorbar=True, linewidth=1, lcs=None, show_elements=True, show_trajectories=True, show_initial=True, density_pixelsize_m=1000, lalpha=None, bgalpha=1, clabel=None, cpad=.05, caspect=30, cshrink=.8, surface_color=None, submerged_color=None, markersize=20, title='auto', legend=True, legend_loc='best', lscale=None, fast=False, hide_landmask=False, xlocs = None, ylocs = None, **kwargs): """Basic built-in plotting function intended for developing/debugging. Plots trajectories of all particles. Positions marked with colored stars: - green: all start positions - red: deactivated particles - blue: particles still active at end of simulation Requires availability of Cartopy. Arguments: background: string, name of variable (standard_name) which will be plotted as background of trajectories, provided that it can be read with one of the available readers. buffer: float; spatial buffer of plot in degrees of longitude/latitude around particle collection. background: name of variable to be plotted as background field. Use two element list for vector fields, e.g. ['x_wind', 'y_wind'] vmin, vmax: minimum and maximum values for colors of background. linecolor: name of variable to be used for coloring trajectories, or matplotlib color string. lvmin, lvmax: minimum and maximum values for colors of trajectories. lscale (string): resolution of land feature ('c', 'l', 'i', 'h', 'f', 'auto'). default is 'auto'. fast (bool): use some optimizations to speed up plotting at the cost of accuracy :param hide_landmask: do not plot landmask (default False). :type hide_landmask: bool """ mappable = None if self.result is not None and self.num_elements_total( ) == 0 and not hasattr(self, 'ds'): raise ValueError('Please run simulation before animating') start_time = if compare is not None: # Extend map coverage to cover comparison simulations cd, compare_args = self._get_comparison_xy_for_plots(compare) kwargs.update(compare_args) if drifter is not None: # Extend map coverage to cover provided trajectory # TODO: drifter should be list of dictionaries ttime = np.array(drifter['time']) i = np.where((ttime >= self.start_time) & (ttime <= self.time))[0] drifter['lon'] = np.atleast_1d(drifter['lon']) drifter['lat'] = np.atleast_1d(drifter['lat']) tlonmin = drifter['lon'][i].min() tlonmax = drifter['lon'][i].max() tlatmin = drifter['lat'][i].min() tlatmax = drifter['lat'][i].max() if 'compare_lonmin' not in kwargs: kwargs['compare_lonmin'] = tlonmin kwargs['compare_lonmax'] = tlonmax kwargs['compare_latmin'] = tlatmin kwargs['compare_latmax'] = tlatmax else: kwargs['compare_lonmin'] = np.minimum(kwargs['compare_lonmin'], tlonmin) kwargs['compare_lonmax'] = np.maximum(kwargs['compare_lonmax'], tlonmax) kwargs['compare_latmin'] = np.minimum(kwargs['compare_latmin'], tlatmin) kwargs['compare_latmax'] = np.maximum(kwargs['compare_latmax'], tlatmax) fig, ax, crs, x, y, index_of_first, index_of_last = \ self.set_up_map(buffer=buffer, corners=corners, lscale=lscale, fast=fast, hide_landmask=hide_landmask, xlocs = xlocs, ylocs = ylocs, **kwargs) markercolor = self.plot_comparison_colors[0] # The more elements, the more transparent we make the lines if lalpha is None: min_alpha = 0.1 max_elements = 5000.0 alpha = min_alpha**(2 * (self.num_elements_total() - 1) / (max_elements - 1)) alpha = np.max((min_alpha, alpha)) else: alpha = lalpha # provided transparency of trajectories if legend is False: legend = None if self.result is not None and linewidth != 0 and show_trajectories is True: # Plot trajectories from matplotlib.colors import is_color_like if linecolor is None or is_color_like(linecolor) is True: if is_color_like(linecolor): linecolor = linecolor else: linecolor = 'gray' if compare is not None and legend is not None: if legend is True: if hasattr(compare, 'len'): numleg = len(compare) else: numleg = 2 legend = [ 'Simulation %d' % (i + 1) for i in range(numleg) ] ax.plot(x[:, 0], y[:, 0], color=linecolor, alpha=alpha, label=legend[0], linewidth=linewidth, transform=self.crs_lonlat) ax.plot(x, y, color=linecolor, alpha=alpha, label='_nolegend_', linewidth=linewidth, transform=self.crs_lonlat) else: ax.plot(x, y, color=linecolor, alpha=alpha, linewidth=linewidth, transform=self.crs_lonlat) else: #colorbar = True # Color lines according to given parameter try: if isinstance(linecolor, str): param = self.result[linecolor] elif hasattr(linecolor, '__len__'): param = np.tile(linecolor, (len(self.result.time), 1)).T else: param = linecolor except: raise ValueError( 'Available parameters to be used for linecolors: ' + str(self.result.var())) from matplotlib.collections import LineCollection for i in range(x.shape[1]): vind = np.arange(index_of_first[i], index_of_last[i] + 1) points = np.array([x[vind, i].T, y[vind, i].T]).T.reshape(-1, 1, 2) segments = np.concatenate([points[:-1], points[1:]], axis=1) if lvmin is None: lvmin = param.min() lvmax = param.max() lc = LineCollection( segments, #cmap=plt.colormaps['Spectral'], cmap=cmap, norm=plt.Normalize(lvmin, lvmax), transform=self.crs_lonlat) #lc.set_linewidth(3) lc.set_array(param.T[vind, i]) mappable = ax.add_collection(lc) #axcb = fig.colorbar(lc, ax = ax, orientation = 'horizontal') #try: # Add unit to colorbar if available # colorbarstring = linecolor + ' [%s]' % \ # (self.history_metadata[linecolor]['units']) #except: # colorbarstring = linecolor ##axcb.set_label(colorbarstring) #axcb.set_label(colorbarstring, size=14) if compare is None: label_initial = 'initial (%i)' % x.shape[1] label_active = 'active (%i)' % (x.shape[1] - self.num_elements_deactivated()) color_initial = self.status_colors['initial'] color_active = self.status_colors['active'] else: label_initial = None label_active = None color_initial = 'gray' color_active = 'gray' if show_elements is True: if show_initial is True: ax.scatter(x[index_of_first, range(x.shape[1])], y[index_of_first, range(x.shape[1])], s=markersize, zorder=10, edgecolor=markercolor, linewidths=.2, c=color_initial, label=label_initial, transform=self.crs_lonlat) if surface_color is not None: color_active = surface_color label_active = 'surface' ax.scatter(x[index_of_last, range(x.shape[1])], y[index_of_last, range(x.shape[1])], s=markersize, zorder=3, edgecolor=markercolor, linewidths=.2, c=color_active, label=label_active, transform=self.crs_lonlat) #if submerged_color is not None: # map.scatter(x[range(x.shape[0]), index_of_last], # y[range(x.shape[0]), index_of_last], s=markersize, # zorder=3, edgecolor=markercolor, linewidths=.2, # c=submerged_color, label='submerged') x_deactivated, y_deactivated = (self.elements_deactivated.lon, # Plot deactivated elements, labeled by deactivation reason for statusnum, status in enumerate(self.status_categories): if status == 'active': continue # plotted above if status not in self.status_colors: # If no color specified, pick an unused one for color in [ 'red', 'blue', 'green', 'black', 'gray', 'cyan', 'DarkSeaGreen', 'brown' ]: if color not in self.status_colors.values(): self.status_colors[status] = color break indices = np.where( self.elements_deactivated.status == statusnum) if len(indices[0]) > 0: if (status == 'seeded_on_land' or status == 'seeded_at_nodata_position'): zorder = 11 else: zorder = 3 if compare is not None: legstr = None else: legstr = '%s (%i)' % (status, len(indices[0])) if compare is None: color_status = self.status_colors[status] else: color_status = 'gray' ax.scatter(x_deactivated[indices], y_deactivated[indices], s=markersize, zorder=zorder, edgecolor=markercolor, linewidths=.1, c=color_status, label=legstr, transform=self.crs_lonlat) if compare is not None: for i, c in enumerate(cd): if legend != None: legstr = legend[i + 1] else: legstr = None ax.plot(c['x_other'].T[:, 0], c['y_other'].T[:, 0], color=self.plot_comparison_colors[i + 1], linestyle='-', label=legstr, linewidth=linewidth, transform=self.crs_lonlat) ax.plot(c['x_other'].T, c['y_other'].T, color=self.plot_comparison_colors[i + 1], linestyle='-', label='_nolegend_', linewidth=linewidth, transform=self.crs_lonlat) ax.scatter(c['x_other'][range(c['x_other'].shape[0]), c['index_of_last_other']], c['y_other'][range(c['y_other'].shape[0]), c['index_of_last_other']], s=markersize, zorder=3, edgecolor=markercolor, linewidths=.2, c=self.plot_comparison_colors[i + 1], transform=self.crs_lonlat) if background is not None: if hasattr(self, 'time'): time = self.time - self.time_step_output else: time = None if isinstance(background, xr.DataArray): map_x = background.coords['lon_bin'] map_y = background.coords['lat_bin'] scalar = background map_y, map_x = np.meshgrid(map_y, map_x) elif background == 'residence': scalar, lon_res, lat_res = self.get_residence_time( pixelsize_m=density_pixelsize_m) scalar[scalar == 0] = np.nan lon_res, lat_res = np.meshgrid(lon_res[0:-1], lat_res[0:-1]) lon_res = lon_res.T lat_res = lat_res.T map_x, map_y = (lon_res, lat_res) else: map_x, map_y, scalar, u_component, v_component = \ self.get_map_background(ax, background, crs, time=time) #self.time_step_output) if show_scalar is True: if contourlines is False: scalar = mappable = ax.pcolormesh(map_x, map_y, scalar, alpha=bgalpha, zorder=1, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, cmap=cmap, transform=self.crs_lonlat) else: if contourlines is True: CS = ax.contour(map_x, map_y, scalar, colors='gray', transform=self.crs_lonlat) else: # contourlines is an array of values CS = ax.contour(map_x, map_y, scalar, contourlines, colors='gray', transform=self.crs_lonlat) plt.clabel(CS, fmt='%g') if mappable is not None and colorbar is True: cb = fig.colorbar(mappable, orientation='horizontal', pad=cpad, aspect=caspect, shrink=cshrink, drawedges=False) # TODO: need better control of colorbar content if clabel is not None: cb.set_label(clabel) elif isinstance(linecolor, str) and linecolor != 'gray': cb.set_label(str(linecolor)) if background is not None and clabel is None: if isinstance(background, xr.DataArray): cb.set_label( else: cb.set_label(str(background)) if type(background) is list: ax.quiver(map_x[::skip, ::skip], map_y[::skip, ::skip], u_component[::skip, ::skip], v_component[::skip, ::skip], scale=scale, transform=self.crs_lonlat, zorder=1) if lcs is not None: map_x_lcs, map_y_lcs = (lcs['lon'], lcs['lat']) ax.pcolormesh(map_x_lcs, map_y_lcs, lcs['ALCS'][0, :, :], alpha=1, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, zorder=0, cmap=cmap, transform=self.crs_lonlat) if title is not None: if title == 'auto': if