Top-level API#
Construct a CF-compliant trajectory dataset from a CSV file. |
Construct a CF-compliant trajectory dataset from a pd.DataFrame of positions. |
Create a CF-compatible trajectory file from dictionary of drifter positions |
See |
Trajectory x coordinates (usually longitude). |
Trajectory y coordinates (usually latitude). |
Retrieve the trajectories in geographic coordinates (longitudes). |
Retrieve the trajectories in geographic coordinates (latitudes). |
Retrieve the pyproj.crs.CRS object from the CF-defined grid-mapping in the dataset. |
Retrieve a cartopy CRS from the pyproj CRS. |
Transform this datasets to to_crs coordinate system. |
Create a transformer useful for transforming other coordinates to the CRS of this dataset. |
Returns a new dataset with the CF-supported grid-mapping / projection set to crs. |
Return a new dataset with CF-standard and common attributes set. |
Find index of last valid position along each trajectory. |
Returns the speed [m/s] along trajectories. |
Returns the timedelta between time steps. |
Distance between trajectories or a single point. |
Returns distance in meters from one position to the next along trajectories. |
Returns azimution travel direction in degrees from one position to the next. |
Returns distance in meters of each trajectory. |
Compare the skill score between this trajectory and an expected trajectory. |
Returns velocity components [m/s] from one position to the next. |
Return the scipy convex hull for all particles, in geographical coordinates. |
Return True if given point is within the scipy convex hull for all particles. |
Return the area [m2] of the convex hull spanned by all positions. |
Interpolate dataset to a regular time interval or a different grid. |
Select on each trajectory. |
Select observations in time window between t0 and t1 (inclusive). |
Select observations by index (of non-nan, time, observation) across trajectories. |
Remove parts of trajectories outside of given geographical bounds. |
Return only trajectories fully within given geographical bounds. |
Returns True if dataset is 1D, i.e. time is a 1D coordinate variable. |
Returns True if dataset is 2D, i.e. time is a 2D variable and not a coordinate variable. |
Convert dataset into a 1D dataset from. |
Convert dataset into a 2D dataset from. |
Move all observations to the first index, so that the observation dimension is reduced to a minimum. |