:py:mod:`opendrift.readers.reader_constant` =========================================== .. py:module:: opendrift.readers.reader_constant Module Contents --------------- Classes ~~~~~~~ .. autoapisummary:: opendrift.readers.reader_constant.Reader .. py:class:: Reader(parameter_value_map) Bases: :py:obj:`opendrift.readers.basereader.BaseReader`, :py:obj:`opendrift.readers.basereader.ContinuousReader` A very simple reader that always give the same value for its variables init with a map {'variable_name': value, ...} .. py:method:: get_variables(requestedVariables, time=None, x=None, y=None, z=None) Obtain and return values of the requested variables at all positions (x, y, z) closest to given time. Returns: Dictionary with arrays of length len(x) with values at exact positions x, y and z.