hasattr(self, 'time'): plt.title('%s\n%s to %s UTC (%i steps)' % (self._figure_title(), self.start_time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M'), self.time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M'), len(self.result.time))) else: plt.title( '%s\n%i elements seeded at %s UTC' % (self._figure_title(), self.num_elements_scheduled(), self.elements_scheduled_time[0].strftime( '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M'))) else: plt.title(title) if drifter is not None: self._plot_drifter(ax, self.crs_lonlat, drifter) try: handles, labels = ax.get_legend_handles_labels() if legend is not None and len(handles) > 0: plt.legend(loc=legend_loc, markerscale=2) except Exception as e: logger.warning('Cannot plot legend, due to bug in matplotlib:') logger.warning(traceback.format_exc()) #plt.gca().tick_params(labelsize=14) #fig.canvas.draw() if filename is not None: plt.savefig(filename)'Time to make plot: ' + str( - start_time)) else: if show is True: return ax, fig
[docs] def _substance_name(self): return None
[docs] def _figure_title(self): if self._substance_name() is None: return 'OpenDrift - ' + type(self).__name__ else: return 'OpenDrift - ' + type( self).__name__ + ' (%s)' % self._substance_name()
[docs] def _plot_drifter(self, ax, gcrs, drifter): '''Plot provided trajectory along with simulated''' time = drifter['time'] time = np.array(time) i = np.where((time >= self.start_time) & (time <= self.time))[0] x, y = (np.atleast_1d(drifter['lon'])[i], np.atleast_1d(drifter['lat'])[i]) dlabel = drifter['label'] if 'label' in drifter else 'Drifter' dcolor = drifter['color'] if 'color' in drifter else 'r' dlinewidth = drifter['linewidth'] if 'linewidth' in drifter else 2 dzorder = drifter['zorder'] if 'zorder' in drifter else 10 ax.plot(x, y, linewidth=dlinewidth, color=dcolor, transform=self.crs_lonlat, label=dlabel, zorder=dzorder) ax.plot(x[0], y[0], 'ok', transform=self.crs_lonlat) ax.plot(x[-1], y[-1], 'xk', transform=self.crs_lonlat)
[docs] def get_map_background(self, ax, background, crs, time=None): # Get background field for plotting on map or animation # TODO: this method should be made more robust if type(background) is list: variable = background[0] # A vector is requested else: variable = background # A scalar is requested for readerName in self.env.readers: reader = self.env.readers[readerName] if variable in reader.variables: if time is None or reader.start_time is None or ( time >= reader.start_time and time <= reader.end_time) or (reader.always_valid is True): break if time is None: if hasattr(self, 'elements_scheduled_time'): # Using time of first seeded element time = self.elements_scheduled_time[0] # Get reader coordinates covering given map area axisproj = pyproj.Proj(ax.projection.proj4_params) xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax = ax.get_extent(self.crs_lonlat) cornerlons = np.array([xmin, xmin, xmax, xmax]) cornerlats = np.array([ymin, ymax, ymin, ymax]) reader_x, reader_y = reader.lonlat2xy(cornerlons, cornerlats) if sum(~np.isfinite(reader_x + reader_y)) > 0: # Axis corner points are not within reader domain reader_x = np.array([reader.xmin, reader.xmax]) reader_y = np.array([reader.ymin, reader.ymax]) else: reader_x = np.linspace(reader_x.min(), reader_x.max(), 10) reader_y = np.linspace(reader_y.min(), reader_y.max(), 10) data = reader.get_variables(background, time, reader_x, reader_y, None) reader_x, reader_y = np.meshgrid(data['x'], data['y']) if type(background) is list: # Ensemble reader, using first member u_component = data[background[0]] v_component = data[background[1]] if isinstance(u_component, list): u_component = u_component[0] v_component = v_component[0] with np.errstate(invalid='ignore'): scalar = np.sqrt(u_component**2 + v_component**2) # NB: rotation not completed! u_component, v_component = reader.rotate_vectors( reader_x, reader_y, u_component, v_component, reader.proj, ccrs.PlateCarree(globe=ccrs.Globe(datum='WGS84', ellipse='WGS84')).proj4_init) else: scalar = data[background] if isinstance(scalar, list): # Ensemble reader, using first member scalar = scalar[0] u_component = v_component = None if reader.projected is False: reader_y[reader_y < 0] = 0 reader_x[reader_x < 0] = 0 rlons, rlats = reader.xy2lonlat(reader_x, reader_y) if rlons.max() > 360: rlons = rlons - 360 map_x, map_y = (rlons, rlats) scalar = return map_x, map_y, scalar, u_component, v_component
[docs] def get_lonlat_bins(self, pixelsize_m): latmin = latmax = lonmin = self.result.lon.minval lonmax = self.result.lon.maxval deltalat = pixelsize_m / 111000.0 # m to degrees deltalon = deltalat / np.cos(np.radians((latmin + latmax) / 2)) latbin = np.arange(latmin - deltalat, latmax + deltalat, deltalat) lonbin = np.arange(lonmin - deltalon, lonmax + deltalon, deltalon) return lonbin, latbin
[docs] def get_histogram(self, pixelsize_m, **kwargs): from xhistogram.xarray import histogram lonbin, latbin = self.get_lonlat_bins(pixelsize_m) max_om = int(self.result.origin_marker.max().compute().values) origin_marker = range(max_om + 1) if 'weights' in kwargs and kwargs['weights'] is not None and kwargs[ 'weights'].ndim < 2: kwargs['weights'] = xr.DataArray( kwargs['weights'], dims=['trajectory'], coords={'trajectory': self.result.coords['trajectory']}) # Xarray Dataset to store histogram per origin_marker h_om = xr.DataArray(np.zeros( (len(self.result.coords['time']), len(lonbin) - 1, len(latbin) - 1, max_om + 1)), name='density_origin_marker', dims=('time', 'lon_bin', 'lat_bin', 'origin_marker')) h_om.coords['time'] = self.result.coords['time'] h_om.coords['origin_marker'] = origin_marker for om in origin_marker:'\tcalculating for origin_marker %s...' % om) h = histogram(self.result.lon.where(self.result.origin_marker == om), == om), bins=[lonbin, latbin], dim=['trajectory'], **kwargs) if om == 0: h_om.coords['lon_bin'] = h.coords['lon_bin'] h_om.coords['lat_bin'] = h.coords['lat_bin'] h_om[:, :, :, om] = h #.copy() return h_om
[docs] def get_density_array(self, pixelsize_m, weight=None): lon = self.result.lon.values.T lat = times = pd.to_datetime(self.result.time).to_pydatetime() deltalat = pixelsize_m / 111000.0 # m to degrees deltalon = deltalat / np.cos( np.radians((np.nanmin(lat) + np.nanmax(lat)) / 2)) lat_array = np.arange( np.nanmin(lat) - deltalat, np.nanmax(lat) + deltalat, deltalat) lon_array = np.arange( np.nanmin(lon) - deltalat, np.nanmax(lon) + deltalon, deltalon) bins = (lon_array, lat_array) z = self.result.z.values.T if weight is not None: weight_array = self.result[weight].values.T status = self.result.status.values.T lon_submerged = lon.copy() lat_submerged = lat.copy() lon_stranded = lon.copy() lat_stranded = lat.copy() lon_submerged[z >= 0] = 1000 lat_submerged[z >= 0] = 1000 lon[z < 0] = 1000 lat[z < 0] = 1000 H = np.zeros((len(times), len(lon_array) - 1, len(lat_array) - 1)) #.astype(int) H_submerged = H.copy() H_stranded = H.copy() try: strandnum = self.status_categories.index('stranded') lon_stranded[status != strandnum] = 1000 lat_stranded[status != strandnum] = 1000 contains_stranded = True except ValueError: contains_stranded = False for i in range(len(times)): if weight is not None: weights = weight_array[i, :] else: weights = None H[i,:,:], dummy, dummy = \ np.histogram2d(lon[i,:], lat[i,:], weights=weights, bins=bins) H_submerged[i,:,:], dummy, dummy = \ np.histogram2d(lon_submerged[i,:], lat_submerged[i,:], weights=weights, bins=bins) if contains_stranded is True: H_stranded[i,:,:], dummy, dummy = \ np.histogram2d(lon_stranded[i,:], lat_stranded[i,:], weights=weights, bins=bins) return H, H_submerged, H_stranded, lon_array, lat_array
[docs] def get_density_array_proj(self, pixelsize_m, density_proj=None, llcrnrlon=None, llcrnrlat=None, urcrnrlon=None, urcrnrlat=None, weight=None): # # TODO: should be merged with get_density_array # KFD Jan 2021 # lon = self.result.lon.values.T lat = times = pd.to_datetime(self.result.time).to_pydatetime() #deltalat = pixelsize_m/111000.0 # m to degrees #deltalon = deltalat/np.cos(np.radians((np.nanmin(lat) + # np.nanmax(lat))/2)) #lat_array = np.arange(np.nanmin(lat)-deltalat, # np.nanmax(lat)+deltalat, deltalat) #lon_array = np.arange(np.nanmin(lon)-deltalat, # np.nanmax(lon)+deltalon, deltalon) #bins=(lon_array, lat_array) if density_proj is None: # add default projection with equal-area property density_proj = pyproj.Proj('+proj=moll +ellps=WGS84 +lon_0=0.0') density_proj = pyproj.Proj('+proj=longlat +a=6371229 +no_defs') # create a grid in the specified projection x, y = density_proj(lon, lat) if llcrnrlon is not None: llcrnrx, llcrnry = density_proj(llcrnrlon, llcrnrlat) urcrnrx, urcrnry = density_proj(urcrnrlon, urcrnrlat) else: llcrnrx, llcrnry = x.min() - pixelsize_m, y.min() - pixelsize_m urcrnrx, urcrnry = x.max() + pixelsize_m, y.max() + pixelsize_m x_array = np.arange(llcrnrx, urcrnrx, pixelsize_m) y_array = np.arange(llcrnry, urcrnry, pixelsize_m) bins = (x_array, y_array) outsidex, outsidey = max(x_array) * 1.5, max(y_array) * 1.5 z = self.result.z.values.T if weight is not None: weight_array = self.result[weight].values.T status = self.result.status.values.T #lon_submerged = lon.copy() #lat_submerged = lat.copy() #lon_stranded = lon.copy() #lat_stranded = lat.copy() #lon_submerged[z>=0] = 1000 #lat_submerged[z>=0] = 1000 #lon[z<0] = 1000 #lat[z<0] = 1000 #H = np.zeros((len(times), len(lon_array) - 1, # len(lat_array) - 1))#.astype(int) x_submerged = x.copy() y_submerged = y.copy() x_stranded = x.copy() y_stranded = y.copy() x_submerged[z >= 0] = outsidex y_submerged[z >= 0] = outsidey x[z < 0] = outsidex y[z < 0] = outsidey H = np.zeros( (len(times), len(x_array) - 1, len(y_array) - 1)) #.astype(int) H_submerged = H.copy() H_stranded = H.copy() try: strandnum = self.status_categories.index('stranded') #lon_stranded[status!=strandnum] = 1000 #lat_stranded[status!=strandnum] = 1000 x_stranded[status != strandnum] = outsidex y_stranded[status != strandnum] = outsidey contains_stranded = True except ValueError: contains_stranded = False for i in range(len(times)): if weight is not None: weights = weight_array[i, :] else: weights = None H[i,:,:], dummy, dummy = \ np.histogram2d(x[i,:], y[i,:], weights=weights, bins=bins) H_submerged[i,:,:], dummy, dummy = \ np.histogram2d(x_submerged[i,:], y_submerged[i,:], weights=weights, bins=bins) if contains_stranded is True: H_stranded[i,:,:], dummy, dummy = \ np.histogram2d(x_stranded[i,:], y_stranded[i,:], weights=weights, bins=bins) if density_proj is not None: Y, X = np.meshgrid(y_array, x_array) lon_array, lat_array = density_proj(X, Y, inverse=True) return H, H_submerged, H_stranded, lon_array, lat_array
[docs] def get_residence_time(self, pixelsize_m): H,H_sub, H_str,lon_array,lat_array = \ self.get_density_array(pixelsize_m) residence = np.sum(H, axis=0) return residence, lon_array, lat_array
[docs] def write_netcdf_density_map(self, filename, pixelsize_m='auto'): '''Write netCDF file with map of particles densities''' if pixelsize_m == 'auto': lon = self.result.lon lat = latspan = lat.max() - lat.min() pixelsize_m = 30 if latspan > .05: pixelsize_m = 50 if latspan > .1: pixelsize_m = 300 if latspan > .3: pixelsize_m = 500 if latspan > .7: pixelsize_m = 1000 if latspan > 2: pixelsize_m = 2000 if latspan > 5: pixelsize_m = 4000 H, H_submerged, H_stranded, lon_array, lat_array = \ self.get_density_array(pixelsize_m) lon_array = (lon_array[0:-1] + lon_array[1::]) / 2 lat_array = (lat_array[0:-1] + lat_array[1::]) / 2 from netCDF4 import Dataset, date2num nc = Dataset(filename, 'w') nc.createDimension('lon', len(lon_array)) nc.createDimension('lat', len(lat_array)) nc.createDimension('time', H.shape[0]) times = pd.to_datetime(self.result.time).to_pydatetime() if times[1] < times[0]: # Revert for backward runs so that time is increasing times = times[::-1] H = np.flip(H, axis=0) H_submerged = np.flip(H_submerged, axis=0) H_stranded = np.flip(H_stranded, axis=0) timestr = 'seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00' nc.createVariable('time', 'f8', ('time', )) nc.variables['time'][:] = date2num(times, timestr) nc.variables['time'].units = timestr nc.variables['time'].standard_name = 'time' # Projection nc.createVariable('projection_lonlat', 'i8') nc.variables['projection_lonlat'].grid_mapping_name = \ 'latitude_longitude' nc.variables['projection_lonlat'].earth_radius = 6371229. nc.variables['projection_lonlat'].proj4 = \ '+proj=longlat +a=6371229 +no_defs' # Coordinates nc.createVariable('lon', 'f8', ('lon', )) nc.createVariable('lat', 'f8', ('lat', )) nc.variables['lon'][:] = lon_array nc.variables['lon'].long_name = 'longitude' nc.variables['lon'].short_name = 'longitude' nc.variables['lon'].units = 'degrees_east' nc.variables['lat'][:] = lat_array nc.variables['lat'].long_name = 'latitude' nc.variables['lat'].short_name = 'latitude' nc.variables['lat'].units = 'degrees_north' # Density nc.createVariable('density_surface', 'u1', ('time', 'lat', 'lon')) H = np.swapaxes(H, 1, 2).astype('uint8') H = == 0, H) nc.variables['density_surface'][:] = H nc.variables['density_surface'].long_name = 'Detection probability' nc.variables['density_surface'].grid_mapping = 'projection_lonlat' nc.variables['density_surface'].units = '1' # Density submerged nc.createVariable('density_submerged', 'u1', ('time', 'lat', 'lon')) H_sub = np.swapaxes(H_submerged, 1, 2).astype('uint8') H_sub = == 0, H_sub) nc.variables['density_submerged'][:] = H_sub nc.variables[ 'density_submerged'].long_name = 'Detection probability submerged' nc.variables['density_submerged'].grid_mapping = 'projection_lonlat' nc.variables['density_submerged'].units = '1' # Density stranded nc.createVariable('density_stranded', 'u1', ('time', 'lat', 'lon')) H_stranded = np.swapaxes(H_stranded, 1, 2).astype('uint8') H_stranded = == 0, H_stranded) nc.variables['density_stranded'][:] = H_stranded nc.variables[ 'density_stranded'].long_name = 'Detection probability stranded' nc.variables['density_stranded'].grid_mapping = 'projection_lonlat' nc.variables['density_stranded'].units = '1' nc.close()
[docs] def write_netcdf_density_map_proj(self, filename, pixelsize_m='auto', density_proj=None, llcrnrlon=None, llcrnrlat=None, urcrnrlon=None, urcrnrlat=None): '''Write netCDF file with map of particles densities for a given projection or area''' # # TODO: should be merged with write_netcdf_density_map_proj # KFD Jan 2021 # if pixelsize_m == 'auto': lon = self.result.lon lat = latspan = lat.max() - lat.min() pixelsize_m = 30 if latspan > .05: pixelsize_m = 50 if latspan > .1: pixelsize_m = 300 if latspan > .3: pixelsize_m = 500 if latspan > .7: pixelsize_m = 1000 if latspan > 2: pixelsize_m = 2000 if latspan > 5: pixelsize_m = 4000 if density_proj is None: # add default projection with equal-area property density_proj = pyproj.Proj('+proj=moll +ellps=WGS84 +lon_0=0.0') H, H_submerged, H_stranded, lon_array, lat_array = \ self.get_density_array_proj(pixelsize_m=pixelsize_m, density_proj=density_proj, llcrnrlon=llcrnrlon, llcrnrlat=llcrnrlat, urcrnrlon=urcrnrlon, urcrnrlat=urcrnrlat) # calculate center coordinates, lat_array.shape) lon_array = (lon_array[:-1, :-1] + lon_array[1:, 1:]) / 2. lat_array = (lat_array[:-1, :-1] + lat_array[1:, 1:]) / 2. from netCDF4 import Dataset, date2num nc = Dataset(filename, 'w') nc.createDimension('x', lon_array.shape[0]) nc.createDimension('y', lon_array.shape[1]) nc.createDimension('time', H.shape[0]) times = pd.to_datetime(self.result.time).to_pydatetime() timestr = 'seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00' nc.createVariable('time', 'f8', ('time', )) nc.variables['time'][:] = date2num(times, timestr) nc.variables['time'].units = timestr nc.variables['time'].standard_name = 'time' # Projection nc.createVariable('projection', 'i8') nc.variables['projection'].proj4 = density_proj.definition_string() # Coordinates nc.createVariable('lon', 'f8', ('y', 'x')) nc.createVariable('lat', 'f8', ('y', 'x')) nc.variables['lon'][:] = lon_array.T nc.variables['lon'].long_name = 'longitude' nc.variables['lon'].short_name = 'longitude' nc.variables['lon'].units = 'degrees_east' nc.variables['lat'][:] = lat_array.T nc.variables['lat'].long_name = 'latitude' nc.variables['lat'].short_name = 'latitude' nc.variables['lat'].units = 'degrees_north' # Density nc.createVariable('density_surface', 'u1', ('time', 'y', 'x')) H = np.swapaxes(H, 1, 2).astype('uint8') H = == 0, H) nc.variables['density_surface'][:] = H nc.variables['density_surface'].long_name = 'Detection probability' nc.variables['density_surface'].grid_mapping = 'projection' nc.variables['density_surface'].units = '1' # Density submerged nc.createVariable('density_submerged', 'u1', ('time', 'y', 'x')) H_sub = np.swapaxes(H_submerged, 1, 2).astype('uint8') H_sub = == 0, H_sub) nc.variables['density_submerged'][:] = H_sub nc.variables[ 'density_submerged'].long_name = 'Detection probability submerged' nc.variables['density_submerged'].grid_mapping = 'projection' nc.variables['density_submerged'].units = '1' # Density stranded nc.createVariable('density_stranded', 'u1', ('time', 'y', 'x')) H_stranded = np.swapaxes(H_stranded, 1, 2).astype('uint8') H_stranded = == 0, H_stranded) nc.variables['density_stranded'][:] = H_stranded nc.variables[ 'density_stranded'].long_name = 'Detection probability stranded' nc.variables['density_stranded'].grid_mapping = 'projection' nc.variables['density_stranded'].units = '1' nc.close()
[docs] def write_geotiff(self, filename, pixelsize_km=.2): '''Write one GeoTiff image per timestep. filename should contain date identifiers, e.g. 'img_%Y%m%d_%H%M.tif' ''' try: from osgeo import gdal, osr except: raise ValueError('GDAL is needed to write geotiff images.') import matplotlib.pyplot as plt driver = gdal.GetDriverByName('GTiff') srs = osr.SpatialReference() srs.ImportFromEPSG(4326) colortable = gdal.ColorTable() colortable.SetColorEntry(0, (255, 255, 255, 0)) colortable.SetColorEntry(1, (0, 0, 0, 255)) colortable.SetColorEntry(2, (255, 0, 0, 255)) colortable.SetColorEntry(3, (0, 255, 0, 255)) colortable.SetColorEntry(4, (0, 0, 255, 255)) lon = self.result.lon.values.T lat = status = self.result.status.values.T times = pd.to_datetime(self.result.time).to_pydatetime() deltalat = pixelsize_km / 111.0 # km to degrees deltalon = deltalat / np.cos(np.radians((lat.min() + lat.max()) / 2)) lat_array = np.arange(lat.min() - deltalat, lat.max() + deltalat, deltalat) lon_array = np.arange(lon.min() - deltalat, lon.max() + deltalon, deltalon) ilon = (np.round((lon - lon.min()) / deltalon)).astype(int) ilat = (np.round((lat - lat.min()) / deltalat)).astype(int) # Setting masked values to zero, for use as indices ilon[np.isinf(ilon)] = 0 ilat[np.isinf(ilat)] = 0 status[np.isinf(ilon)] = 0 image = np.zeros( (len(times), len(lon_array), len(lat_array))).astype(int) geotransform = [ lon_array.min(), deltalon, 0, lat_array.max(), 0, -deltalat ] for i, t in enumerate(times): image[i, ilon[i, :], ilat[i, :]] = status[i, :] + 1 filename_i = t.strftime(filename) ds = driver.Create( filename_i, len(lon_array), len(lat_array), 1, gdal.GDT_Byte, ) ds.SetProjection(srs.ExportToWkt()) ds.SetGeoTransform(geotransform) outband = ds.GetRasterBand(1) outband.SetNoDataValue(0) outband.WriteArray(np.fliplr(image[i, :, :]).transpose()) outband.SetColorTable(colortable) ds = None
# TODO obsolete method - to be removed
[docs] def get_time_array(self): """Return a list of output times of last run.""" logger.warning('Method get_time_array is obsolete and will soon be removed. Use o.result.time instead.') ## Making sure start_time is datetime, and not cftime object #self.start_time = datetime(self.start_time.year, self.start_time.month, #, self.start_time.hour, # self.start_time.minute, # self.start_time.second) #td = self.time_step_output #time_array = [ # self.start_time + td * i for i in range(self.steps_output) #] #time_array_relative = [td * i for i in range(self.steps_output)] time_array = pd.to_datetime(self.result.time).to_pydatetime() # Should switch to Pandas times time_array_relative = time_array - time_array[0] return time_array, time_array_relative
[docs] def simulation_direction(self): """Return 1 for a forward simulation, and -1 for a backward simulation""" if self.time_step.days < 0: return -1 else: return 1
[docs] @require_mode(mode=Mode.Result) def plot_environment(self, filename=None, ax=None, show=True): """Plot mean wind and current velocities of element of last run.""" x_wind = self.result.x_wind y_wind = self.result.y_wind wind = np.sqrt(x_wind**2 + y_wind**2) x_sea_water_velocity = self.result.x_sea_water_velocity y_sea_water_velocity = self.result.y_sea_water_velocity current = np.sqrt(x_sea_water_velocity**2 + y_sea_water_velocity**2) wind = wind.mean(dim='trajectory', skipna=True) current = current.mean(dim='trajectory', skipna=True) time = self.result.time time_relative = (time - time[0]) / np.timedelta64(1, 'h') if ax is None: fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) ax.plot(time_relative, wind, 'b', label='Wind speed') ax.set_ylabel('Wind speed [m/s]', color='b') ax.set_xlim([0, time_relative[-1]]) ax.set_ylim([0, wind.max() * 1.1]) ax2 = ax.twinx() ax2.plot(time_relative, current, 'r', label='Current speed') ax2.set_ylabel('Current speed [m/s]', color='r') ax2.set_xlim([0, time_relative[-1]]) ax2.set_ylim([0, current.max() * 1.1]) for tl in ax.get_yticklabels(): tl.set_color('b') for tl in ax2.get_yticklabels(): tl.set_color('r') ax.set_xlabel('Time [hours]') ax.legend(loc='upper left') ax2.legend(loc='lower right') if filename is None: if show is True: else: plt.savefig(filename)
[docs] @require_mode(mode=Mode.Result) def plot_property(self, variable, filename=None, mean=False): """Basic function to plot time series of any output variables.""" import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from matplotlib import dates hfmt = dates.DateFormatter('%d %b %Y %H:%M') fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.gca() ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(hfmt) plt.xticks(rotation='vertical') data = self.result[variable].T if mean is True: # Taking average over elements data = data.mean(dim='trajectory', keep_attrs=True) plt.plot(self.result.time, data) plt.title(variable) plt.xlabel('Time [UTC]') if hasattr(data, 'units'): plt.ylabel('%s [%s]' % (variable, data.units)) else: plt.ylabel(variable) plt.subplots_adjust(bottom=.3) plt.grid() if filename is None: else: plt.savefig(filename)
[docs] @require_mode(mode=Mode.Result) def get_property(self, propname): """Get property from result, sorted by status.""" logger.warning('Method get_property is obsolete and will soon be removed. Use o.result.<property> instead.') index_of_first, index_of_last = self.index_of_first_and_last() prop = self.result[propname].copy() status = self.result.status.copy() j = np.arange(status.shape[1]) return prop.T, status.T
[docs] @require_mode(mode=Mode.Result) def get_trajectory_lengths(self): """Calculate lengths and speeds along trajectories.""" lons = self.result.lon.T lats = geod = pyproj.Geod(ellps='WGS84') a1, a2, distances = geod.inv(lons[0:-1, :], lats[0:-1, :], lons[1::, :], lats[1::, :]) distances[np.isnan(distances)] = 0 speeds = distances / self.time_step_output.total_seconds() distances[speeds > 100] = 0 # TODO: need better way to mask invalid distances speeds[speeds > 100] = 0 # due to masked lons/lats arrays total_length = np.cumsum(distances, 0)[-1, :] return total_length, distances, speeds
[docs] @require_mode(mode=Mode.Run) def update_positions(self, x_vel, y_vel): """Move particles according to given velocity components. This method shall account for projection metrics (a distance on a map projection does not necessarily correspond to the same distance over true ground (not yet implemented). Arguments: x_vel and v_vel: floats, velocities in m/s of particle along x- and y-axes of the inherit SRS (proj4). """ geod = pyproj.Geod(ellps='WGS84') azimuth = np.degrees(np.arctan2(x_vel, y_vel)) # Direction of motion velocity = np.sqrt(x_vel**2 + y_vel**2) # Velocity in m/s velocity = velocity * self.elements.moving # Do not move frosen elements # Calculate new positions self.elements.lon,, back_az = geod.fwd( self.elements.lon,, azimuth, velocity * self.time_step.total_seconds()) # Check that new positions are valid if (self.elements.lon.min() < -180) or (self.elements.lon.min() > 360) or ( < -90) or ( > 90):'Invalid new coordinates:') sys.exit('Quitting')
[docs] def plot_memory_usage(self, filename=None): plt.plot(self.memory_usage) plt.ylabel('Virtual memory [GB]') plt.xlabel('Calculation time step') if filename is None: else: plt.savefig(filename) plt.close()
[docs] def __repr__(self): """String representation providing overview of model status.""" outStr = '===========================\n' if self.result is not None: outStr += self.performance() outStr += '===========================\n' outStr += 'Model:\t' + type(self).__name__ + \ ' (OpenDrift version %s)\n' % opendrift.__version__ outStr += '\t%s active %s particles (%s deactivated, %s scheduled)\n'\ % (self.num_elements_active(), self.ElementType.__name__, self.num_elements_deactivated(), self.num_elements_scheduled()) variable_groups, reader_groups, missing = self.env.get_reader_groups() outStr += '-------------------\n' outStr += 'Environment variables:\n' for i, variableGroup in enumerate(variable_groups): outStr += ' -----\n' readerGroup = reader_groups[i] for variable in sorted(variableGroup): outStr += ' ' + variable + '\n' for i, reader in enumerate(readerGroup): outStr += ' ' + str(i + 1) + ') ' + reader + '\n' if len(self.env.missing_variables()) > 0: outStr += ' -----\n' outStr += 'Readers not added for the following variables:\n' for variable in sorted(self.env.missing_variables()): outStr += ' ' + variable + '\n' lazy_readers = [ r for r in self.env.readers if self.env.readers[r].is_lazy is True ] if len(lazy_readers) > 0: outStr += '---\nLazy readers:\n' for lr in lazy_readers: outStr += ' ' + lr + '\n' outStr += '\nDiscarded readers:\n' for dr, reason in self.env.discarded_readers.items(): outStr += ' %s (%s)\n' % (dr, reason) if hasattr(self, 'time'): outStr += '\nTime:\n' outStr += '\tStart: %s UTC\n' % (self.start_time) outStr += '\tPresent: %s UTC\n' % (self.time) if hasattr(self, 'time_step'): outStr += '\tCalculation steps: %i * %s - total time: %s\n' % ( self.steps_calculation, self.time_step, self.time - self.start_time) outStr += '\tOutput steps: %i * %s\n' % (len(self.result.time), self.time_step_output) if hasattr(self, 'messages'): outStr += '-------------------\n' outStr += self.get_messages() outStr += '===========================\n' return outStr
[docs] def store_message(self, message): """Store important messages to be displayed to user at end.""" if not hasattr(self, 'messages'): self.messages = [] self.messages.append(message)
[docs] def get_messages(self): """Report any messages stored during simulation.""" if hasattr(self, 'messages'): return str(self.messages).strip('[]') + '\n' else: return ''
[docs] def add_halo_readers(self): """Adding some Thredds and file readers in prioritised order""" self.add_readers_from_file(self.test_data_folder() + '../../opendrift/scripts/data_sources.txt')
[docs] def __save_animation__(self, fig, plot_timestep, filename, frames, fps, blit, interval): if filename is None or 'sphinx_gallery' in sys.modules: stack_offset = 4 import gc fr = sys._getframe(2) for o in gc.get_objects(): if inspect.isfunction(o) and o.__code__ is fr.f_code: if hasattr(getattr(self, o.__name__), '__wrapped__'): stack_offset = 5 filename = self._sphinx_gallery_filename(stack_offset=stack_offset)'Saving animation to ' + str(filename) + '...') start_time = writer = None if str(filename)[-4:] == '.gif': writer = animation.PillowWriter(fps=fps) # writer=animation.ImageMagickWriter(fps=fps) elif str(filename)[-4:] == '.mp4': writer = animation.FFMpegWriter( fps=fps, codec='libx264', bitrate=1800, extra_args=[ '-profile:v', 'baseline', '-vf', 'crop=trunc(iw/2)*2:trunc(ih/2)*2', # cropping 1 pixel if not even '-pix_fmt', 'yuv420p', '-an' ]) else: # fallback to using funcwriter anim = animation.FuncAnimation(fig, plot_timestep, blit=blit, frames=frames, interval=interval) if writer is not None: with writer.saving(fig, filename, None): for i in frames if isinstance(frames, (list, range)) else range(frames): plot_timestep(i) writer.grab_frame() logger.debug(f"MPLBACKEND = {matplotlib.get_backend()}") logger.debug(f"DISPLAY = {os.environ.get('DISPLAY', 'None')}") logger.debug('Time to save animation: %s' % ( - start_time)) plt.close()
[docs] def calculate_ftle(self, reader=None, delta=None, domain=None, time=None, time_step=None, duration=None, z=0, RLCS=True, ALCS=True): if reader is None:'No reader provided, using first available:') reader = list(self.env.readers.items())[0][1] if isinstance(reader, pyproj.Proj): proj = reader elif isinstance(reader, str): proj = pyproj.Proj(reader) else: proj = reader.proj from opendrift.models.physics_methods import ftle if not isinstance(duration, timedelta): duration = timedelta(seconds=duration) if domain == None: xs = np.arange(reader.xmin, reader.xmax, delta) ys = np.arange(reader.ymin, reader.ymax, delta) else: xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax = domain xs = np.arange(xmin, xmax, delta) ys = np.arange(ymin, ymax, delta) X, Y = np.meshgrid(xs, ys) lons, lats = proj(X, Y, inverse=True) if time is None: time = reader.start_time if not isinstance(time, list): time = [time] # dictionary to hold LCS calculation lcs = {'time': time, 'lon': lons, 'lat': lats} lcs['RLCS'] = np.zeros((len(time), len(ys), len(xs))) lcs['ALCS'] = np.zeros((len(time), len(ys), len(xs))) T = np.abs(duration.total_seconds()) for i, t in enumerate(time):'Calculating LCS for ' + str(t)) # Forwards if RLCS is True: o = self.clone() o.seed_elements(lons.ravel(), lats.ravel(), time=t, z=z), time_step=time_step) lon = o.result.lon.ffill(dim='time') lat ='time') b_x1, b_y1 = proj(lon.T[-1].values.reshape(X.shape), lat.T[-1].values.reshape(X.shape)) lcs['RLCS'][i, :, :] = ftle(b_x1 - X, b_y1 - Y, delta, T) # Backwards if ALCS is True: o = self.clone() o.seed_elements(lons.ravel(), lats.ravel(), time=t + duration, z=z), time_step=-time_step) lon = o.result.lon.ffill(dim='time') lat ='time') b_x1, b_y1 = proj(lon.T[-1][::-1].values.reshape(X.shape), lat.T[-1][::-1].values.reshape(X.shape)) lcs['ALCS'][i, :, :] = ftle(b_x1 - X, b_y1 - Y, delta, T) lcs['RLCS'] =['RLCS']) lcs['ALCS'] =['ALCS']) # Flipping ALCS left-right. Not sure why this is needed # >> not needed anymore now that re-ordering is done above # lcs['ALCS'] = lcs['ALCS'][:, ::-1, ::-1] return lcs
[docs] def center_of_gravity(self, onlysurface=False): """ calculate center of mass and variance of all elements returns (lon,lat), variance where (lon,lat) are the coordinates of the center of mass as function of time""" lon, lat = self.result.lon, x, y = self.proj_latlon(lon, lat) if onlysurface == True: z = self.result.z submerged = z < 0 x =, mask=submerged) y =, mask=submerged) # center of gravity: x_m, y_m =, axis=0),, axis=0) center = self.proj_latlon(x_m, y_m, inverse=True) one = np.ones_like(x) # variance: variance = - x_m * one)**2 + (y - y_m * one)**2, axis=0) return center, variance
[docs] def gui_postproc(self): '''To be overloaded by subclasses''' pass